Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Linguistic Archaeology: Finding Xibalba

Xibalba, the underworld means 'Place of fear'. So where does it originate in the real world?

Xibalba in every language
1. Xibalba
2. Place of Fear
3. Plek van vrees
4. Vendi i Frika
5. Yefirihati bota
6. Makan alkhawf
7. Vakhi tegh
8. Qorxu yeri
9. Beldur Lekua
10. Miesca strachu
11. Bhaẏēra jāẏagā
12. Mjesto straha
13. Myasto na strakha
14. Lloc de la por
15. Dapit sa kahadlok
16. Malo amantha
17. Kǒngjù zhī dì
18. Locu di paura
19. Místo strachu
20. Sted for frygt
21. Plaats van angst
22. Loko de timo (esperanto)
23. Hirmu koht
24. Lugar ng takot
25. Pelon paikka
26. Lieu de peur
27. Plak fan eangst
28. Shishis adgili
29. Ort der Angst
30. Bhaya sthaḷa
31. Kote pè
32. Wurin tsoro
33. Wahi o ka makaʻu
34. MK*M*HD (hebrew)
35. dar kee jagah
36. Qhov chaw ntawm kev ntshai
37. A félelem helye
38. Staður ótta
39. Ebe egwu
40. Tempat ketakutan
41. Áit eagla
42. Luogo di paura
43. Osore no basho
44. Papan wedi
45. Bhayada sthaḷa
46. Qorqınış ornı
47. kanleng phyokhlach
48. Ahantu ho gutinya
49. dulyeoum-ui jangso
50. cihê tirsê
51. korkuu jeri
52. sathanthi aehngkhuaam yankua
53. locus timoris (latin)
54. baiļu vieta
55. baimės vieta
56. Plaz vun der Angscht
57. Mesto na strav
58. Toerana misy tahotra
59. hr̥dayattinṟe sthalaṁ
60. Post tal-Biża '
61. Tuhinga o mua
62. Bhītīcī jāgā
63. Aidsyn gazar
64. kyawwatrwan rar nayrar
65. Ḍarakō ṭhā'um̐
66. Sted for frykt
67. *R* (pashto)
68. *S (persian)
69. Miejsce strachu
70. Lugar de medo
71. Ḍara dī jag'hā
72. Locul fricii
73. Mesto strakha
74. Nofoaga o le fefe
75. Àite eagal
76. Mesto straha
77. Sebaka sa tšabo
78. Nzvimbo yekutya
79. *F*M*AM (sindhi)
80. bhītiyē sthānaya
81. Miesto strachu
82. Kraj strahu
83. Meel cabsi leh
84. Lugar de miedo
85. Tempat kasieunan
86. Plats av rädsla
87. Çoi tars
88. Payattiṉ iṭam
89. K*P*PYNY (tatar)
90. Bhayaṁ unna pradēśaṁ
91. S̄t̄hān thī̀ h̄æ̀ng khwām klạw
92. korku yeri
93. Gorky ýeri
94. Mistse strakhu
95. *A* (urdu)
96. Q*PQ*N*A*PNY (uyghur)
97. Nơi sợ hãi
98. Lle ofn
99. Indawo yokoyika
100. ort fun mura
101. Ibi ti iberu
102. Indawo yokwesaba

Popularity of Use
A        %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
79  78%    58  57%     53  52%   51    50%       37  36%

B        %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
18   17%     15  14%    24  23%     13  12%      28  27%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
43  42%     9    8%       35  34%    35  34%      36  35%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
41  40%     22  21%     4     3%     50  49%       46  45%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
52  51%     11  10%    10    9%      2     1%        27  26%

Z       %
5     4%

Popularity of use
78% A: *A* (urdu),
57% E, A:
52% I, E, A:
51% T, I, E, A:
50% O, T, I, E, A:
49% R, O, T, I, E, A: *R* (pashto),
45% S, R, O, T, I, E, A: *S (persian),
42% H, S, R, O, T, I, E, A:
40% N, H, S, R, O, T, I, E, A: Nơi sợ hãi,
36% U, N, H, S, R, O, T, I, E, A: Staður ótta,
35% M, U, N, H, S, R, O, T, I, E, A: Mesto straha,
34% L, K, M, U, N, H, S, R, O, T, I, E, A: Mesto strakha, Mistse strakhu, Malo amantha, Hirmu koht,
27% G, L, K, M, U, N, H, S, R, O, T, I, E, A: Áit eagla, Tuhinga o mua, Àite eagal, Lugar ng takot,
26% Y, G, L, K, M, U, N, H, S, R, O, T, I, E, A: korku yeri, Gorky ýeri, Myasto na strakha, Ahantu ho gutinya, sathanthi aehngkhuaam yankua, Toerana misy tahotra,
23% D, Y, G, L, K, M, U, N, H, S, R, O, T, I, E, A: Lugar de medo, Lugar de miedo, hr̥dayattinṟe sthalaṁ, Ḍarakō ṭhā'um̐, Shishis adgili, Ort der Angst, MK*M*HD (hebrew), Loko de timo (esperanto),
21% P, D, Y, G, L, K, M, U, N, H, S, R, O, T, I, E, A: Tempat kasieunan, Payattiṉ iṭam, K*P*PYNY (tatar), