Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Wednesday, 31 May 2023

Linguistic Archaeology: GLM June 2023



I hope you enjoyed exploring the history of the human race. 

Linguistic Archaeology: that time we experienced Blindness

Blindness in almost every language
1. Blindness
2. blindheid
3. verbëri
4. ayine siwirineti
5. aleamaa
6. kurut’yun
7. Juykhüña
8. Korluq
9. Fiyentcya
10. Itsutasuna
11. Sliepata
12. Andhatba
13. slijepilo
14. Slepota
15. Ceguesa
16. Pagkabuta
17. Kusaona
18. Shīmíng
19. Cecità
20. Sljepoća
21. Blindhed
22. loafanvumeve
23. *P* (dogri)
24. Blindeco (esperanto)
25. Pimedus
26. Njkuʋuʋu
27. Pagkabulag
28. Sokeus
29. Cécité
30. Blinens
31. Cegueira
32. sibrmave
33. Týflosi
34. Tesa’ỹi
35. Andhatva
36. Avèg
37. Makanta
38. Makapo
39. PJ*R*N (hebrew)
40. andhaapan
41. Qhov muag tsis pom kev
42. Vakság
43. Blinda
44. Ikpu ìsì
45. Panagbulsek
46. Kebutaan
47. Daille
48. Shitsumei
49. wuta
50. Kuruḍutana
51. Soqırlıq
52. pikear phnek
53. Ubuhumyi
54. *P* (konkani)
55. maengmog
56. Blaynd pcsin
57. Korî (kurmanji kurdish)
58. K*RB*N (sorani kurdish)
59. Sokurduk
60. tabod
61. caecitas (latin)
62. Aklums
63. Kokufa miso
64. Aklumas
65. Okuziba amaaso
66. Blannheet
67. Slepilo
68. *RP* (maithili)
69. fahajambana
70. Kebutaan
71. andha
72. Għama
73. Te matapo
74. *N (manipuri)
75. Mitdelna
76. Kharalgan baidal
77. myethci kwal hkyinn
78. Andhōpana
79. Blindhet
80. Jaamummaa
81. D*N*T*B (pashto)
82. NABYNAYY (persian)
83. Ślepota
84. Anhāpana
85. Ñawsa kay
86. Orbire
87. Tauaso
88. A*A (sanskrit)
89. Dall
90. Bofofu
91. Upofu
92. AND*Y* (sindhi)
93. andhabhāvaya
94. Indho la'aan
95. Ceguera
96. Buta-buta
97. Noʙinoī
98. Kuruṭṭuttaṉmai
99. S*YPLY* (tatar)
100. Andhatvaṁ
101. Tābxd
102. *WR*T (tigrinya)
103. Vubofu
104. Körlük
105. slipota
106. ANDHAPN (urdu)
107. QARIG* (uyghur)
108. Ko'rlik
109. mù lòa
110. Dallineb
111. Ubumfama
112. blindkeyt
113. Afọju
114. Ubumpumputhe

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
71 62%    42 37%   46 40%  33 29%      40 35%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
34 30%    10 8%     28 24%    10  8%       14 12%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
23 20%    8   7%      31 27%    35 30%     26 23%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
49 43%    27 23%    4    3%     22 19%     34 30%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
37 32%   9   7%       5     4%     1  <1%       15 13%

