Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Star Fury: Babylon 5 to get a Reboot?


Babylon 5 to get a Reboot... because of course it needs a reboot. They lost a significant core of its characters through actor deaths:

Vir, Zack Allan, G'kar, Michael Garibaldi, Delenn, Commander Jeffrey Sinclair, Dr. Stephen Franklin.

It would need to be new Actors like the Battlestar Galactica Reboot, a new Era like the Discovery reboot, even a new timeline like the Kelvin reboot.

An earlier era where they encounter the Centauri, and Shadowy Giant Spiders are wispering in the ears of humans. 

Monday, 27 September 2021

Epic Tier: A werewolf with a talent for longbow


Having never used a bow before Noella the Werewolf girl finds she has a natural talent for putting arrows in a target with a longbow...

What does that look like?

Attacks per round: 4

Source Manga: Cheat Kusushi no Slow Life: Isekai ni Tsukurou Drugstore

Linguistic Archaeology: Italian Culture

A. Male Names

1. Achilleo
2. Adamo
3. Adriano
4. Agostino
5. Albino
6. Alcide
7. Aldo
8. Alessandro
9. Alfredo
10. Aloysio
11. Alvaro
12. Amato
13. Ambrogio
14. Amedeo
15. Amelio
16. Amilcare
17. Anacleto
18. Andrea
19. Andriolo
20. Angelico
21. Angelo
22. Aniello
23. Anselmo
24. Antonio
25. Arabaldo
26. Arduino
27. Aretino
28. Arnaldo
29. Arnolfo
30. Arrigo
31. Arturo
32. Asdrubale
33. Augusto
34. Aurelio
35. Azzone
36. Baldassare
37. Balduccio
38. Banco
39. Barnabà
40. Bàrtolo
41. Bàrtolomeo
42. Battista
43. Bellarmino
44. Benedetto
45. Beniamino
46. Benicio
47. Benno
48. Benozzo
49. Benvenuto
50. Beppo
51. Bernadino
52. Berto
53. Bertrando
54. Biaghio
55. Bodo
56. Bonauito
57. Bonaventura
58. Bonfilio
59. Bonizo
60. Brizio
61. Bruno
62. Callisto
63. Calogero
64. Camaino
65. Cambio
66. Camillo
67. Carlito
68. Carlo
69. Cesare
70. Cipriano
71. Ciro
72. Claudio
73. Columbano
74. Constanzo
75. Coppo
76. Corfino
77. Corrado
78. Cosimo
79. Cristoforo
80. Curzio
81. Damiano
82. Dario
83. Daniele
84. Demetrio
85. Dino
86. Dionigi
87. Domenico
88. Donato
89. Eduardo
90. Efisio
91. Elio
92. Elpidio
93. Emiliano
94. Ennio
95. Enrico
96. Enzio
97. Enzo
98. Erberto
99. Ercole
100. Ermanno
101. Ettore
102. Eugenio
103. Eustachio
104. Evaristo
105. Ezzo
106. Fabiano
107. Fabio
108. Federico
109. Felice
110. Feliciano
111. Ferdinando
112. Ferrando
113. Ferranti
114. Ferrucio
115. Filiberto
116. Fiorenzo
117. Francesco
118. Franco
119. Frederico
120. Fulvio
121. Furio
122. Gabriel
123. Gabriele
124. Galeazzo
125. Galileo
126. Galimberto
127. Garibaldo
128. Gaspare
129. Gavino
130. Geronimo
131. Giacomo
132. Giambattista
133. Giampaolo
134. Giampietro
135. Gian
136. Gianfranco
137. Gianlorenzo
138. Gianluca
139. Gianluigi
140. Gianni
141. Gianpiero
142. Gilberto
143. Gino
144. Giorgio
145. Giotto
146. Giovane
147. Giovanni
148. Giraldo
149. Giuliano
150. Giulio
151. Giuseppe
152. Giusto
153. Goffredo
154. Gregorio
155. Gualberto
156. Gualtieri
157. Guglielmo
158. Guido
159. Guilio
160. Iachimo
161. Ignazio
162. Ilario
163. Italo
164. Jacopo
165. Javier
166. Lando
167. Leandro
168. Leonardo
169. Leone
170. Leopoldo
171. Lorenzo
172. Lotario
173. Luca
174. Luciano
175. Lucio
176. Ludovico
177. Luigi
178. Macario
179. Manfredo
180. Marcellino
181. Marcello
182. Marco
183. Marcovaldo
184. Mariano
185. Mario
186. Massimiliano
187. Massimo
188. Matteo
189. Maurizio
190. Mauro
191. Melchiorre
192. Mercurino
193. Michelangelo
194. Michele
195. Modesto
196. Moreno
197. Mosé
198. Nardo
199. Nataniele
200. Nazario
201. Nero
202. Nestore
203. Niccolo
204. Nicodemo
205. Nicola
206. Nicoletto
207. Nunzio
208. Odilon
209. Onofrio
210. Orfeo
211. Orlando
212. Pacifico
213. Palmiro
214. Pancrazio
215. Pao
216. Paolo
217. Pasquale
218. Pellegrino
219. Peppe
220. Pietro
221. Ponzio
222. Primo
223. Prospero
224. Quirino
225. Raffaele
226. Raffaello
227. Raimondo
228. Rainieri
229. Raniero
230. Raul
231. Renzo
232. Rico
233. Rinaldo
234. Roberto
235. Rocco
236. Roderico
237. Rodrigo
238. Romero
239. Rossano
240. Ruffino
241. Ruggiero
242. Salvatore
243. Sandro
244. Santo
245. Saverio
246. Sergio
247. Severiano
248. Severino
249. Silvano
250. Silvestro
251. Silvio
252. Simone
253. Sperandeo
254. Stefano
255. Taddeo
256. Tammaro
257. Tancredo
258. Teodosio
259. Thaddeo
260. Timoteo
261. Tino
262. Tito
263. Tiziano
264. Tommaso
265. Tomme
266. Torquato
267. Toto
268. Tullio
269. Ubaldo
270. Ugo
271. Ugolino
272. Umberto
273. Valentino
274. Vasco
275. Vespasiano
276. Viaro
277. Vincenzo
278. Virgilio
279. Vitale
280. Vito
281. Viviano
282. Xaverio

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
172  60%  139  49%  175  62%  250  88%    50  17%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
46  16%     65  23%    60  21%     32  11%      58  20%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
8      2%     2  <1%       0     0%      105  37%    59  20%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
127  45%   25  8%       3    1%      139  49%     45  15%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
67  23%     28  9%       0     0%      1   <1%         1    <1%

