Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Saturday, 26 August 2023

Linguistic Archaeology: Origin of the Turtle

Turtle in almost every language
1. Turtle
2. Skilpad
3. breshkë
4. ēlī
5. sulhufaa
6. Kria
7. Turtuja
8. Tısbağa
9. Koorokaara
10. Dortoka
11. Čarapacha
12. Kacchapa
13. Kornjača
14. Kostenurka
15. Tortuga
16. Pawikan
17. Kamba
18. Guī
19. Tartaruga
20. Želva
21. Skildpadde
22. kahan'bu
23. B*PD (dogri)
24. Schildpad
25. Testudo (esperanto)
26. Kilpkonn
27. Klo
28. Pagong
29. Kilpikonna
30. Tortue
31. Skyldpod
32. k’us
33. Schildkröte
34. Chelóna
35. Karumbe
36. Kācabō
37. Kunkuru
38. Honu
39. CB (hebrew)
40. kachhua
41. vaub kib
42. Teknősbéka
43. Skjaldbaka
44. Pag-ong
45. Penyu
46. turtar
47. Kame
48. Āme
49. Tasbaqa
50. a ntae k
51. Akanyamasyo
52. *V (konkani)
53. geobug-i
54. Trɔki
55. Req (kurmanji kurdish)
56. K*S* (sorani kurdish)
57. taşbaka
58. teoa
59. Turtur (latin)
60. Bruņurupucis
61. Nkoba
62. Vėžlys
63. Enfudu
64. Schildkröt
65. Želka
66. sokatra
67. aama
68. Fekruna
69. Kāsava
70. Sumsi
71. Melkhii
72. liut
73. Kachuvā
74. Skilpadde
75. Qocaa
76. T*T (pashto)
77. *T (persian)
78. Kachū
79. Charapa
80. Broasca testoasa
81. Cherepakha
82. Laumei
83. AFP (sanskrit)
84. Pshinyaleraga
85. Kgudu
86. KMY (sindhi)
87. kæsbǣvā
88. Korytnačka
89. kuya
90. Kasa
91. Sköldpadda
92. sangpuşt
93. Āmai
94. TA*BA*A (tatar)
95. Tābēlu
96. Tèā
97. A* (tigrinya)
98. Mfutsu
99. Kaplumbağa
100. Pyşbaga
101. Nsuom akyekyedeɛ
102. Cherepakha
103. K*H*A (urdu)
104. TA*PAQA (uyghur)
105. Toshbaqa
106. Con rùa
107. Crwban
108. Ufudo
109. tsherepakhe
110. Ufudu

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
74 67%    34 31%   23 21%  32 29%     37 33%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
24 22%    22 20%   14 12%    7   6%        12 11%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
20 18%    3   2%      53 48%   25 22%     14 12%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
25 22%    26 23%   5     4%     32 29%     34 31%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
31 28%   7    6%      2     1%    0     0%       10    9%