Z      %
1 <1%

Popularity of use
62% A: A*A (sanskrit),
43% N, A: *N (manipuri),
40% I, N, A
37% E, I, N, A:
35% U, E, I, N, A:
32% T, U, E, I, N, A:
30% S, L, B, T, U, E, I, N, A: Buta-buta, Itsutasuna, Blinens,
29% O, S, L, B, T, U, E, I, N, A: Tauaso, Noʙinoī,
27% K, O, S, L, B, T, U, E, I, N, A: Kebutaan, Kusaona, Sokeus, Kebutaan,
24% D, K, O, S, L, B, T, U, E, I, N, A: D*N*T*B (pashto), Dall, Dallineb, tabod, andha, Blinda, Daille, Blindness,
23% P, M, D, K, O, S, L, B, T, U, E, I, N, A: slipota, mù lòa, Te matapo, Mitdelna, Ślepota, Aklums, Aklumas, Slepilo, *P* (konkani), Makanta, Makapo, Ikpu ìsì, Sliepata, Slepota, *P* (dogri), Pimedus, aleamaa,
20% H, P, M, D, K, O, S, L, B, T, U, E, I, N, A: ANDHAPN (urdu), Ubumpumputhe, Anhāpana, Indho la'aan, Andhōpana, Blindhet, Blannheet, andhaapan, Shitsumei, Andhatba, Blindhed, blindheid,
19% R, H, P, M, D, K, O, S, L, B, T, U, E, I, N, A: Kuruṭṭuttaṉmai, Körlük, Ko'rlik, *RP* (maithili), Orbire, Korî (kurmanji kurdish), K*RB*N (sorani kurdish), Sokurduk, pikear phnek, Kuruḍutana,
13% Y, R, H, P, M, D, K, O, S, L, B, T, U, E, I, N, A: S*YPLY* (tatar), blindkeyt, AND*Y* (sindhi), NABYNAYY (persian), Ubuhumyi, kurut’yun, Tesa’ỹi,
12% G, Y, R, H, P, M, D, K, O, S, L, B, T, U, E, I, N, A: Għama, Kharalgan baidal, maengmog, Pagkabulag, Panagbulsek, Ceguesa, Pagkabuta, Shīmíng,
8% F, C, G, Y, R, H, P, M, D, K, O, S, L, B, T, U, E, I, N, A: Ceguera, Ubumfama, Bofofu, Upofu, Blaynd pcsin, caecitas (latin), Kokufa miso, Cegueira, Týflosi, Cécité, Cecità, Blindeco (esperanto), Fiyentcya,
7% V, J, F, C, G, Y, R, H, P, M, D, K, O, S, L, B, T, U, E, I, N, A: Andhatvaṁ, Vubofu, Afọju, fahajambana, Jaamummaa, andhabhāvaya, PJ*R*N (hebrew), Vakság, sibrmave, Avèg, loafanvumeve, Njkuʋuʋu, slijepilo, Sljepoća, verbëri, Juykhüña, Andhatva,
4% W, V, J, F, C, G, Y, R, H, P, M, D, K, O, S, L, B, T, U, E, I, N, A: Ñawsa kay, *WR*T (tigrinya), myethci kwal hkyinn, ayine siwirineti, wuta,
3% Q, W, V, J, F, C, G, Y, R, H, P, M, D, K, O, S, L, B, T, U, E, I, N, A: Soqırlıq, QARIG* (uyghur), Korluq, Qhov muag tsis pom kev,
<1% Z, X, Q, W, V, J, F, C, G, Y, R, H, P, M, D, K, O, S, L, B, T, U, E, I, N, A: Okuziba amaaso, Tābxd,

Conclusion: originating in the A-N-I linguistic subgroup;

the earliest paartial blindness are from 62% with A*A (sanskrit) to 43% with *N (manipuri).

There is a bandgap from 40%-32% before Blindness starts showing up at 30%. Peaking at 23%, before dropping down to 13%, peaking again at 7%, declining down to less than 1%. 

Linguistic Archaeology: Tolkien's Orcs & Black Speech (pdf)


Tolkien's Orcs

So... Black Speech is U linguistic group like Sumerian?

Thursday, 18 May 2023

Linguistic Archaeology: Those first Demons

 Words in almost every language

1. Demon
2. demoon
3. demoni
4. ganēni
5. shaytan
6. Satana
7. *SS (assamese)
8. Supaya
9. Şeytan
10. Sitanɛ
11. Deabru
12. Deman
13. Rākṣasa
14. *S (bhojpuri)
15. Dimoni
16. Demonyo
17. Chiwanda
18. Èmó
19. Demone
20. Démon
21. Dæmon
22. shaithaanaa
23. Demono (esperanto)
24. GBCGBCV (ewe)
25. Démone
26. Demo
27. Dämon
28. Daímonas
29. Aña
30. Aljani
31. daimonio
32. *D (hebrew)
33. Dab
34. Púki
35. Mmụọ ọjọọ
36. Demonio
37. Deamhain
38. Akuma
39. Jın
40. besach
41. Umudayimoni
42. agma
43. Dɛbul
44. Xerfît (kurmanji kurdish)
45. N*CR*S (sorani kurdish)
46. phi pisad
47. daemonium (latin)
48. Dēmons
49. Zabolo
50. Demonas
51. Omuzimu
53. syaitan
54. bhootham
55. Dimostrazzjoni
56. Rewera
57. Ramhuai
58. Chötgör
59. naatsoe
60. Hafuura hamaa
61. *EIAN (pashto)
62. DY* (persian)
63. Demônio
64. Bhūta
65. Supay
66. Temoni
67. Letimone
68. Modemona
69. Dhimoni
70. *YIAN (sindhi)
71. yakṣayā
72. Jinni
73. sétan
74. Pepo
75. Pēy
76. ONEN (tatar)
77. Rākṣasuḍu
78. A* (tigrinya)
79. Mademoni
80. İblis
81. Jyn
82. Honhommcne
83. EAL*AQTI (uyghur)
84. quỷ
85. Cythraul
86. Idemon
87. shed
88. Ànjọ̀nú