Z       %
22  7%

Popularity of use
88% O:
62% I, O:
60% A, I, O:
49% R, E, A, I, O: Rico, Rocco,
45% N, R, E, A, I, O: Nero, Rainieri, Raniero, Ennio,
37% L, N, R, E, A, I, O: Niccolo, Nicola, Ilario, Leone, Amelio, Aniello, Elio,
23% T, C, L, N, R, E, A, I, O: Tino, Tito, Toto, Nicoletto, Lotario, Nataniele, Ettore, Italo, Enrico, Ercole, Antonio, Aretino, Carlito, Carlo, Ciro, Amilcare, Anacleto, Amato,
21% D, T, C, L, N, R, E, A, I, O: Roderico, Taddeo, Tancredo, Thaddeo, Odilon, Orlando, Rinaldo, Lando, Leandro, Leonardo, Nardo, Corrado, Dario, Daniele, Demetrio, Dino, Donato, Andrea, Andriolo, Arnaldo, Adriano, Alcide, Aldo, Alfredo, Amedeo,
20% M, G, D, T, C, L, N, R, E, A, I, O: Tommaso, Tomme, Tammaro, Timoteo, Raimondo, Romero, Nicodemo, Rodrigo, Macario, Marcellino, Marcello, Marco, Mariano, Mario, Matteo, Moreno, Galileo, Geronimo, Giacomo, Gian, Gianni, Gino, Giorgio, Giotto, Giraldo, Gregorio, Emiliano, Ermanno, Dionigi, Domenico, Arrigo, Calogero, Camaino, Camillo, Damiano, Adamo, Angelico, Angelo,
17% U, M, G, D, T, C, L, N, R, E, A, I, O: Tullio, Ugo, Ugolino, Raul, Ruggiero, Mauro, Mercurino, Giulio, Gualtieri, Guglielmo, Guido, Guilio, Luca, Luciano, Lucio, Luigi, Gianluca, Gianluigi, Giuliano, Eugenio, Arduino, Arturo, Aurelio, Claudio, Eduardo,
16% B, U, M, G, D, T, C, L, N, R, E, A, I, O: Ubaldo, Umberto, Roberto, Gilberto, Gualberto, Galimberto, Garibaldo, Giambattista, Gabriel, Gabriele, Balduccio, Banco, Barnabà, Bàrtolo, Bàrtolomeo, Battista, Bellarmino, Benedetto, Beniamino, Benicio, Benno, Bernadino, Berto, Bertrando, Bodo, Bonauito, Bruno, Cambio, Columbano, Erberto, Arabaldo, Ambrogio, Albino,
15% S, B, U, M, G, D, T, C, L, N, R, E, A, I, O: Sandro, Santo, Sergio, Simone, Teodosio, Nestore, Rossano, Modesto, Mosé, Massimiliano, Massimo, Giusto, Baldassare, Callisto, Asdrubale, Augusto, Alessandro, Anselmo, Agostino, Cesare, Cosimo,
11% F, S, B, U, M, G, D, T, C, L, N, R, E, A, I, O: Ruffino, Stefano, Raffaele, Raffaello, Onofrio, Orfeo, Fabiano, Fabio, Federico, Felice, Feliciano, Ferdinando, Ferrando, Ferranti, Ferrucio, Filiberto, Francesco, Franco, Frederico, Furio, Goffredo, Manfredo, Gianfranco, Cristoforo, Efisio, Corfino, Arnolfo, Bonfilio,
9% V, F, S, B, U, M, G, D, T, C, L, N, R, E, A, I, O: Severiano, Severino, Silvano, Silvestro, Silvio, Valentino, Vasco, Viaro, Virgilio, Vitale, Vito, Viviano, Salvatore, Saverio, Ludovico, Marcovaldo, Evaristo, Fulvio, Gavino, Giovane, Giovanni, Alvaro, Benvenuto, Bonaventura,
8% P, V, F, S, B, U, M, G, D, T, C, L, N, R, E, A, I, O: Sperandeo, Pacifico, Palmiro, Pao, Paolo, Pellegrino, Peppe, Pietro, Primo, Prospero, Vespasiano, Giuseppe, Leopoldo, Giampaolo, Giampietro, Gianpiero, Gaspare, Coppo, Elpidio, Cipriano, Beppo,
7% Z, P, V, F, S, B, U, M, G, D, T, C, L, N, R, E, A, I, O: Tiziano, Vincenzo, Ponzio, Renzo, Nunzio, Pancrazio, Maurizio, Nazario, Ignazio, Lorenzo, Galeazzo, Gianlorenzo, Fiorenzo, Ezzo, Enzio, Enzo, Constanzo, Curzio, Benozzo, Bonizo, Brizio, Azzone,
2% H, Z, P, V, F, S, B, U, M, G, D, T, C, L, N, R, E, A, I, O: Michelangelo, Michele, Melchiorre, Eustachio, Iachimo, Achilleo, Biaghio,
1% Q, H, Z, P, V, F, S, B, U, M, G, D, T, C, L, N, R, E, A, I, O: Quirino, Torquato, Pasquale,
<1% X, Y, J, Q, H, Z, P, V, F, S, B, U, M, G, D, T, C, L, N, R, E, A, I, O: Xaverio, Jacopo, Javier, Aloysio,
0% W, K

Conclusion: Originating in the O linguistic group, male Italian culture, no longer descended of the S linguistic group (as with Roman civilization) now shares a common ancestry with Luo Male culture. Italian male culture begins at 49% with Rico and Rocco. Peaking culturally at 20%, before declining down to less than 1%.

B. Female Names
1. Ada
2. Adalgisa
3. Addolorata
4. Adriana
5. Agata
6. Agnesca
7. Agnese
8. Alessandra
9. Alessia
10. Aletea
11. Allegra
12. Amadea
13. Amalia
14. Amelia
15. Amica
16. Amina
17. Ammanata
18. Angela
19. Angelica
20. Aniella
21. Anna
22. Anna Maria
23. Annabella
24. Annunziata
25. Antonia
26. Argento
27. Arianna
28. Armida
29. Arminia
30. Artemisia
31. Assunta
32. Assuntina
33. Aurea
34. Aurelia
35. Barbara
36. Bartolomaea
37. Beatrice
38. Benedetta
39. Bertana
40. Bertilla
41. Bettina
42. Bianca
43. Bibiana
44. Bice
45. Brigita
46. Brunella
47. Camilla
48. Caprice
49. Carissa
50. Carita
51. Carlotta
52. Carmela
53. Caterina
54. Cecilia
55. Cella
56. Cesira
57. Chiara
58. Christina
59. Cinzia
60. Citha
61. Claricia
62. Claudia
63. Clementia
64. Conccetta
65. Consilia
66. Consolata
67. Costante
68. Cristina
69. Daniela
70. Deborah
71. Delfina
72. Detta
73. Diana
74. Domenica
75. Domitilla
76. Donata
77. Donatella
78. Dora
79. Edetta
80. Elda
81. Eleonora
82. Elettra
83. Eliana
84. Elisa
85. Elisabetta
86. Eloisa
87. Elvira
88. Emerenzia
89. Emilia
90. Enrichetta
91. Esmeralda
92. Etheria
93. Eugenia
94. Eusapia
95. Eva
96. Evelina
97. Fabia
98. Fabiola
99. Fabrizia
100. Federica
101. Felicita
102. Fiametta
103. Fiammetta
104. Filomena
105. Fiora
106. Fiorella
107. Fiorenza
108. Fioretta
109. Franca
110. Francesca
111. Gaetana
112. Gemma
113. Giachetta
114. Giada
115. Gianetta
116. Gianna
117. Giannina
118. Gilberta
119. Gilda
120. Gina
121. Ginevra
122. Gioconda
123. Gisela
124. Gisella
125. Giulia
126. Giuliana
127. Giulietta
128. Giuseppina
129. Gravina
130. Grazia
131. Graziella
132. Griselda
133. Illaria
134. Ilvia
135. Imelda
136. Immacolata
137. Innocenza
138. Isabella
139. Isolde
140. Jolanda
141. Julitta
142. Jutta
143. Lara
144. Laura
145. Lauretta
146. Lavinia
147. Lea
148. Leda
149. Lena
150. Leonara
151. Leontina
152. Letizia
153. Lia
154. Lidia
155. Liliana
156. Lisa
157. Lisabetta
158. Lisetta
159. Lizia
160. Loredana
161. Loretta
162. Luana
163. Lucia
164. Luciella
165. Lucretzia
166. Luigina
167. Luisa
168. Maddelena
169. Mafalda
170. Maia
171. Mara
172. Marcella
173. Margherita
174. Maria
175. Mariella
176. Marietta
177. Marisa
178. Maura
179. Melina
180. Melissa
181. Michela
182. Miuccia
183. Monica
184. Morena
185. Natalia
186. Nerina
187. Nicoletta
188. Nina
189. Noemi
190. Nunziatella
191. Nunziatina
192. Olimpia
193. Olinda
194. Oriana
195. Ornella
196. Ornetta
197. Orsola
198. Pamela
199. Paola
200. Paolina
201. Patrizia
202. Pelagia
203. Perla
204. Perna
205. Petronilla
206. Pia
207. Piacenza
208. Pina
209. Porzia
210. Prada
211. Prasede
212. Pudenziana
213. Rachele
214. Raimonda
215. Renata
216. Rina
217. Rita
218. Romilda
219. Rosa
220. Rosalba
221. Rosalia
222. Rosangela
223. Rosetta
224. Rosina
225. Sabina
226. Sabrina
227. Samantha
228. Sandra
229. Santuzza
230. Sara
231. Savina
232. Scevola
233. Serafina
234. Serena
235. Silvana
236. Silvia
237. Simona
238. Simonetta
239. Sitha
240. Smeralda
241. Sofia
242. Sophonsiba
243. Stefania
244. Stefanina
245. Susanna
246. Teà
247. Teodora
248. Teresina
249. Theresa
250. Tita
251. Tiziana
252. Tommasa
253. Tommasina
254. Tullia
255. Valencia
256. Vanozza
257. Venezia
258. Veronica
259. Viola
260. Violante
261. Vittoria
262. Viviana
263. Zaira
264. Zita

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
261  98%  136  51%  176  66%  67  25%      31  11%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
24   9%     48  18%      43  16%     15  5%        34  12%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
13    4%     3    1%       0     0%      120  45%    53  20%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
120  45%   20  7%       0    0%       106  40%    66  25%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
85  32%     19  7%      0      0%      0     0%        0       0%