Z      %
3    2%

Popularity of use
67% A: A* (tigrinya),
48% K, A:
33% U, K, A:
31% S, E, U, K, A: k’us, K*S* (sorani kurdish), Kasa,
29% R, O, S, E, U, K, A: Koorokaara,
28% T, R, O, S, E, U, K, A: teoa, Turtur (latin), sokatra, T*T (pashto), *T (persian), Tèā, Tortue, turtar,
23% P, T, R, O, S, E, U, K, A:
22% N, L, B, P, T, R, O, S, E, U, K, A: TA*BA*A (tatar), Tābēlu, taşbaka, Nkoba, a ntae k, Kostenurka, Klo, Kunkuru, Teknősbéka, Turtle,
21% I, N, L, B, P, T, R, O, S, E, U, K, A: Kilpikonna, liut, ēlī, Kria, Kilpkonn,
20% C, I, N, L, B, P, T, R, O, S, E, U, K, A: Broasca testoasa, Con rùa, Trɔki, Bruņurupucis, Kācabō, CB (hebrew),
18% H, C, I, N, L, B, P, T, R, O, S, E, U, K, A: Cherepakha, K*H*A (urdu), tsherepakhe, Kachū, Charapa, Cherepakha, Honu, kachhua, Chelóna, Čarapacha, Kacchapa, kahan'bu, breshkë,
12% M, D, H, C, I, N, L, B, P, T, R, O, S, E, U, K, A: Sköldpadda, Āmai, Ufudu, Skilpadde, Laumei, aama, Sumsi, Melkhii, Kame, Āme, Schildkröt, Schildkröte, Karumbe, B*PD (dogri), Schildpad, Testudo (esperanto), Kamba, Skildpadde, Skilpad, Dortoka,
11% G, M, D, H, C, I, N, L, B, P, T, R, O, S, E, U, K, A: sangpuşt, Kaplumbağa, Kgudu, Pag-ong, geobug-i, Guī, Tartaruga, Pagong, Tortuga, Tısbağa,
9% Y, G, M, D, H, C, I, N, L, B, P, T, R, O, S, E, U, K, A: Pyşbaga, Nsuom akyekyedeɛ, KMY (sindhi), Korytnačka, kuya, Pshinyaleraga, Skyldpod, Penyu, Akanyamasyo,
6% V, F, Y, G, M, D, H, C, I, N, L, B, P, T, R, O, S, E, U, K, A: Mfutsu, Ufudo, AFP (sanskrit), kæsbǣvā, Fekruna, Kāsava, Kachuvā, *V (konkani), Enfudu, sulhufaa, vaub kib,
4% Q, V, F, Y, G, M, D, H, C, I, N, L, B, P, T, R, O, S, E, U, K, A: TA*PAQA (uyghur), Toshbaqa, Tasbaqa, Req (kurmanji kurdish), Qocaa,
2% W, Z, Q, V, F, Y, G, M, D, H, C, I, N, L, B, P, T, R, O, S, E, U, K, A: Skjaldbaka, Turtuja, Kornjača, Vėžlys, Želva, Želka,
1% W, J, Z, Q, V, F, Y, G, M, D, H, C, I, N, L, B, P, T, R, O, S, E, U, K, A: Pawikan, Crwban,
0% X

Conclusion: Originating in the A-K linguistic subgroup:

A-K subgroup                         Sex          %        Dev. Chain                 Band Gap
Inuit                                           M         83%     (A; K; N, Q, L, S, O)
Orville Krill                                            82%      (A; K; O; L; S, R)
Inuit                                            F          75%     (A; K; L; I; T, O, S)                U
Skull                                                       75%     (A; K; E; L)
Crow                                                      74%     (A; K; R; O; G)
To fuck                                                 72%     (A; K; E; I, T)
Toad                                                     67%     (A; K; O)
Turtle                                                    67%      (A; K; U; E, S)
Cat                                                        63%      (A; K; T; I)

Earliest partial turtle is at less than 67% with A* (tigrinya), this is followed by a gap from 48%-33%.
Encounters with turtles again occurs from 31%-28%.

Interest in turtles declines to a bandgap at 23%. At 22% encounters with turtles returns, Peaking at 12% before declining down to 1%. 

Wednesday, 23 August 2023

Linguistic Archaeology: The Secret of Silk

 Silk in almost every language

1. Silk
2. Sy
3. Mëndafshi
4. ḥāri
5. alharir
6. Metak’s
7. *M (assamese)
8. Juch'usa
9. İpək
10. Fuu
11. Zeta
12. šoŭk
13. Silka
14. *M (bhojpuri)
15. Svila
16. Koprina
17. Seda
18. Silika
19. Sīchóu
20. Seta
21. Hedvábí
22. Silke
23. oo
24. Zijde
25. Silko (esperanto)
26. Siid
27. Ɖetsi
28. Sutla
29. Silkki
30. Soie
31. Side
32. abreshumi
33. Seide
34. Metáxi
35. Ysorenimbo
36. Rēśama
37. Swa
38. Siliki
39. M*J (hebrew)
40. chaalaak
41. Selyem
42. Silki
43. Sutra
44. Síoda
45. Shiruku
46. Rēṣme
47. Jibek
48. saut
49. *M (konkani)
50. silkeu
51. Hevirmêş (kurmanji kurdish)
52. *A*R* (sorani kurdish)
53. pha haim
54. Sericum (latin)
55. Zīds
56. Šilkas
57. Liiri
58. Seid
59. *M (maithili)
60. sutera
61. pattu
62. Ħarir
63. Hiraka
64. Rēśīma
65. Maimaw puan
66. Torgo
67. poe
68. Rēśama
69. Suufii
70. *RE*M* (pashto)
71. ABRY*M (persian)
72. Jedwab
73. Mătase
74. Shelk
75. *Y (sanskrit)
76. Sìoda
77. Sirika
78. RY*M (sindhi)
79. sēda
80. Hodváb
81. Xariir
82. Hariri
83. Aʙreşim
84. Paṭṭu
85. EF* (tatar)
86. P̄ĥā h̄ịm
87. İpek
88. Küpek
89. Asaawa
90. Shovk
91. PY*M (urdu)
92. YIPE* (uyghur)
93. Lụa
94. Sidan
95. Isilika
96. zayd
97. Usilika