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
48 55%    40 45%   32 36%  38 43%      15 17%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
9  10%     7   8%      35 40%    2    2%       4    4%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
15 17%    7   8%      5    5%     7    8%       39 44%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
49 56%    6   6%      2    2%      11 12%     24 27%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
17 19%    1   1%      2     2%     1    1%       14 16%

Z      %
3    3%

Popularity of use
56% N:
55% A, N: A* (tigrinya), Aña,
45% E, A, N:
44% M, E, A, N:
43% O, M, E, A, N: ONEN (tatar), Èmó,
40% D, O, M, E, A, N: Modemona, Demone, Démon, Dæmon, Demono (esperanto), Démone, Demo, Dämon, Demon, demoon, Deman, *D (hebrew),
36% I, D, O, M, E, A, N: DEMONIA, *EIAN (pashto), Demônio, Mademoni, Idemon, daimonio, Demonio, demoni, Dimoni,
27% S, I, D, O, M, E, A, N: Dēmons, Demonas, *S (bhojpuri), Daímonas, *SS (assamese),
19% T, S, I, D, O, M, E, A, N: Temoni, sétan, naatsoe, Satana, Sitanɛ,
17% H, U, T, S, I, D, O, M, E, A, N: Dhimoni, shed, daemonium (latin), shaithaanaa, Deamhain,
16% Y, H, U, T, S, I, D, O, M, E, A, N: *YIAN (sindhi), yakṣayā, DY* (persian), Umudayimoni, syaitan, Şeytan, Demonyo, shaytan,
12% R, Y, H, U, T, S, I, D, O, M, E, A, N: Ramhuai,
10% B, R, Y, H, U, T, S, I, D, O, M, E, A, N: bhootham, Bhūta, Deabru, Dab,
8% L, J, C, B, R, Y, H, U, T, S, I, D, O, M, E, A, N: İblis, Jyn, Honhommcne, Cythraul, Ànjọ̀nú, Letimone, Jinni, Dɛbul, N*CR*S (sorani kurdish), Jın, besach, Mmụọ ọjọọ, Aljani,
6% P, L, J, C, B, R, Y, H, U, T, S, I, D, O, M, E, A, N: Supay, Pepo, Pēy, phi pisad, Supaya,
5% K, P, L, J, C, B, R, Y, H, U, T, S, I, D, O, M, E, A, N: Rākṣasuḍu, Púki, Akuma, Rākṣasa,
4% G, K, P, L, J, C, B, R, Y, H, U, T, S, I, D, O, M, E, A, N: agma, Chötgör, ganēni,
3% Z, G, K, P, L, J, C, B, R, Y, H, U, T, S, I, D, O, M, E, A, N: Omuzimu, Dimostrazzjoni, Zabolo,
2% W, Q, F, Z, G, K, P, L, J, C, B, R, Y, H, U, T, S, I, D, O, M, E, A, N: EAL*AQTI (uyghur), quỷ, Rewera, Hafuura hamaa, Chiwanda,
1% V, X, W, Q, F, Z, G, K, P, L, J, C, B, R, Y, H, U, T, S, I, D, O, M, E, A, N: Xerfît (kurmanji kurdish), GBCGBCV (ewe),

Conclusion: Originating in the N linguistic group; the earliest Demon being Aña (guarani) at 56% along with A* (tigrinya). This is followed by a bandgap from 45%-44%.
Demons return at 43% peaking at 40% declining down to a low at 12%. From there Demons peak again at 8% declining down to 1%.