Z       %
23   8%

Popularity of use
89 A:
66% I, A:
51% E, I, A:
45% N, L, E, I, A: Lea, Lena, Lia, Liliana, Nina, Aniella, Anna, Eliana,
40% R, N, L, E, I, A: Rina, Illaria, Lara, Nerina, Arianna,
32% T, R, N, L, E, I, A: Rita, Teà, Tita, Renata, Natalia, Aletea, Elettra,
25% S, O, T, R, N, L, E, I, A: Rosa, Rosalia, Rosetta, Rosina, Sara, Serena, Teresina, Oriana, Ornella, Ornetta, Orsola, Lisa, Lisetta, Loretta, Leonara, Leontina, Antonia, Eleonora, Alessia, Elisa, Eloisa,
20% M, S, O, T, R, N, L, E, I, A: Tommasa, Tommasina, Simona, Simonetta, Maia, Mara, Maria, Mariella, Marietta, Marisa, Melina, Melissa, Morena, Noemi, Olimpia, Arminia, Artemisia, Emilia, Amalia, Amelia, Amina, Ammanata, Anna Maria,
18% C, M, S, O, T, R, N, L, E, I, A: Monica, Nicoletta, Immacolata, Marcella, Camilla, Carissa, Carita, Carlotta, Carmela, Caterina, Cecilia, Cella, Cesira, Citha, Claricia, Clementia, Conccetta, Consilia, Consolata, Costante, Cristina, Amica,
16% D, C, M, S, O, T, R, N, L, E, I, A: Smeralda, Teodora, Sandra, Raimonda, Romilda, Maddelena, Olinda, Loredana, Leda, Lidia, Imelda, Isolde, Daniela, Detta, Diana, Domenica, Domitilla, Donata, Donatella, Dora, Edetta, Esmeralda, Amadea, Armida, Alessandra, Ada, Addolorata, Adriana, Elda,
12% G, D, C, M, S, O, T, R, N, L, E, I, A: Rosangela, Gaetana, Gemma, Giada, Gianetta, Gianna, Giannina, Gilda, Gina, Gioconda, Gisela, Gisella, Griselda, Angela, Angelica, Argento, Agata, Agnesca, Agnese, Allegra, Adalgisa,
11% U, G, D, C, M, S, O, T, R, N, L, E, I, A: Susanna, Tullia, Maura, Miuccia, Luana, Lucia, Luciella, Luigina, Luisa, Giulia, Giuliana, Giulietta, Giuseppina, Laura, Lauretta, Claudia, Eugenia, Assunta, Assuntina, Aurea, Aurelia,
9% B, U, G, D, C, M, S, O, T, R, N, L, E, I, A: Sabina, Sabrina, Rosalba, Gilberta, Isabella, Lisabetta, Barbara, Bartolomaea, Beatrice, Benedetta, Bertana, Bertilla, Bettina, Bianca, Bibiana, Bice, Brigita, Brunella, Elisabetta, Annabella,
8% Z, B, U, G, D, C, M, S, O, T, R, N, L, E, I, A: Zaira, Zita, Santuzza, Tiziana, Nunziatella, Nunziatina, Lizia, Lucretzia, Letizia, Grazia, Graziella, Innocenza, Cinzia, Emerenzia, Annunziata,
7% V, P, Z, B, U, G, D, C, M, S, O, T, R, N, L, E, I, A: Valencia, Vanozza, Venezia, Veronica, Viola, Violante, Vittoria, Viviana, Silvana, Silvia, Savina, Scevola, Patrizia, Pelagia, Perla, Perna, Petronilla, Pia, Piacenza, Pina, Porzia, Prada, Prasede, Pudenziana, Pamela, Paola, Paolina, Ilvia, Lavinia, Gravina, Ginevra, Eusapia, Eva, Evelina, Caprice, Elvira,
5% F, V, P, Z, B, U, G, D, C, M, S, O, T, R, N, L, E, I, A: Sofia, Stefania, Stefanina, Serafina, Felicita, Fiametta, Fiammetta, Filomena, Fiora, Fiorella, Fiorenza, Fioretta, Franca, Francesca, Mafalda, Delfina, Fabia, Fabiola, Fabrizia, Federica,
4% H, F, V, P, Z, B, U, G, D, C, M, S, O, T, R, N, L, E, I, A: Sophonsiba, Theresa, Rachele, Samantha, Sitha, Margherita, Michela, Giachetta, Enrichetta, Etheria, Chiara, Christina, Deborah,
1% J, H, F, V, P, Z, B, U, G, D, C, M, S, O, T, R, N, L, E, I, A: Jolanda, Julitta, Jutta,
0% K, Q, W, X, Y

Conclusion: originating in the A-I-E subgroup:

A-I-E subgroup _____Sex           %             Dev. Chain _________bandgap
Italian                            F             98%        (A; I; E; N, L; R; T)
Portugese                     F              94%       (A; I; E; R; N, L)
Spanish                        F              92%        (A; I; E; R; N; L; C, T)
Mod. Greek                  F              86%      (A; I; E; N; L; R)
Gaelic                           F              69%       (A; I; E; N; H)                    •
Ice                                                47%        (A; I; E; S, H; L)
River                                            46%       (A; I; E; N; R; O)

Female culture begins at 45% with Lea, Lena, Lia, Liliana, Nina, Aniella, Anna, and Eliana. Peaking at 7%, and then declining to 1%.

Sunday, 26 September 2021

Field Report: Vicount Antrim Victorious?


Our Isekaied/Reincarnated hero is victorious having engaged twenty thousand of the Empire's elite soldiers in combat and forced the Imperial Commander to flee the field.

Despite an army of Magic-users, Archers, and Cavalry, the Empire was ill equipped to deal with trench warfare involving barbed wire, flame throwers, and exploding metal spheres hurled by Trebuchet.

Of course failure comes at a price...

Manga Source: Isekai Tensei Soudouki

Linguistic Archaeology: that first Tattoo

To Tattoo in almost every language

1. To Tattoo
2. tatoeëer
3. për të bërë tatuazhe
4. wede nik’isati
5. lilwashm
6. depi Tattoo
7. Tatuirovka üçün
8. Tattoo-ra
9. da tatuiroŭki
10. Ṭyāṭu karatē
11. do tatuirovka
12. a Tattoo
13. sa Tattoo
14. kuti mphini
15. Wénshēn
16. à Tattoo
17. na tetovažu
18. na tetování
19. til tatovering
20. tatoeëren
21. al Tattoo (esperanto)
22. tätoveeringule
23. à tatouer
24. oan Tattoo
25. t’at’usk’en
26. zu tätowieren
27. sto Tatouáz
28. Ṭēṭū māṭē
29. tatoo
30. zuwa Tattoo
31. *KEK*E (hebrew)
32. taitoo banavaana
33. Rau tattoo
34. Tetoválni
35. Ath húthflúra
36. Iji egbu egbu
37. Untuk tato
38. A tatú
39. per tatuare
40. Irezumi suru ni wa
41. Kanggo tato
42. Ṭyāṭū māḍalu
43. Tatwïrovka jasaw üşin
44. daembi sak
45. Kwishushanya
46. munsinhagi
47. Tatuirovka kıluu üçün
48. pheu sakya
49. Ad stigmata (latin)
50. Lai tetovētu
51. Į tatuiruotę
52. Ze tattooéieren
53. Za tetoviranje
54. Matoanteny
55. Untuk tatu
56. ṭāṟṟū ceyyān
57. Biex tatwaġġ
58. Ki te moko
59. Gōndaṇē
60. Shivees khiilgekh
61. taattuu htoe raan
62. Ṭaiṭū garna
63. Å tatovere
64. *A* (odia)
65. T*T*T* (pashto)
66. B* (persian)
67. do tatuażu
68. para tatuagem
69. Ṭaiṭū nū
70. la Tattoo
71. k tatu
72. i le peʻa
73. gu Tatù
74. ho Tattoo
75. kuTattoo
76. TAT*K* (sindhi)
77. pacca kirīmaṭa
78. na tetovanie
79. na tetovažo
80. ilaa Tattoo
81. al tatuaje
82. ka Tato
83. kwa Tattoo
84. att tatuera
85. ʙa Tatu
86. Ṭāṭṭūvukku
87. тату
88. Ṭāṭūki
89. Pị s̄ạk
90. dövme yapmak
91. Tatuirovka etmek
92. do tatuyuvannya
93. Tatuirovka uchun
94. xăm mình
95. i Tatŵ
96. ukuya kwiTattoo
97. tsu tatu
98. si Tattoo

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
89  91%     42  43%    41  42%   52   53%       48  49%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
7     7%      4    4%       10  10%    1      1%        12  12%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
12  12%     4    4%       30  30%    12  12%      15    15%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
35  36%     10  10%     0     0%      30  30%      16  16%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
80  82%     21  21%    12  12%     2      2%        11  11%