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
49 51%    38 39%   51 53%  12 12%      19 19%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
8     8%    4    4%     16 16%    4    4%       1     1%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
18 18%    5   5%      24 25%   19 19%     26   30%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
5     5%    12 12%    0     0%    25 26%      52 54%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
13 13%    5   5%      4     4%     2    2%       9     9%

Z      %
4    4%

Popularity of use
54% S:
53% I, S:
51% A; I, S:
39% E, A; I, S:
30% M, E, A; I, S: *M (assamese), *M (bhojpuri), *M (konkani), *M (maithili),
26% R, M, E, A; I, S: Rēśīma, Rēśama, *RE*M* (pashto), Rēśama, Rēṣme, *A*R* (sorani kurdish),
25% K, R, M, E, A; I, S: Sirika,
19% L, U, K, R, M, E, A; I, S: Lụa, Isilika, Usilika, Šilkas, Liiri, silkeu, Siliki, Silki, Silika, Silke, Silkki, Silka, Silk,
18% H, L, U, K, R, M, E, A; I, S: Shelk, Hariri, Ħarir, Hiraka, ḥāri, alharir, Shiruku,
16% D, H, L, U, K, R, M, E, A; I, S: Seid, sēda, Side, Seide, Siid, Seda,
13% T, D, H, L, U, K, R, M, E, A; I, S: sutera, Mătase, saut, Sutra, Ɖetsi, Sutla, Seta, Metak’s,
12% P, O, T, D, H, L, U, K, R, M, E, A; I, S: Paṭṭu, P̄ĥā h̄ịm, İpek, Küpek, pattu, poe, İpək, pha haim, Síoda, Sìoda, Silko (esperanto), Soie, oo, šoŭk,
9% Y, P, O, T, D, H, L, U, K, R, M, E, A; I, S: PY*M (urdu), YIPE* (uyghur), RY*M (sindhi), *Y (sanskrit), Sy, Selyem,
8% B, Y, P, O, T, D, H, L, U, K, R, M, E, A; I, S: ABRY*M (persian), Aʙreşim, abreshumi,
5% V, N, J, B, Y, P, O, T, D, H, L, U, K, R, M, E, A; I, S: Hodváb, Shovk, Hedvábí, Hevirmêş (kurmanji kurdish), Svila, Ysorenimbo, Sidan, Koprina, M*J (hebrew), Jibek,
4% Z, W, F, C, V, N, J, B, Y, P, O, T, D, H, L, U, K, R, M, E, A; I, S: Zīds, zayd, Zeta, Zijde, Jedwab, Asaawa, Swa, Maimaw puan, Suufii, EF* (tatar), Fuu, Mëndafshi, chaalaak, Sericum (latin), Juch'usa, Sīchóu,
2% X, Z, W, F, C, V, N, J, B, Y, P, O, T, D, H, L, U, K, R, M, E, A; I, S: Metáxi, Xariir,
1% G, X, Z, W, F, C, V, N, J, B, Y, P, O, T, D, H, L, U, K, R, M, E, A; I, S: Torgo,
0% Q

Conclusion: Originating in the S Linguistic group;