Èmó (chinese) is a dialect variation of Erl (as in the Erl-king). We can se this here:

Dialect             Development Chain
                          1   2   3   4    5    6   7   8   9
Demon            N - A - E - M - O - D - I - S - T
Irish Family     N - A - E - R - L - O - Y - C - M

Emo being 3-4-5 in the development chain are directly opposite Erl in Irish families dev chain. Its just an oddity. For DC comics fans, the irish family name Lane would be Oane (pronounced Wayne or Owen) suggesting Lois Lane and Bruce Wayne share an ancient familial branch point.

Tuesday, 16 May 2023

Linguistic Archaeology: Tolkien's Black Speech

Black Speech

1. agh ("and")
2. ash ("one")
3. -at (infinitive suffix, or possibly a specialized "intentive" suffix indicating purpose)
4. Ash nazg durbatulûk ("one Ring to rule them all")
5. bagronk ("cesspool", possibly bag+ronk "cess+pool")
6. búbhosh ("great")
7. búrz ("dark"; isolated from Lugbúrz)
8. burzum ("darkness")
9. dug ("filth", tentatively isolated from pushdug)
10. durb- ("rule", infinitive durbat, only attested with suffixes)
11. durbatulûk ("to rule them all". The verb durb- is remarkably similar to Quenya tur- of similar sense)
12. ghâsh ("fire"- stated to be derived from the Black Speech, may or may not represent Sauron's original form of the word)
13. gimb- ("find", infinitive gimbat, only attested with a pronominal suffix)
14. gimbatul ("to find them")
15. glob ("fool")
16. gûl ("any one of the major invisible servants of Sauron dominated entirely by his will" Translated "wraith" in the compound Nazgûl, "Ringwraiths")
17. hai ("folk", in Uruk-hai "Uruk-folk" and Olog-hai "Troll-folk"; also Oghor-hai)
18. ishi ("in", a suffixed postposition)
19. burzum-ishi ("in the darkness")
20. krimp- ("bind", infinitive krimpat, only attested with a pronominal suffix)
21. krimpatul ("to bind them")
22. lug ("tower". Isolated from Lugbúrz)
23. Lug-búrz ("Tower-dark")
24. nazg ("ring")
25. ash nazg ("one ring")
26. Nazgûl ("Ring-wraiths", nazg gûl)
27. Oghor-hai ("Drúedain" this may or may not be pure Black Speech)
28. olog (a variety of Troll apparently developed by Sauron)
29. Olog-hai ("Olog-people")
30. pushdug ("dungfilth", possibly push+dug "dung+filth")
31. ronk ("pool", tentatively isolated from bagronk)
32. skai (interjection of contempt)
33. sha (interjection of contempt)
34. sharkû ("old man")
35. snaga ("slave" Used of lesser breeds of Orcs)
36. thrak- ("bring", infinitive thrakat, only attested with suffixes)
37. thrakatulûk ("to bring them all")
38. u ("to")
39. -ûk ("all", suffixed to pronominal suffixes)
40. -ulûk ("them all")
41. -ul (pronominal suffix "them")
42. -um ("-ness" in burzum "darkness")
43. uruk (a great variety of Orc. Sauron probably borrowed this word "from the Elvish tongues of earlier times")

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
21 48%    0  0%      10 23%   7  16%       23 53%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
12 27%    0   0%      8    8%     0    0%      18  41%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
16 37%    0   0%     13 30%    14 32%     6    13%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
7  16%     3   6%       0    0%     16 37%     10 23%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
6  13%     0   0%      0     0%     0    0%       0    0%