Z       %
9     9%

Popularity of use
91% A: *A* (odia),
82% T, A: T*T*T* (pashto),
53% O, T, A: To Tattoo, a Tattoo, à Tattoo, tatoo,
49% U, O, T, A: A tatú,
43% E, U, O, T, A:
42% I, E, U, O, T, A:
36% N, I, E, U, O, T, A: Ṭaiṭū nū, tatoeëren, oan Tattoo,
30% R, K, N, I, E, U, O, T, A: *KEK*E (hebrew), Rau tattoo, Untuk tato, Untuk tatu, à tatouer, tatoeëer, Tattoo-ra, t’at’usk’en, k tatu, kuTattoo, TAT*K* (sindhi), ka Tato, Ṭāṭūki, att tatuera,
21% V, R, K, N, I, E, U, O, T, A: na tetovanie, Ṭāṭṭūvukku, na tetování, Å tatovere,
16% S, V, R, K, N, I, E, U, O, T, A: tsu tatu, si Tattoo, sa Tattoo,
15% M, S, V, R, K, N, I, E, U, O, T, A: Ki te moko, Tatuirovka etmek, Ṭēṭū māṭē,
12% W, L, H, G, M, S, V, R, K, N, I, E, U, O, T, A: kwa Tattoo, i Tatŵ, lilwashm, Wénshēn, ilaa Tattoo, Lai tetovētu, Į tatuiruotę, Tetoválni, al Tattoo (esperanto), til tatovering, tätoveeringule, Shivees khiilgekh, la Tattoo, taattuu htoe raan, ho Tattoo, munsinhagi, Ṭaiṭū garna, gu Tatù, Kanggo tato,
11% Y, W, L, H, G, M, S, V, R, K, N, I, E, U, O, T, A: Matoanteny, ukuya kwiTattoo, Kwishushanya, Ṭyāṭu karatē, тату,
10% P, D, Y, W, L, H, G, M, S, V, R, K, N, I, E, U, O, T, A: Pị s̄ạk, dövme yapmak, para tatuagem, i le peʻa, per tatuare, pheu sakya, depi Tattoo, kuti mphini, Gōndaṇē, do tatuyuvannya, Ad stigmata (latin), Ṭyāṭū māḍalu, da tatuiroŭki, do tatuirovka, wede nik’isati,
9% Z, P, D, Y, W, L, H, G, M, S, V, R, K, N, I, E, U, O, T, A: do tatuażu, na tetovažo, Ze tattooéieren, zuwa Tattoo, Irezumi suru ni wa, zu tätowieren, sto Tatouáz, na tetovažu,
7% B, Z, P, D, Y, W, L, H, G, M, S, V, R, K, N, I, E, U, O, T, A: B* (persian), ʙa Tatu, për të bërë tatuazhe, taitoo banavaana, daembi sak,
5% C, B, Z, P, D, Y, W, L, H, G, M, S, V, R, K, N, I, E, U, O, T, A: pacca kirīmaṭa, Tatuirovka uchun, Tatuirovka kıluu üçün, ṭāṟṟū ceyyān, Tatuirovka üçün,
4% J, C, B, Z, P, D, Y, W, L, H, G, M, S, V, R, K, N, I, E, U, O, T, A: Za tetoviranje, al tatuaje, Iji egbu egbu, Tatwïrovka jasaw üşin,
2% X, J, C, B, Z, P, D, Y, W, L, H, G, M, S, V, R, K, N, I, E, U, O, T, A: Biex tatwaġġ, xăm mình,
1% F, X, J, C, B, Z, P, D, Y, W, L, H, G, M, S, V, R, K, N, I, E, U, O, T, A: Ath húthflúra,
0% Q

Conclusion: Tattooing originates in the A-T linguistic subgroup.

A-T subgroup    Sex    %                   Dev. Chain
Hold Portal                   93%             (A; T; R; P; O, L)
To Tattoo                       91%             (A; T; O)
Rapa Nui             F        85%             (A; T; E, I, K, R)
Tahitian              F        85%              (A; T; E; I; R)
Tongan               M       85%               (A; T; L; E; U, I)
Plateau                          80%              (A; T; L; I, P)
Taboo                            79%              (A; T; U; B; I; M; O)
Efe                       F        76%              (A; T; E; I, O)

Tattooing begins after 91% with *A* (odia), followed by 82% T*T*T* (pashto).
To Tattoo (english), a Tattoo (catalan), à Tattoo (corsican), tatoo (hatian creole),
At 49% A tatú (irish),
A bandgap occurs at 43%-42%.
From 36% it rises to a peak at 12% dropping away at 11% and again peaking at 10% before delining down to 1%.

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Linguistic Archaeology: Modern Greek culture

A. Male Names

1. Achilles
2. Adam
3. Adonis
4. Agapios
5. Alexander
6. Alexandros
7. Alexios
8. Ambrosios
9. Anastasios
10. Andreas
11. Andronis
12. Angelos
13. Antonios
14. Antony
15. Apollo
16. Apostolos
17. Archimedes
18. Aristides
19. Aristotelis
20. Aristotle
21. Athanasios
22. Basil
23. Basileios
24. Basilios
25. Basilis
26. Benedictos
27. Christianos
28. Christos
29. Damian
30. Damianos
31. Damon
32. Demetri
33. Demetrios
34. Demetrius
35. Dimitrios
36. Dimitris
37. Dion
38. Dionisios
39. Dionysios
40. Elias
41. Elis
42. Erasmios
43. Erasmos
44. Eugenios
45. Eustakhios
46. Evangelos
47. George
48. Georges
49. Georgios
50. Georgis
51. Georgos
52. Giannes
53. Giannis
54. Gregorios
55. Grigoris
56. Herakles
57. Iason
58. Ioannes
59. Ioannis
60. Ion
61. John
62. Kalinikos
63. Konstantinos
64. Kosmas
65. Kostas
66. Kristianos
67. Kristos
68. Kypros
69. Kyriako
70. Kyrillos
71. Lambros
72. Leiandros
73. Leonidas
74. Leontius
75. Loukanos
76. Loukas
77. Lukas
78. Lysander
79. Lysandros
80. Makarios
81. Manolis
82. Mark
83. Markos
84. Martinos
85. Matthaios
86. Menelas
87. Michael
88. Mihail
89. Mikhalis
90. Milos
91. Nektarios
92. Nestor
93. Nick
94. Nicolas
95. Niko
96. Nikodemos
97. Nikolaos
98. Nikolas
99. Nikolos
100. Nikomedes
101. Nikos
102. Odysseus
103. Orestes
104. Orion
105. Panagiotes
106. Panagris
107. Panos
108. Pantelis
109. Panus
110. Parthenios
111. Pericles Periklis
112. Perikles
113. Periklis
114. Peter
115. Petros
116. Philip
117. Philippos
118. Rhigas
119. Savas
120. Sebastianos
121. Simeon
122. Sivos
123. Spiridon
124. Spyros
125. Stavros
126. Stefanos
127. Stelios
128. Stephanos
129. Thaddaios
130. Thanos
131. Theodoros
132. Theodorus
133. Theodosius
134. Theofanis
135. Theophilos
136. Thomas
137. Timotheos
138. Tom
139. Vangeli
140. Vangelos
141. Vasileios
142. Vasilios
143. Vasilis
144. Vassili
145. Yannis
146. Yiannis
147. Yiorgos
148. Yorgos
149. Zenobios

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
92  61%    66   44%   102  68%  109  73%       11  7%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
9      6%     8    5%       31  20%     2     1%        20    13%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
26  17%     1  <1%       27  18%    52  34%      32     21%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
69  46%     21  14%     0       0%    57  38%      127  85%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
47  31%     10  6%       0       0%      3     2%        13     8%