S group                             Sex          %        Dev. Chain             Bandgap
Scythian                             M         100%    (S; A; U; I, C, H, L, R)   
Roman                               M          85%      (S; U; I; A; L)
Mod. Greek                       M          85%      (S; O; I; A; N; E)
Byzantine                          M         85%       (S; I; U, A, E)
Anc. Greek                        M         84%       (S; O; E; A; I)
(+OS) PIE Animals                        75%      (S; O; K; A; E)
Celt                                    M         70%       (S; I; U; A; O)
• Monster                            58%       (S; R; A; N; T, O)
• Silk                                     54%      (S; I; A; E; M; R; K)
• Secret                                52%      (S; I; A; R; T; M)

The earliest partial Silks are at 30% with *M (assamese), *M (bhojpuri), *M (konkani) and *M (maithili).
At 26% the word for silk is repeatedly in the form 'RES*M*' which sounds a lot like the word  'Resin'.
Interest declines at 25%, though a few peaks occur after this, it's not until 4% that it is greatly accessible (a sign of availability from export?).but it declines down to 1%.

Delve into the Mountains...

Wednesday, 16 August 2023

Linguistic Archaeology: Encountering the Ape

Ape in almost every language
1. Ape
2. Aap
3. Majmuni
4. zinijero
5. qird
6. Kapik
7. *R (assamese)
8. meymun
9. Tximinoa
10. Malpa
11. Bānara
12. Majmun
13. Maĭmuna
14. Simi
15. Yuán
16. Scimmia
17. Oponašati
18. Opice
19. *R (dogri)
20. Simio (esperanto)
21. Ahv
22. Apina
23. Singe
24.  Mono
25. maimuni
26. Affe
27. Píthikos
28. Biri
29. K*F (hebrew)
30. Emberszabású majom
31. Api
32. enwe
33. Uleg
34. Kera
35. Aip
36. Scimmia
37. Saru
38. Vānara
39. Maymıl
40. satv sva
41. *R (konkani)
42. wonsung-i
43. Meymûn (kurmanji kurdish)
44. *N (sorani kurdish)
45. ngu
46. Simiae (latin)
47. Pērtiķis
48. Beždžionė
49. Enkima
50. *R (maithili)
51. rajako
52. beruk
53. kurangan
54. *N (manipuri)
55. Mich
56. myawwat wan
57. Apee
58. B*ZENH (pashto)
59. B*ZYNE (persian)
60. Małpa
61. Macaco
62. Bāndara
63. Maimuţă
64. Obez'yana
65. Tšhwene
66. BNDR (sindhi)
67. vānarayā
68. Opica
69. daanyeer
70. Tumbili
71. Apa
72. Kuraṅku
73. MAYML (tatar)
74. Kōti
75. Ling
76. A* (tigrinya)
77. Maymun
78. Maýmyn
79. Mavpa
80. BNDR (urdu)
81. vượn
82. Epa
83. Inkawu
84. nokhmakhn

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
49 59%    23 27%   31 37%  16 19%      19 22%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
12 14%    6   7%      6     7%    2    2%       6      7%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
6     7%     5   6%     13 15%    7    8%      27 32%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
40 48%    17 20%    1    1%     21 25%     13 15%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
10 12%    6   7%      5     6%     1    1%       12 14%

Z      %
6    7%

Popularity of use
59% A: A* (tigrinya),
48% N, A: *N (sorani kurdish), *N (manipuri),
37% I, N, A:
32% M, I, N, A:
27% E, M, I, N, A:
25% R, E, M, I, N, A: *R (assamese), *R (dogri), *R (konkani), *R (maithili),
22% U, R, E, M, I, N, A: Maĭmuna, maimuni,
20% P, U, R, E, M, I, N, A: Apee, Apa, Epa, Api, Aip, Apina, Ape, Aap,
19% O, P, U, R, E, M, I, N, A: Mono,
15% S, K, O, P, U, R, E, M, I, N, A: Simiae (latin), Enkima, Kuraṅku, Kera, Saru, Simi, Simio (esperanto), Kapik,
14% Y, B, S, K, O, P, U, R, E, M, I, N, A: Maymun, Maýmyn, Meymûn (kurmanji kurdish), beruk, Yuán, Biri, meymun, Bānara,
12% T, Y, B, S, K, O, P, U, R, E, M, I, N, A: Maimuţă, Kōti, Oponašati, Pērtiķis,
8% L, T, Y, B, S, K, O, P, U, R, E, M, I, N, A: Tumbili, MAYML (tatar), Malpa, Maymıl,
7% Z, V, H, G, D, C, L, T, Y, B, S, K, O, P, U, R, E, M, I, N, A: Mavpa, vượn, satv sva, vānarayā, Vānara, Ahv, B*ZENH (pashto), B*ZYNE (persian), Obez'yana, Beždžionė, daanyeer, BNDR (urdu), BNDR (sindhi), Mich, nokhmakhn, Píthikos, ngu, kurangan, Uleg, Singe, Scimmia, Macaco,  Scimmia, Opice, Ling, Opica,
6% W, J, Z, V, H, G, D, C, L, T, Y, B, S, K, O, P, U, R, E, M, I, N, A: Inkawu, myawwat wan, Tšhwene, wonsung-i, rajako, Emberszabású majom, enwe, Majmuni, zinijero, Majmun,
2% F, W, J, Z, V, H, G, D, C, L, T, Y, B, S, K, O, P, U, R, E, M, I, N, A: Affe, K*F (hebrew),
1% X, Q, F, W, J, Z, V, H, G, D, C, L, T, Y, B, S, K, O, P, U, R, E, M, I, N, A: qird, Tximinoa,

Conclusion: Originating in the A-N-I subgroup;

A-N-I subgroup                         Sex          %        Dev. Chain
Armenian Family names                       99%     (A; N; I; R; K; O; H)
Indigenous Tribes of NT                        85%    (A; N; I; G; R; M, U)
African/Oth.                               F           80%     (A; N; I; M; E; U; K)
The Pillars of Heaven                            78%     (A; N; I; E; S; L; R)
Swim                                                         68%    (A; N; I; U; E)
Dungeon                                                   68%    (A; N; I; E; O)
Blindness                                                  62%   (A; N; I; E; U; T)
Ape                                                            59%    (A; N; I; M; E; R; U)
Ring                                                           53%    (A; N; I; R; E; G)
Five (number)                                          49%    (A; N; I; P; E)

It will have originated at below 59%, the earliest partial being A* (tigrinya), then at 48% with *N (sorani kurdish), *N (manipuri), There is a gap from 37%-27% before the first Ape appears in Maĭmuna (bulgarian) and maimuni (georgian). Encounters with Apes peak at 7% before declining down to 1%.

A-N-I-M-E for both African/Other female and Ape implies a high degree of linguistic origin from one of the linguistic groups in Africa not examined individually (Bantu perhaps).


Friday, 4 August 2023

Linguistic Archaeology: Apache Dictionary

Apache Dictionary
1. chíchn'il (Acorn)
2. ikaz (agave)
3. jaagé (antelope)
4. ndee (apache)
5. masáána (apple)
6. mé (baby)
7. bighán (back)
8. gonolkai (battle)
9. shash (bear)
10. dénzhóné (beautiful)
11. chaa (beaver)
12. nchaa (big)
13. dilhil (black)
14. k'os joolí (blue heron)
15. doo nnldzig (brave)
16. ban (bread)
17. shik'isn (brother/sister)
18. doolé (butterfly)
19. nahidiih (buy)
20. tl'akal (camp-dress/skirt)
21. gídí (cat)
22. chagáshé (children)
23. inashoog (christian)
24. yaak'os (cloud)
25. sik'az (cold)
26. nal'eeli (duck)
27. bijaa (ears)
28. tsebíí (eight)
29. bidáá (eyes)
30. shitaa (father)
31. bikee (feet)
32. bilagan (fingers)
33. log (fish)
34. ashdla'i (five)
35. dii'i (four)
36. dii'd (four)
37. goyáálé (geronimo)
38. shaa he'né'í (give)
39. ch'ikii (girls)
40. bik'ehgo'ihi'dan (God)
41. ch'ígháh (go)
42. shiwóyé hastiin (mother's father)
43. shichoo (father's father)
44. bitsizíl (hair)
45. bigan (hand)
46. bitsits'in (head)
47. bilii (horse)
48. sidog (hot)
49. bikih (house)
50. gánii (know)
51. túsikanni (lake)
52. hidloh (laughs)
53. ngost'ái (nine)
54. dah (no)
55. bichíh (nose)
56. dalaá (one)
57. búh (owl)
58. góchi (pig)
59. obé'tsin (pinion tree)
60. gah (rabbit)
61. gosts'igi (seven)
62. biwos (shoulder)
63. shik'isn (sister)
64. gostán (six)
65. tl'iish (snake)
66. zas (snow)
67. bibig (stomach)
68. ch'ígoná'áí (sun)
69. nabíí'ees (sunrise dance)
70. goneznán (ten)
71. táági (three)
72. tazhii (turkey)
73. ch'ishoogi (turkey vulture)
74. nadin (twenty)
75. naki (two)
76. tú (water)
77. indaa (white person)
78. isdzán (woman)

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
44 56%    16 20%   55 70%  23 29%      3     3%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
19 24%   11 14%    17 21%    0    0%      25 32%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
31 39%    3   3%      14 17%   16 20%     2      2%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
32 41%    0   0%      0    0%     0    0%       29 37%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
14 17%    0   0%      2     2%    0     0%       3     3%

Z      %
9  11%

Popularity of use
70% I:
56% A, I:
41% N, A, I:
39% H, N, A, I:
37% S, H, N, A, I: shash (bear),
32% G, S, H, N, A, I: gánii (know), gah (rabbit),
29% O, G, S, H, N, A, I: nashoog (christian),
24% B, O, G, S, H, N, A, I: bibig (stomach), bighán (back), ban (bread), bigan (hand),
21% D, B, O, G, S, H, N, A, I: nadin (twenty), indaa (white person), bidáá (eyes), dii'i (four), dii'd (four), sidog (hot), dah (no), nahidiih (buy), gídí (cat),
20% L, E, D, B, O, G, S, H, N, A, I: bilii (horse), hidloh (laughs), bilagan (fingers), log (fish), ashdla'i (five), dalaá (one), nabíí'ees (sunrise dance), nal'eeli (duck), dilhil (black), doolé (butterfly), ndee (apache), shaa he'né'í (give),
17% T, K, L, E, D, B, O, G, S, H, N, A, I: táági (three), naki (two), gostán (six), tl'iish (snake), obé'tsin (pinion tree), gosts'igi (seven), shik'isn (sister), bikih (house), ngost'ái (nine), bik'ehgo'ihi'dan (God), bitsits'in (head), shitaa (father), bikee (feet), tsebíí (eight), shik'isn (brother/sister), tl'akal (camp-dress/skirt), gonolkai (battle),
14% C, T, K, L, E, D, B, O, G, S, H, N, A, I: ch'ígoná'áí (sun), ch'ishoogi (turkey vulture), nchaa (big), chaa (beaver), chagáshé (children), chíchn'il (Acorn), ch'ikii (girls), ch'ígháh (go), shichoo (father's father), bichíh (nose), góchi (pig),
11% Z, C, T, K, L, E, D, B, O, G, S, H, N, A, I: isdzán (woman), tazhii (turkey), goneznán (ten), zas (snow), sik'az (cold), bitsizíl (hair), dénzhóné (beautiful), doo nnldzig (brave), ikaz (agave),
3% Y, J, U, Z, C, T, K, L, E, D, B, O, G, S, H, N, A, I: túsikanni (lake), bijaa (ears), goyáálé (geronimo), k'os joolí (blue heron), yaak'os (cloud), jaagé (antelope), tú (water), búh (owl),
2% W, M, Y, J, U, Z, C, T, K, L, E, D, B, O, G, S, H, N, A, I: shiwóyé hastiin (mother's father), biwos (shoulder), masáána (apple), mé (baby),
0% F, P, Q, R, V, X

Conclusion: originating in the I linguistic group, specifically the I-A-N subgroup, along with Kikuyu female names, Apache Dictionary reveals a non-apache cultural dominance.

I-A-N Linguistic Subgroup       Sex        %       Development Chain
Kikuyu                                           F        73%     (I; A; N; W; U; R; M; O)
Apache Dictionary                               70%     (I; A; N; H; S; G; O; B; D)

There is certainly migration from Kikuyu Female to Apache Dictionary.

Kikuyu Dictionary            Apache Dictionary
Ga (No)                             Gah (rabbit)

The dictionary begins at 37%, peaking slightly before christianity, then growing  over time with a cultural peak at 17%. They go into a decline down to 2%.

The proximity of 'christian' and 'white person' near the cultural majority suggest the escape of a female kikuyu slave who became fundamental to the development of Apache language and Culture. The alternative is pre-european invasion by kikuyu people. The most significant rival of the Apache is considered the Anasazi. If the Anasazi are the kikuyu then the Anasazi won the war of cultural assimilation by being the dominant language influence. If they are not the Anasazi then the Apache were left culturally anihilated by the conflict.  Or the Apache were the Anasazi. 

So, who were the Apache before the Kikuyu cultural convergance?

Wednesday, 2 August 2023

Linguistic Archaeology: the origin of fermented things

 I keep planning to give this up...

Fermented in almost every language
1. Fermented
2. gefermenteer
3. E fermentuar
4. yeteboka
5. mukhmir
6. Fermentats’vats
7. Fermentado
8. Fermentasiya edilmiş
9. Fermenté
10. Hartzitua
11. Fiermientavany
12. Gām̐jānō
13. *L*L* (bhojpuri)
14. Fermentisano
15. Fermentiral
16. Fermentat
17. Gi-fermented
18. Chotupitsa
19. Fāxiào de
20. Fermentatu
21. Fermentiran
22. Fermentovaný
23. Fermenteret
24. *S* (dhivehi)
25. *A (dogri)
26. Gefermenteerd
27. Fermentita (esperanto)
28. Kääritatud
29. Wotsɔe ƒo ƒui
30. Fermentoitu
31. Fermentée
32. Fermentearre
33. perment’irebuli
34. Fermentiert
35. Zymoméno
36. Āthō
37. Fèrmante
38. Haihuwa
39. Hoʻomoʻa ʻia
40. M*ASS (hebrew)
41. kinvit
42. Fermentált
43. Gerjað
44. Fatịlaịza
45. Naalsem
46. Fermentasi
47. Coipthe
48. Fermentata
49. Fermentato
50. Hakkō shita
51. Hudugisida
52. Aşıtılğan
53. balhyo
54. F*RKRA* (sorani kurdish)
55. Açıtılgan
56. dong
57. Fermentum
58. Raudzēts
59. Fermentuotas
60. Ebizimbulukuse
61. Fermentéiert
62. Fermentirano
63. masirasira
64. diperam
65. pulippichathu
66. Iffermentat
67. Whakarewarewa
68. Āmbavalēlā
69. *N (manipuri)
70. Isgesen
71. hkyain sai
72. Kiṇvita
73. Fermentert
74. *MER*E (pashto)
75. T*YR*DE (persian)
76. Sfermentowany
77. Fermentada
78. Pharamaiṇṭa kītā
79. Fermentirovannyy
80. Fa'afefeteina
81. *M (sanskrit)
82. Aiseag
83. E bedišwa
84. E bedisitsoe
85. *MYR*YL (sindhi)
86. pæsuṇu
87. khamiirsan
88. Diferméntasi
89. Imechacha
90. Fermenterad
91. Fermentşuda
92. Puḷikkavaikkappaṭṭatu
93. FEPMEN*LANDAN (tatar)
94. Puliyabeṭṭindi
95. H̄mạk
96. ZTBGB (tigrinya)
97. Ku virisiwa
98. Fermente
99. Fermentlenen
100. Fermentovanyy
101. *MYR*DH (urdu)
102. Fermentlangan
103. lên men
104. eplesu
105. igwele
106. sibilile

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
64 60%    70 66%   49 46%   23 21%     20 19%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
10  9%     5   4%      21 20%    48 45%     14 13%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
16 15%    2   1%      15 14%   23 21%     63 60%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
61 58%    11 10%    0    0%     59 56%     28 26%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
65 61%    10 9%      7     6%    1   <1%      14 13%

Z      %
6    5%

Popularity of use
66% E:
62% T, E:
60% M, A, T, E: *MER*E (pashto), *M (sanskrit), *A (dogri),
58% N, M, A, T, E: *N (manipuri),
56% R, N, M, A, T, E:
47% I, R, N, M, A, T, E:
45% F, I, R, N, M, A, T, E: Fermente, Fa'afefeteina, Fermentert, Fermentéiert, Iffermentat, Fermentita (esperanto), Fermentée, Fermentearre, Fermentiert, Fèrmante, Fermentált, Fermentata, Fermenté, Fermentat, Fermentiran, Fermenteret,
27% S, F, I, R, N, M, A, T, E: masirasira, M*ASS (hebrew), Fermentasi, *S* (dhivehi),
22% O, S, F, I, R, N, M, A, T, E: Fermentirano, Fermentuotas, Fermentisano, Fermentato,
21% L, O, S, F, I, R, N, M, A, T, E: Fermentlenen, Lên men, Fermentiral, Naalsem, *L*L* (bhojpuri),
19% D, L, O, S, F, I, R, N, M, A, T, E: Diferméntasi, Fermenterad, Fermentada, Fermented, Fermentado,
18% U, D, L, O, S, F, I, R, N, M, A, T, E: Fermentum, Fermentşuda, Fermentatu, Fermentoitu, E fermentuar,
15% H, U, D, L, O, S, F, I, R, N, M, A, T, E: Āthō, Hoʻomoʻa ʻia,
14% K, H, U, D, L, O, S, F, I, R, N, M, A, T, E: khamiirsan, H̄mạk, Pharamaiṇṭa kītā, F*RKRA* (sorani kurdish), Kääritatud, Hakkō shita, mukhmir,
13% Y, G, K, H, U, D, L, O, S, F, I, R, N, M, A, T, E: *MYR*DH (urdu), Fermentlangan, Aiseag, *MYR*YL (sindhi), Isgesen, hkyain sai, T*YR*DE (persian), Hudugisida, Aşıtılğan, dong, Gi-fermented, Gefermenteerd, gefermenteer, Fermentasiya edilmiş,
10% P, Y, G, K, H, U, D, L, O, S, F, I, R, N, M, A, T, E: FEPMEN*LANDAN (tatar), eplesu, diperam, pulippichathu, pæsuṇu,
9% V, B, P, Y, G, K, H, U, D, L, O, S, F, I, R, N, M, A, T, E: Fermentovanyy, sibilile, E bedisitsoe, Puḷikkavaikkappaṭṭatu, Puliyabeṭṭindi, Kiṇvita, Fermentirovannyy, balhyo, Āmbavalēlā, perment’irebuli, kinvit, Fiermientavany, Fermentovaný, Fermentats’vats, yeteboka,
6% W, V, B, P, Y, G, K, H, U, D, L, O, S, F, I, R, N, M, A, T, E: Ku virisiwa, igwele, Whakarewarewa, Sfermentowany, E bedišwa, Haihuwa,
5% Z, W, V, B, P, Y, G, K, H, U, D, L, O, S, F, I, R, N, M, A, T, E: Ebizimbulukuse, ZTBGB (tigrinya), Raudzēts, Zymoméno, Fatịlaịza, Hartzitua,
4% C, Z, W, V, B, P, Y, G, K, H, U, D, L, O, S, F, I, R, N, M, A, T, E: Açıtılgan, Imechacha, Wotsɔe ƒo ƒui, Coipthe, Chotupitsa,
1% J, C, Z, W, V, B, P, Y, G, K, H, U, D, L, O, S, F, I, R, N, M, A, T, E: Gām̐jānō, Gerjað,
<1% X, J, C, Z, W, V, B, P, Y, G, K, H, U, D, L, O, S, F, I, R, N, M, A, T, E: Fāxiào de,
0% Q

Conclusion: originating in the E linguistic Group, with the earliest partial fermented substances at 60%-58%. A bandgap occurs from 56%-47%. Then interest in fermented things occuring and peaking at 45%, and then again at 13%, and then 9%, declining down to less than 1%.