Z      %
8 18%

Popularity of use
53% U: u ("to"),
48% A, U:
41% G, A, U:
37% R, H, G, A, U: agh ("and"),
32% L, R, H, G, A, U: ul (pronominal suffix "them"), lug ("tower". Isolated from Lugbúrz), gûl ("any one of the major invisible servants of Sauron dominated entirely by his will" Translated "wraith" in the compound Nazgûl, "Ringwraiths"),
30% K, L, R, H, G, A, U: -ûk ("all", suffixed to pronominal suffixes), -ulûk ("them all"), uruk (a great variety of Orc. Sauron probably borrowed this word "from the Elvish tongues of earlier times"),
27% B, K, L, R, H, G, A, U:
23% S, I, B, K, L, R, H, G, A, U: skai (interjection of contempt), sha (interjection of contempt), sharkû ("old man"), ash ("one"), ghâsh ("fire"- stated to be derived from the Black Speech, may or may not represent Sauron's original form of the word), ishi ("in", a suffixed postposition), hai ("folk", in Uruk-hai "Uruk-folk" and Olog-hai "Troll-folk"; also Oghor-hai)
18% Z, S, I, B, K, L, R, H, G, A, U: Lug-búrz ("Tower-dark"), búrz ("dark"; isolated from Lugbúrz),
16% N, O, Z, S, I, B, K, L, R, H, G, A, U: ronk ("pool", tentatively isolated from bagronk), snaga ("slave" Used of lesser breeds of Orcs), nazg ("ring"), ash nazg ("one ring"), Nazgûl ("Ring-wraiths", nazg gûl), Oghor-hai ("Drúedain" this may or may not be pure Black Speech), olog (a variety of Troll apparently developed by Sauron), Olog-hai ("Olog-people"), bagronk ("cesspool", possibly bag+ronk "cess+pool"), búbhosh ("great"), glob ("fool"),
13% T, M, N, O, Z, S, I, B, K, L, R, H, G, A, U: thrak- ("bring", infinitive thrakat, only attested with suffixes), thrakatulûk ("to bring them all"), -um ("-ness" in burzum "darkness"), gimb- ("find", infinitive gimbat, only attested with a pronominal suffix), gimbatul ("to find them"), burzum-ishi ("in the darkness"), burzum ("darkness"), -at (infinitive suffix, or possibly a specialized "intentive" suffix indicating purpose),
8% D, T, M, N, O, Z, S, I, B, K, L, R, H, G, A, U: dug ("filth", tentatively isolated from pushdug), durb- ("rule", infinitive durbat, only attested with suffixes), durbatulûk ("to rule them all". The verb durb- is remarkably similar to Quenya tur- of similar sense), Ash nazg durbatulûk ("one Ring to rule them all"),
6% P, D, T, M, N, O, Z, S, I, B, K, L, R, H, G, A, U: pushdug ("dungfilth", possibly push+dug "dung+filth"), krimp- ("bind", infinitive krimpat, only attested with a pronominal suffix), krimpatul ("to bind them"),
0% V, W, X, Y, Q, J, C, F, E

Conclusion: Originating in the U linguistic group;

U group                                  %      Dev. Chain                Bandgap
Sumerian Dictionary          72%    (U; A; S, I; M; R; N)
Tolkien's Black Speech      53%   (U; A; G; R, H)

The earliest word is at 53% with U (to).
There is a cultural Bandgap from 48%-41%.
Linguistic development continues from 37%-30% (The Tower appears at 32%).
A second bandgap occurs at 27%.
Black Speech again begins to develop at 23%- the Orcs encounter Saruman as 'Sharku', the dark tower develops at 18%. The language rising to a Cultural peak at 16% with the appearance of the one ring, and ringwraiths. before declining down to 6% where the full song of the Ring's purpose finaly develops.

Given the dark tower was likely the astronomical observatory tower of the eldar, and then it becomes the dark tower just before Sauron crafts the one Ring, 

Monday, 15 May 2023

Linguistic Archaeology: Tolkien's Orcs

 Orcs of Middle Earth

1. Azog
2. Balcmeg
3. Boldog
4. Bolg
5. Golfimbul
6. Gorbag
7. Gorgol
8. Grishnákh
9. Lagduf
10. Lug
11. Lugdush
12. Mauhúr
13. Muzgash
14. Orcoba
15. Othrod
16. Radbug
17. Shagrat
18. Snaga
19. Ufthak
20. Uglúk

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
12 60%    1   5%      2 10%    8  40%       9   45%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
7  35%     2 10%      5  25%    3  15%       16 80%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
7  35%     0   0%      3  15%    10 50%      4   20%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
2  10%     0   0%      0    0%      8  40%      5   25%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
3  15%     0   0%      0     0%     0    0%       0     0%

Z      %
2 10%

Popularity of use
80% G:
60% A, G:
50% L, A, G:
45% U, L, A, G: Lug,
40% R, O, U, L, A, G: Gorgol, Gorgol,
35% H, B, R, O, U, L, A, G: Bolg, Gorbag,
25% S, D, H, B, R, O, U, L, A, G: Lugdush, Radbug, Boldog,
20% M, S, D, H, B, R, O, U, L, A, G: Mauhúr,
15% T, K, F, M, S, D, H, B, R, O, U, L, A, G: Shagrat, Ufthak, Othrod, Uglúk, Lagduf,
10% Z, N, C, I, T, K, F, M, S, D, H, B, R, O, U, L, A, G: Muzgash, Orcoba, Snaga, Grishnákh, Azog, Golfimbul,
5% E, Z, N, C, I, T, K, F, M, S, D, H, B, R, O, U, L, A, G: Balcmeg,
0% V, W, X, Y, P, Q, J

Tolkien's Orcs originate in the G linguistic Group. They begin at 45%, rising to a cultural peak at 10% - Azog is chief of Orcs at this time. So he is probably the first and the last of his name. Declining down to 5%.

2d10   Letter       2d10   Letter    1d20         length
  02         E               11      G           01               3
  03         Z               12      L           02-03          4
  04        N               13      O           04-05         5
  05        T               14      B            06-15         6
  06        M               15      S          16-18          7
  07        H               16      D           19-20         9
  08        R                17      F
  09        U                18      K
  10        A                19       I
                                 20      C

Prohibited: V, W, X, Y, P, Q, J

Friday, 12 May 2023

Linguistic Archaeology: The discovery of Medicine

 Medicine in almost every language

1. Medicine
2. Medisyne
3. Bar
4. medihanīti
5. aldawa
6. Degh
7. *R* (assamese)
8. Qulla
9. Dərman
10. Fura
11. Medikuntza
12. Lieki
13. Ōṣudha
14. Lijek
15. lekarstvo
16. medicament
17. tambal
18. mankhwala
19. Yàopǐn
20. midicina
21. lék
22. medicin
23. *S (dhivehi)
24. *E (dogri)
25. Geneesmiddel
26. Medikamento (esperanto)
27. Ravim
28. Atike
29. Gamot
30. Lääke
31. Médecine
32. Medisinen
33. Medicina
34. amali
35. Medizin
36. Fármako
37. Pohanokuaa
38. Davā
39. Remèd
40. Magani
41. Laau lapaau
42. AR*P* (hebrew)
43. dava
44. tshuaj
45. gyógyszer
46. lyf
47. ọgwụ
48. medisina
49. obat
50. cógas
51. medicinale
52. Kusuri
53. Auṣadhi
54. däri
55. thnam
56. ubuvuzi
57. VB* (konkani)
58. yag
59. Mɛrɛsin
60. Derman (kurmanji kurdish)
61. *AN (sorani kurdish)
62. Darı
63. ya
64. Medicamentum (latin)
65. medicīna
66. nkisi ya monganga
67. vaistas
68. eddagala
69. Medizin
70. lek
71. *I (maithili)
72. Fanafody
73. Ubat
74. marunnu
75. Mediċina
76. Te rongoa
77. Auṣadha
78. *N* (manipuri)
79. damdawi
80. em
81. sayywarr
82. Auṣadhī
83. medisin
84. Qoricha
85. *AR* (pashto)
86. DAR* (persian)
87. Medycyna
88. Medicamento
89. Davā'ī
90. Hanpi
91. Medicament
92. Vaila'au
93. leigheas
94. sehlare
95. moriana
96. mushonga
97. D*A (sindhi)
98. auṣadhaya
99. liek
100. zdravilo
101. daawo
102. landong
103. dawa
104. medicin
105. doruvori
106. Maruntu
107. MEDI*INA (tatar)
108. Mandu
109. Yā
110. DDH*T (tigrinya)
111. murhi
112. ilaç
113. lukmançylyk
114. aduro
115. liky
116. D*AEY (urdu)
117. dori
118. thuốc
119. meddygaeth
120. iyeza
121. meditsin
122. òògùn
123. umuthi

Popularity of Use
A      %     E     %      I      %     O      %       U        %
83 68%    45 36%   58 47%  25 20%      27 22%