Z       %
1   <1%

Popularity of use
85% S:
73% O, S:
68% I, O, S:
61% A, I, O, S:
46% N, A, I, O, S: Ion, Iason, Ioannis
44% E, N, A, I, O, S: Ioannes,
38% R, E, N, A, I, O, S: Orion,
34% L, R, E, N, A, I, O, S: Elias, Elis,
31% T, L, R, E, N, A, I, O, S: Orestes, Stelios, Anastasios, Antonios, Leontius, Martinos, Nestor, Aristotelis, Aristotle,
21% M, T, L, R, E, N, A, I, O, S: Tom, Simeon, Erasmios, Erasmos, Manolis, Menelas, Milos,
20% D, M, T, L, R, E, N, A, I, O, S: Leiandros, Leonidas, Aristides, Damian, Damianos, Damon, Demetri, Demetrios, Dimitrios, Dimitris, Dion, Dionisios,
18% K, D, M, T, L, R, E, N, A, I, O, S: Nikos, Niko, Nikodemos, Nikolaos, Nikolas, Nikolos, Nikomedes, Nektarios, Mark, Markos, Makarios, Kalinikos, Konstantinos, Kosmas, Kostas, Kristianos, Kristos,
17% H, K, D, M, T, L, R, E, N, A, I, O, S: Thaddaios, Thanos, Theodoros, Thomas, Timotheos, Mihail, Mikhalis, Herakles, Matthaios,
14% P, H, K, D, M, T, L, R, E, N, A, I, O, S: Panos, Pantelis, Parthenios, Pericles Periklis, Perikles, Periklis, Peter, Petros, Philip, Philippos, Spiridon, Stephanos, Theophilos, Apollo, Apostolos, Apostolos,
13% G, P, H, K, D, M, T, L, R, E, N, A, I, O, S: Panagiotes, Panagris, Rhigas, Angelos, George, Georges, Georgios, Georgis, Georgos, Giannes, Giannis, Gregorios, Grigoris, Agapios,
8% Y, G, P, H, K, D, M, T, L, R, E, N, A, I, O, S: Yannis, Yiannis, Yiorgos, Yorgos, Spyros, Dionysios, Lysander, Lysandros, Kypros, Kyriako, Kyrillos, Antony,
7% U, Y, G, P, H, K, D, M, T, L, R, E, N, A, I, O, S: Theodorus, Theodosius, Odysseus, Panus, Demetrius, Eugenios, Eustakhios, Loukanos, Loukas, Lukas,
6% V, B, U, Y, G, P, H, K, D, M, T, L, R, E, N, A, I, O, S: Vangeli, Vangelos, Vasileios, Vasilios, Vasilis, Vassili, Savas, Sebastianos, Stavros, Sivos, Evangelos, Lambros, Basil, Basileios, Basilios, Basilis, Ambrosios,
5% C, V, B, U, Y, G, P, H, K, D, M, T, L, R, E, N, A, I, O, S: Benedictos, Christianos, Christos, Michael, Nick, Nicolas, Achilles, Archimedes,
2% X, C, V, B, U, Y, G, P, H, K, D, M, T, L, R, E, N, A, I, O, S: Alexander, Alexandros, Alexios,
1% F, X, C, V, B, U, Y, G, P, H, K, D, M, T, L, R, E, N, A, I, O, S: Stefanos, Theofanis,
<1% Z, J, F, X, C, V, B, U, Y, G, P, H, K, D, M, T, L, R, E, N, A, I, O, S: Zenobios, John,
0% W, Q

Conclusion: Modern Greek Male culture remains part of the S linguistic group just as Ancient Greek male culture. The earliest is Ion, Iason, and Ioannis at 46%. Rising to a cultural peak at 18%, dipping at 17% and rising again at 14% before declining.

B. Female Names
1. Adonia
2. Agalia
3. Agatha
4. Agathe
5. Agathi
6. Aleka
7. Alethea
8. Alexa
9. Alexandra
10. Alithea
11. Althaia
12. Ambrosia
13. Anastasia
14. Anastasie
15. Anatolia
16. Andrea
17. Andrianna
18. Andromede
19. Angelika
20. Angeliki
21. Anna
22. Anthea
23. Apolline
24. Arete
25. Ariadne
26. Ariane
27. Artemisia
28. Astrea
29. Atalanta
30. Atalante
31. Athena
32. Atlanta
33. Berenike
34. Charis
35. Charissa
36. Chloe
37. Chloris
38. Christiane
39. Cressida
40. Cynara
41. Cytherea
42. Damaris
43. Daphne
44. Deianira
45. Delia
46. Delphine
47. Delphinia
48. Demetria
49. Denise
50. Dora
51. Doris
52. Dorkas
53. Dorothea
54. Efimia
55. Eireni
56. Ekaterini
57. Elena
58. Eleni
59. Eudora
60. Eudoxia
61. Evadne
62. Evgenia
63. Fotini
64. Helena
65. Helene
66. Hrisoula
67. Ioanna
68. Iona
69. Ione
70. Iris
71. Isadora
72. Kaligenia
73. Kalika
74. Kallirrhoe
75. Kalonice
76. Kalyca
77. Kassandra
78. Katerina
79. Konstantina
80. Korinna
81. Kosta
82. Kostatina
83. Kyra
84. Kyriakoula
85. Leandra
86. Leda
87. Lena
88. Lydia
89. Margareta
90. Margaritis
91. Maria
92. Marika
93. Marina
94. Maroula
95. Melina
96. Melissa
97. Melita
98. Nerissa
99. Nikola
100. Nikoleta
101. Niobe
102. Noula
103. Nyssa
104. Olympia
105. Ourania
106. Pauline
107. Pelagia
108. Penelope
109. Petra
110. Philippa
111. Philomel
112. Phyllis
113. Pipitsa
114. Popi
115. Rasia
116. Rena
117. Saphhira
118. Sibyl
119. Sofi
120. Sofia
121. Sofronia
122. Sophia
123. Stamatia
124. Stefana
125. Stefania
126. Stella
127. Sylva
128. Tassia
129. Tassis
130. Tekla
131. Thea
132. Theodora
133. Theodosia
134. Theophila
135. Theophilia
136. Theresa
137. Timothea
138. Toula
139. Triphena
140. Xanthe
141. Xenia
142. Xylia
143. Xylina
144. Zephyra
145. Zoë

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
125  86%   80  55%  92    63%     47  32%       9     6%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
3      2%     8     5%      29  20%     5     3%        11    7%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
37    25%     0     0%      23  15%    57  39%      19  13%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
67  46%     19  13%     0     0%      55  37%      41   28%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
50    34%     3    2%       0      0%      7     4%        14    9%

Z       %
2    1%

Popularity of use
86% A:
63% I, A:
55% E, I, A:
46% N, E, I, A: Anna,
39% L, N, E, I, A: Elena, Eleni, Lena,
37% R, L, N, E, I, A: Rena, Ariane, Eireni,
34% T, R, L, N, E, I, A: Atalanta, Atalante, Atlanta, Arete,
32% O, T, R, L, N, E, I, A: Ioanna, Iona, Ione, Anatolia,
28% S, O, T, R, L, N, E, I, A: Stella, Tassia, Tassis, Rasia, Iris, Nerissa, Anastasia, Anastasie, Astrea,
25% H, S, O, T, R, L, N, E, I, A: Thea, Theresa, Helena, Helene, Anthea, Athena, Alethea, Alithea, Althaia,
20% D, H, S, O, T, R, L, N, E, I, A: Theodora, Theodosia, Isadora, Leandra, Leda, Deianira, Delia, Denise, Dora, Doris, Dorothea, Andrea, Andrianna, Ariadne, Adonia,
15% K, D, H, S, O, T, R, L, N, E, I, A: Tekla, Kalika, Kallirrhoe, Kassandra, Katerina, Konstantina, Korinna, Kosta, Kostatina, Nikola, Nikoleta, Aleka, Berenike, Dorkas, Ekaterini,
13% P, M, K, D, H, S, O, T, R, L, N, E, I, A: Penelope, Petra, Philippa, Philomel, Pipitsa, Popi, Timothea, Triphena, Theophila, Theophilia, Saphhira, Sophia, Stamatia, Artemisia, Damaris, Daphne, Delphine, Delphinia, Demetria, Maria, Marika, Marina, Melina, Melissa, Melita, Andromede, Apolline, Ambrosia,
9% Y, P, M, K, D, H, S, O, T, R, L, N, E, I, A: Phyllis, Sibyl, Nyssa, Olympia, Kyra, Lydia,
7% G, Y, P, M, K, D, H, S, O, T, R, L, N, E, I, A: Pelagia, Kaligenia, Margareta, Margaritis, Agalia, Agatha, Agathe, Agathi, Angelika, Angeliki,
6% U, G, Y, P, M, K, D, H, S, O, T, R, L, N, E, I, A: Ourania, Pauline, Toula, Noula, Kyriakoula, Maroula, Eudora, Hrisoula,
5% C, U, G, Y, P, M, K, D, H, S, O, T, R, L, N, E, I, A: Charis, Charissa, Chloe, Chloris, Christiane, Cressida, Cynara, Cytherea, Kalonice, Kalyca,
4% X, C, U, G, Y, P, M, K, D, H, S, O, T, R, L, N, E, I, A: Xanthe, Xenia, Xylia, Xylina, Alexa, Alexandra, Eudoxia,
3% F, X, C, U, G, Y, P, M, K, D, H, S, O, T, R, L, N, E, I, A: Stefana, Stefania, Sofi, Sofia, Sofronia, Efimia, Fotini,
2% V, B, F, X, C, U, G, Y, P, M, K, D, H, S, O, T, R, L, N, E, I, A: Niobe, Sylva, Evadne, Evgenia,
1% Z, V, B, F, X, C, U, G, Y, P, M, K, D, H, S, O, T, R, L, N, E, I, A: Zephyra, Zoë,
0% J, Q, W

Conclusion: Modern Greek Female culture originates in the A-I-E linguistic subgroup as opposed to the E linguistic Group where Ancient Greek female culture originates.

The earliest is modern Greek female is Anna at 46% and they rise to a cultural peak at 13% before declining down to 1%. They are related to Gaelic Females and have River in common.

Friday, 17 September 2021

Light Fold: Final Space cancelled after three seasons


Olan notified fans by youtube video that its cancelled. The greatest scifi animation ever.

Okay... where to now?

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Age of Warp: Alien worlds near Earth


Alpha Canis Minoris AB
Species: Andorians

40 Eridani ABC
Species: Vulcans

Epsilon Indi A
Species: Draylaxians

61 Cygni AB
Species: Tellerites

Luyten's Star
Species: Vulcan
Notes: The Monastary of P'jem is a Vulcan surveillance outpost.

Linguistic Archaeology: Vietnamese female culture

Female Names

1. A'nh
2. Cam
3. Ca,nh
4. Chi
5. Diêp
6. Dông
7. Giang
8. Ha`
9. Lam
10. Liêu
11. Nam Ha`
12. Suong
13. Thu
14. Thuy
15. Vân
16. Xuân
17. Da`o
18. Lang
19. Lê
20. Hong Hanh
21. Mai
22. Thom
23. Ai'
24. An
25. An Dung
26. Anh
27. Bao
28. Bi`nh
29. Cadeo
30. Diu
31. Do`an Vien
32. Han
33. Hiê`n
34. Kê`t Nien
35. Kiê`u
36. La`nh
37. Lê
38. Linh
39. Tam
40. Tha'm
41. Thao
42. Thi
43. Thuy
44. Tú
45. Viê't
46. Vinh
47. Yên
48. Be'
49. Bê
50. Bi'ch
51. Chau
52. Ha`i
53. Khanh
54. My
55. Ngoc
56. Ngoc Bich
57. Nhung
58. Qu'y
59. Ô`ng
60. Hy`unh
61. Kim
62. Thanh Ha
63. Tuyet
64. Cuc
65. Hoa
66. Huê
67. Hung
68. Huong
69. Kim Cu`c
70. Lan
71. Liên
72. Am
73. Ha`ng
74. Hanh Phu'c
75. Nguyêt
76. Nhu
77. Phuong
78. Thanh
79. Thien
80. Tiên
81. Truc
82. Tuyen
83. Tuyê'n
84. Uoc
85. Ly
86. Phuong
87. Qui
88. Long
89. Hô`ng Yen
90. Kim-Ly
91. Loan
92. Quyêen
93. Yê'n

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
36  38%     24  25%    25  26%   20  21%       30  32%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
6     6%      13  13%     7     7%      0     0%        18  19%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
39  41%     0    0%       6     6%      13  13%      11  11%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
49  52%     3    3%       3     3%      0     0%        0       0%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
20  21%     4   4%        0     0%       1     1%        15  16%

Z       %
0     0%

Popularity of use
52% N:
41% H, N:
38% A, H, N: A'nh, Ha`, An, Anh, Han,
32% U, A, H, N: Nhu,
26% I, U, A, H, N: Ai', Ha`i,
25% E, I, U, A, H, N: Hiê`n, Huê,
21% T, O, E, I, U, A, H, N: Thanh, Thien, Tiên, Thao, Thi, Tú, Thanh Ha, Thu, Hoa,
19% G, T, O, E, I, U, A, H, N: Hung, Huong, Ha`ng, Nhung, Ô`ng, Hong Hanh, Suong, Giang,
16% Y, G, T, O, E, I, U, A, H, N: Tuyen, Tuyê'n, Hô`ng Yen, Yê'n, Tuyet, Nguyêt, Hy`unh, Thuy, Yên, Thuy,
13% L, C, Y, G, T, O, E, I, U, A, H, N: Uoc, Ly, Long, Loan, Lan, Liên, Truc, Ngoc, Chau, Cuc, La`nh, Lê, Linh, Lang, Lê, Ca,nh, Chi, Liêu,
11% M, L, C, Y, G, T, O, E, I, U, A, H, N: My, Am, Tam, Tha'm, Nam Ha`, Mai, Thom, Lam, Cam,
7% D, M, L, C, Y, G, T, O, E, I, U, A, H, N: Cadeo, Diu, An Dung, Da`o, Dông,
6% K, B, D, M, L, C, Y, G, T, O, E, I, U, A, H, N: Kim Cu`c, Kim-Ly, Kim, Khanh, Kê`t Nien, Kiê`u, Be', Bê, Bi'ch, Ngoc Bich, Bao, Bi`nh,
4% P, V, K, B, D, M, L, C, Y, G, T, O, E, I, U, A, H, N: Hanh Phu'c, Phuong, Diêp, Phuong, Viê't, Vinh, Vân, Do`an Vien,
3% Q, P, V, K, B, D, M, L, C, Y, G, T, O, E, I, U, A, H, N: Qui, Quyêen, Qu'y,
1% X, Q, P, V, K, B, D, M, L, C, Y, G, T, O, E, I, U, A, H, N: Xuân,
0% Z, W, R, S, J, F

Conclusion: originating in the N linguistic group.
The earliest is at 38% with A'nh, Ha`, An, Anh, and Han rising to an eventual cultural peak at 13% before declining through to 1%.

Monday, 13 September 2021

Linguistic Archaeology: Saturn (a redo)

Words in almost every language
1. Saturn
2. Saturnus
3. Saturni
4. saterini
5. zahal
6. Saturno
7. Śani
8. Tǔxīng
9. Saturnu
10. Saturno (esperanto)
11. Saturne
12. sat’urni
13. Krónos
14. Satin
15. *B*A* (hebrew)
16. shani grah
17. Szaturnusz
18. Satúrnus
19. Zuhal
20. Zohal
21. Satarn
22. Dosei
23. Satwrn
24. php saw
25. toseong
26. dav sao
27. Saturnia (latin)
28. Saturns
29. Saturnas
30. Saturnu
31. Śanī
32. Sanchir garig
33. hcaytaan
34. *HL (pashto)
35. N* (sindhi)
36. senasuru
37. Caṉi
38. SAT*PN (tatar)
39. Dāw s̄eār̒
40. Satürn
41. Zühal
42. SAT*PN (uyghur)
43. sao Thổ
44. Sadwrn
45. ISaturn
46. Satouni

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
39  86%     6  13%      15  33%      8   17%        19  42%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
1     2%      3     6%      4     8%      0     0%        4      8%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
10  22%     0     0%      1     2%       5  11%        0       0%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
34  75%     3    6%       0     0%      24  53%       35   77%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
26  57%     1    2%       4      8%      1     2%        1      2%

Z       %
5  11%

Popularity of use
86% A:
77% S, A:
75% N, S, A: N* (sindhi),
57% T, N, S, A:
53% R, T, N, S, A: Satarn,
42% U, R, T, N, S, A: Saturn, Saturnus, Saturnu, Satúrnus, Saturns, Saturnas, Saturnu, Satürn,
33% I, U, R, T, N, S, A: Śanī, ISaturn, sat’urni, Satin, Saturnia (latin), Saturni, Śani,
22% H, I, U, R, T, N, S, A:
17% O, H, I, U, R, T, N, S, A: sao Thổ, Satouni, Saturno, Saturno (esperanto),
13% E, O, H, I, U, R, T, N, S, A: Saturne, senasuru, saterini,
11% Z, L, E, O, H, I, U, R, T, N, S, A: zahal, *HL (pashto), Zühal, Zuhal, Zohal, Szaturnusz,
8% W, G, D, Z, L, E, O, H, I, U, R, T, N, S, A: Dāw s̄eār̒, Sadwrn, Dosei, Satwrn, toseong, shani grah,
6% P, C, W, G, D, Z, L, E, O, H, I, U, R, T, N, S, A: Caṉi, SAT*PN (tatar), SAT*PN (uyghur), Sanchir garig, php saw,
2% X, Y, V, K, B, P, C, W, G, D, Z, L, E, O, H, I, U, R, T, N, S, A: dav sao, hcaytaan, *B*A* (hebrew), Krónos, Tǔxīng,
0% Q, M, J, F

Conclusion: originating in the A-S subgroup:

A-S subgroup    sex    %          Dev. Chain
Saturn                         86%     (A; S; N; T; R; U)
Forest                          55%     (A; S; O; N; L; I; E)

Redoing Saturn has shifted it from a shared A/S linguistic group overlap but it moves it into an as yet unknown A linguistic subgroup along with the Forest.

We have N* (sindhi) at 76% followed by a development gap at 57% until 53% with the Irish Satarn (though Sa-Tarn sounds hittite for 'Ducks/geese - mountain lake').

A peak in spread at 42% with Saturn, Saturnus (dutch), Saturnu (corsican), Satúrnus (icelandic), Saturns (latvian), Saturnas (lithuanian), Saturnu (maltese), and Satürn (turkish) before declining through 33% with Śanī (marathi), ISaturn (xhosa), sat’urni (georgian), Satin (hatian creole), Saturnia (latin), Saturni (Albanian), and Śani (Bengali) to a bandgap at 22% before interest in Saturn returns. A plateau at 11%-8% declining to 6% and leveling off through 2%. 

Sunday, 12 September 2021

Short Fiction: Deneb

"TEN MINUTE WARNING." The Ship AI spoke to the million colonists settling into their cryosleep pods. "LIFE TERMINATION IMMINENT."

Kaylah Blain devoured her Thai Chilli Squid ration pack before climbing into cryopod zero-one-one-three-nine-one-five, dropping the expended ration pack packaging into the cryopod by her feet.
The pod cover lowered into place and achieved a vaccuum seal with a sucking-thunk sound.

"WHAT MUSIC WOULD YOU LIKE?" The AI offered a selection of scrolling symbols waiting for her to pick one. "PERHAPS SMOKEY JAZZ... THE POKEMON THEMESONG IS AVAILABLE AS IS TH..."

"Please play the Pokemon themesong, Smokey Jazz, Sara Niemietz version." The AI accepted her selection of the Pokemon themesong in Smokey Jazz by Sara Niemietz.

The song lasted four minutes and fifteen seconds.

"TERMINATING BRAIN FUNCTION." The AI sorted through the vast backlog of data and determined that two cryopods had failed to terminate the brain function of their passengers. "CRYOPODS ZERO-ONE-ONE-THREE-NINE-ONE-FIVE FAIL, ZERO-ZERO-SEVEN-SEVEN-ONE-THREE-ONE FAIL."

"FAIL QUANTITY LESS THAN ONE PERCENT" That was sufficient to continue with the Jump. "JUMP IS GREEN."

"JUMPING." Space-time folded around the massive colony ship and then unfolded depositing the colony ship two hundred and seventeen Astronomical units from Deneb. "JUMP IS GOOD."

"CHECKING FOR PASSENGER LOSSES." The AI sorted through the million files. "TWO INITIAL POD FAILURES."

"CRYOPOD ZERO-ONE-ONE-THREE-NINE-ONE-FIVE," The now distinctly unhuman thing in the cryopod speared at the glass of its small prison with its metre long tentacle-tongue. "CRITICAL GENOME FAILURE DETECTED."

"CRYOPOD ZERO-ZERO-SEVEN-SEVEN-ONE-THREE-ONE," This one was inspecting itself, apparently focused on its miraculous survival. "CRITICAL GENOME FAILURE DETECTED."

"Wait... what?" Tragen Karst panicked at the suggestion. "What do you mean CGF Detected?"
Stop." Tragen Karst objected to the very idea that the systems had failed to protect him... had failed him. "I'm perf..." The launch force impacted against him and he blacked out.

"DISPOSAL PROTOCOL ACTIVATED." The two offending pods were ejected toward Deneb Hb. "DISPOSAL COMPLETE."

"POST JUMP REVIVAL PROTOCOL ACTIVATED." The AI activated the revival sequence for nine hundred and ninety nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety eight Cryopods. "STIMULATING BRAIN FUNCTION."

"RECOVERY FAILURES DETECTED." Slightly less than fifty percent of the remaining cryopod population failed to emerge from their Deathsleep. "FAIL QUANTITY WITHIN FIFTY PERCENT."

"DISPOSAL PROTOCOL ACTIVATED." The cryopods of just less than half a million who failed to emerge from Deathsleep were ejected toward Deneb Hb. "DISPOSAL COMPLETE."



"Report recieved Deneb Colonial Transport," The voice of a human responded. "Replacement crew will be dispatched." 

Friday, 10 September 2021

Age of Warp: cards 171-173


Linguistic Archaeology: The first Carvings

To Carve in almost every language

1. To carve
2. Te kerf
3. Për të Gdhendur
4. Lemek’irets’i
5. Lianqash
6. P’voragrel
7. Oymaq
8. Zizelkatzeko
9. Vyrazać
10. Khōdā'i karā
11. Da izdŭlbaem
12. Tallar
13. Sa Pag-ukit
14. Kusema
15. Diāokè
16. À Sculpisce
17. Izrezati
18. Vyřezávat
19. At skære
20. Kerven
21. Cizi (esperanto)
22. Carve'ile
23. Kay Carve
24. Kaivertaa
25. A sculpter
26. Snije
27. Esculpir
28. Amoch’ra
29. Schnitzen
30. Sto Carve
31. Kōtaravuṁ
32. Skilte
33. Da Carve
34. Iā Carve
35. *F (hebrew)
36. Utkeern
37. Rau Carve
38. Faragni
39. Ath rista
40. Na -akpụ
41. Mengukir
42. A Snoí
43. Scolpire
44. Horu
45. Kanggo ngukir
46. Kettalu
47. Keswge
48. Tow Carve
49. Kuri Carve
50. Gaecheoghagi
51. Oyuu üçün
52. Pheu kae
53. Ad Carve (latin)
54. Uz Carve
55. Drožinėti
56. Ze schneiden
57. Da izdlabi
58. Mankany Carve
59. Untuk mengukir
60. Keāttiyeṭukkān
61. Biex Carve
62. Ki te Whakairo
63. Kōraṇē
64. Siilekh
65. Carve lotehphoet
66. Nakkāśī garna
67. Å skjære
68. *A* (odia)
69. N*L (pashto)
70. Rzeźbić
71. Esculpir
72. Ukarī karana la'ī
73. A sculpta
74. Vyrezat
75. E vaneina
76. A shnaigheadh
77. Da podele
78. Ho betla
79. Kuveza
80. N*K* (sindhi)
81. Kæṭayam kirīmaṭa
82. Izrezljati
83. Si loo xardho
84. Pikeun ngukir
85. Kuchonga
86. Att karva
87. Kandakorī kardan
88. Cetukka
89. *EN*PA* (tatar)
90. Cekkaḍāniki
91. Kæa s̄lạk
92. Oymak
93. Oýmak
94. Vysikaty
95. A*Y* (uyghur)
96. O'ymoq
97. Để khắc
98. I gerfio
99. Ukukrola
100. Tsu shnaydn
101. Láti gbẹ́
102. Ukudweba

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
74  73%     67  66%    47  46%   28   27%       30  29%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
7     6%      29   28%     16  15%    4     3%        14  13%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
18  17%     3    2%       44  43%    26  25%      13   12%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
28  27%     15  14%     3     2%      54  53%      26  25%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
35  34%     24  23%     4     3%      2     1%        15    14%

Z       %
1        3%

Popularity of use
73% A: *A* (odia),
66% E, A:
53% R, E, A:
46% I, R, E, A:
43% K, I, R, E, A:
34% T, K, I, R, E, A: At skære, Ath rista,
29% U, T, K, I, R, E, A:
28% C, U, T, K, I, R, E, A: Cetukka,
27% N, O, C, U, T, K, I, R, E, A: A Snoí, Kōraṇē, N*K* (sindhi), Utkeern,
25% S, L, N, O, C, U, T, K, I, R, E, A: Kæa s̄lạk, Ukukrola, N*L (pashto), Ukarī karana la'ī, Kettalu, Siilekh, Tallar, Skilte,
23% V, S, L, N, O, C, U, T, K, I, R, E, A: E vaneina, Att karva, Rau Carve, Kuri Carve, Carve'ile, Kaivertaa, Sto Carve, Iā Carve, To carve, Kerven,
17% H, V, S, L, N, O, C, U, T, K, I, R, E, A: Horu,
15% D, H, V, S, L, N, O, C, U, T, K, I, R, E, A: Cekkaḍāniki, Để khắc, Kandakorī kardan, Ad Carve (latin), Da Carve, Khōdā'i karā, Diāokè,
14% Y, P, D, H, V, S, L, N, O, C, U, T, K, I, R, E, A: Vysikaty, A*Y* (uyghur), Tsu shnaydn, *EN*PA* (tatar), A sculpta, Da podele, Esculpir, Keāttiyeṭukkān, Carve lotehphoet, Oyuu üçün, Pheu kae, Na -akpụ, Scolpire, A sculpter, Esculpir, Kay Carve, À Sculpisce,
13% Z, G, Y, P, D, H, V, S, L, N, O, C, U, T, K, I, R, E, A: Pikeun ngukir, Kuchonga, A shnaigheadh, Kuveza, Vyrezat, Uz Carve, Drožinėti, Ze schneiden, Kanggo ngukir, Gaecheoghagi, Izrezati, Vyřezávat, Schnitzen, Për të Gdhendur, P’voragrel, Zizelkatzeko, Vyrazać, Sa Pag-ukit, Cizi (esperanto),
12% M, Z, G, Y, P, D, H, V, S, L, N, O, C, U, T, K, I, R, E, A: Kæṭayam kirīmaṭa, Oymak, Oýmak, Mengukir, Mankany Carve, Untuk mengukir, Amoch’ra, Kōtaravuṁ, Lemek’irets’i, Kusema,
6% B, M, Z, G, Y, P, D, H, V, S, L, N, O, C, U, T, K, I, R, E, A: Ho betla, Láti gbẹ́, Rzeźbić, Da izdŭlbaem, Da izdlabi,
3% W, F, B, M, Z, G, Y, P, D, H, V, S, L, N, O, C, U, T, K, I, R, E, A: I gerfio, Ukudweba, Keswge, Tow Carve, Ki te Whakairo, *F (hebrew), Faragni, Te kerf,
2% Q, J, W, F, B, M, Z, G, Y, P, D, H, V, S, L, N, O, C, U, T, K, I, R, E, A: Izrezljati, O'ymoq, Å skjære, Snije, Lianqash, Oymaq,
1% X, Q, J, W, F, B, M, Z, G, Y, P, D, H, V, S, L, N, O, C, U, T, K, I, R, E, A: Biex Carve, Si loo xardho,

Conclusion: originating in the A-E-R linguistic subgroup:

A-E subgroup   Sex       %         Dev. Chain                   bandgap
Balinise             M&F?   70%     (A; E; K, N)
A. Egyptian       M          63%     (A; E; N; H; U)                  ●
Oar                                   54%    (A; E; O; R; I; S; U)

A-E-R subgroup
To Observe                     82%    (A; E; R, I; S, N)
Xibalba                            78%    (A; E; R; I, O; T; S)
To Carve                         73%     (A; E; R; I; K)
Provençal            M        57%    (A; E; R; I; N; L; T)

A-E-I subgroup
Provençal             F       90%     (A; E; I; N; L; R; S)
Middle Earth                 79%     (A; E; I; M)
Scot. Low              F       71%     (A; E; I; N; R, L)                ●
Berber                  M       70%     (A; E; I; U; M)                   ●
To Harvest                     69%     (A; E; I, T; O)
Hebrew                M       66%     (A; E; I; H; N)

A-E-T subgroup
Etruscans            M&F  68%     (A; E; T; L; U)
To Weave                       61%     (A; E; T; N; U)

A-E-H subgroup
Other Am.            F       84%      (A; E; H; S; N; O)             ●●●
Cherokee             M      76%      (A; E; H; T; N; U)

Carving is popular at less than 73% with the incomplete *A* (odia), though incomplete there is a developmental bandgap until 34% where we get carvings with At skære (danish), Ath rista (icelandic).
This is followed by a second bandgap at 29% and then carving returns in popularity rising until a sudden collapse at 17%. Again carving spreads being greatly popular between 14%-13%, before declining in spread down to 1%.

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Linguistic Archaeology: the Egyptians in PDF

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Linguistic Archaeology: that time we found gold

 Gold in almost every language

1. Gold
2. Goud
3. Ari
4. Werik’i
5. Dhahab
6. Voski
7. Qızıl
8. Urrea
9. Zolata
10. Sōnā
11. Zlato
12. Or
13. Bulawan
14. Golide
15. Jīnzi
16. Oru
17. Guld
18. Oro (esperanto)
19. Kuld
20. Ginto
21. Kulta
22. Ouro
23. Okro
24. Chrysós
25. Sōnuṁ
26. Lò
27. Zinariya
28. Gula
29. P*B (hebrew)
30. Sona
31. Kub
32. Arany
33. Gull
34. Ọlaedo
35. Emas
36. Óir
37. Oro
38. Gōrudo
39. Cinna
40. Altın
41. Meas
42. Zahabu
43. Geum
44. Zêr
45. Khoa
46. Aurum (latin)
47. Zelts
48. Auksas
49. Volamena
50. Svarṇṇaṁ
51. Deheb
52. Koura
53. Sōnē
54. Alt
55. Shway
56. Suna
57. S* (odia)
58. *R*R* (pashto)
59. Złoto
60. Aur
61. Zoloto
62. Auro
63. Òr
64. Khauta
65. Ndarama
66. *NA (sindhi)
67. Ran
68. Dahab
69. Dhahabu
70. Tillo
71. Taṅka
72. ALYN (tatar)
73. Baṅgāraṁ
74. Thxng
75. Altyn
76. AALT*N (uyghur)
77. Vàng
78. Igolide
79. Wura

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
42  53%     13  16%    13  16%   30    38%       24  30%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
8   10%      2    2%       11  14%     0     0%        13   16%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
10  12%     1    1%      11  14%     23  29%       9       9%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
23  29%     1    1%       1     1%      23  29%       14  17%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
15  19%     4    5%       4       5%       1     1%        6      7%

Z       %
9     9%

Popularity of use
53% A:
38% O, A:
30% U, O, A: *NA (sindhi),
29% L, R, N, U, O, A: Lò, Or, Oro (esperanto), Oro, *R*R* (pashto), Aur, Auro, Oru, Ouro, Òr, Ran,
19% T, L, R, N, U, O, A: Alt, AALT*N (uyghur),
17% S, T, L, R, N, U, O, A: Suna, S* (odia), Sona, Sōnā,
16% E, G, I, S, T, L, R, N, U, O, A: Gull, Óir, Tillo, Altın, Ginto, Ari, Sōnē, Urrea, Gula,
14% D, K, E, G, I, S, T, L, R, N, U, O, A: Taṅka, Igolide, Auksas, Koura, Ọlaedo, Gōrudo, Kulta, Okro, Kuld, Golide, Guld, Gold, Goud,
12% H, D, K, E, G, I, S, T, L, R, N, U, O, A: Khoa, Khauta,
10% B, H, D, K, E, G, I, S, T, L, R, N, U, O, A: Dahab, Dhahabu, Kub, Deheb, Dhahab,
9% Z, M, B, H, D, K, E, G, I, S, T, L, R, N, U, O, A: Ndarama, Baṅgāraṁ, Meas, Zahabu, Geum, Zêr, Sōnuṁ, Emas, Zolata, Zlato, Aurum (latin), Zelts, Złoto, Zoloto,
7% Y, Z, M, B, H, D, K, E, G, I, S, T, L, R, N, U, O, A: ALYN (tatar), Altyn, Zinariya, Arany,
5% V, W, Y, Z, M, B, H, D, K, E, G, I, S, T, L, R, N, U, O, A: Vàng, Wura, Shway, Volamena, Svarṇṇaṁ, Voski, Bulawan, Werik’i,
2% C, V, W, Y, Z, M, B, H, D, K, E, G, I, S, T, L, R, N, U, O, A: Chrysós, Cinna,
1% J, P, Q, X, C, V, W, Y, Z, M, B, H, D, K, E, G, I, S, T, L, R, N, U, O, A: P*B (hebrew), Thxng, Jīnzi, Qızıl,
0% F

Conclusion: Gold originates somewhere in the A-O linguistic subgroup:

A-O subgroup    Sex      %         Dev. Chain                              Bandgap
Luo                        F       100%   (A; O; N, I; E, G, Y)
Choctaw               F        90%     (A; O; L; H, N)
Algonquin            F         88%     (A; O; N, M; H, E, W)
Kisii                      M        85%     (A; O; I, M)
Swamp                            71%      (A; O; M; I; T, P, L)
Papuan                M       62%      (A; O; N; I; E; K)
Gold                                 53%      (A; O; U; L, R, N)

A-O-E subgroup
Yoruba                 M       84%       (A; O; E; N; I, D)
Yoruba                  F       78%       (A; O; E; I; L)                                 ●
Horse                              55%       (A; O; E; L, H; S, I; R)

A-O-I subgroup
Finnish                 M      56%        (A; O; I; E; R; T)
Fire!                                46%        (A; O; I; N, U; G, E)

The earliest apparent interest in Gold is at 30% with the partial *NA (sindhi).
This is followed by a spike in popularity at 29% with Lò (hatian creole), Or (French), Oro (esperanto), Oro (italian), *R*R* (pashto), Aur (romanian), Auro (samoan), Oru (corsican), Ouro (galician), Òr (scots gaelic), and Ran (sinhala). It drops away until there is a peak at 14% before interest declines.
The greatest peak in interest in gold is at 9%. And then again it drops off until a peak at 5%, a decline at 2% followed by a rise in interest at 1%.