B      %     C     %      D      %     F      %       G        %
5     4%    19 15%    65 53%    4    3%      16 13%

H      %     J     %      K      %     L      %       M        %
20 16%    2   1%     16 13%    25 20%     49  40%

N      %     P     %      Q      %     R      %       S        %
47 38%    4   3%      2     1%    39 31%      24 19%

T      %     V     %      W      %     X      %       Y        %
21 17%    11 9%     7      5%    0     0%       15 12%

Z      %
7    5%

Popularity of use
68% A:
53% D, A: D*A (sindhi),
47% I, D, A: *I (maithili),
40% M, I, D, A:
38% N, M, I, D, A: *N* (manipuri), *AN (sorani kurdish),
36% E, N, M, I, D, A: em, MEDI*INA (tatar), *E (dogri),
31% R, E, N, M, I, D, A: *AR* (pashto), DAR* (persian), Darı, däri, Derman (kurmanji kurdish), Remèd, *R* (assamese), Dərman,
22% U, R, E, N, M, I, D, A: Mandu, aduro, dori, moriana, marunnu,
20% L, O, U, R, E, N, M, I, D, A: amali,
19% S, L, O, U, R, E, N, M, I, D, A: Mɛrɛsin, *S (dhivehi), medisin, Medisinen, medisina,
17% T, S, L, O, U, R, E, N, M, I, D, A: meditsin, umuthi, Maruntu,
16% H, T, S, L, O, U, R, E, N, M, I, D, A: DDH*T (tigrinya), murhi, Hanpi, sehlare, Auṣadha, Auṣadhi, thnam, Ōṣudha, medihanīti, Auṣadhī,
15% C, H, T, S, L, O, U, R, E, N, M, I, D, A: ilaç, thuốc, medicin, Medicamento, Medicament, Mediċina, Médecine, Medicina, Medicamentum (latin), medicīna, medicinale, medicament, midicina, medicin, Medicine,
13% G, K, C, H, T, S, L, O, U, R, E, N, M, I, D, A: lek, liek, Medikamento (esperanto), Atike, Lääke, Kusuri, Lieki, lék, òògùn, landong, mushonga, leigheas, Te rongoa, eddagala, cógas, Magani, Degh, Geneesmiddel, Gamot,
12% Y, G, K, C, H, T, S, L, O, U, R, E, N, M, I, D, A: liky, D*AEY (urdu), meddygaeth, lukmançylyk, auṣadhaya, Medycyna, ya, nkisi ya monganga, Yā, yag, Medisyne,
9% V, Y, G, K, C, H, T, S, L, O, U, R, E, N, M, I, D, A: Vaila'au, doruvori, vaistas, Davā'ī, Davā, dava, lekarstvo, Ravim,
5% Z, W, V, Y, G, K, C, H, T, S, L, O, U, R, E, N, M, I, D, A: dawa, iyeza, zdravilo, gyógyszer, ọgwụ, mankhwala, Medizin, Medikuntza, aldawa, daawo, damdawi, sayywarr, Medizin,
4% P, B, Z, W, V, Y, G, K, C, H, T, S, L, O, U, R, E, N, M, I, D, A: Ubat, ubuvuzi, Bar, VB* (konkani), obat, tambal,
3% F, P, B, Z, W, V, Y, G, K, C, H, T, S, L, O, U, R, E, N, M, I, D, A: Fanafody, Fura, lyf, Fármako, Laau lapaau, AR*P* (hebrew), Pohanokuaa, Yàopǐn,
1% Q, J, F, P, B, Z, W, V, Y, G, K, C, H, T, S, L, O, U, R, E, N, M, I, D, A: Qoricha, Lijek, tshuaj, Qulla,
0% X

Conclusion: A-D linguistic subgroup;

A-D subgroup              Sex          %        Dev. Chain
Orville Moclans                        74%       (A; D; O; K; S; L; R)
• Medicine                         68%       (A; D; I; M)
Cold                                 53%       (A; D; N; O)

An unidentified subgroup.  Earliest partial medicines are from 53% with D*A (sindhi) to 47% with *I (maithili).this is followed by a bandgap at 40%. Renewed interest in Medicine begins at 38%. At 23% medicine peaks, before declining down to 1%.

Don't you just hate it when you owe medicine to some unknown linguistic  group.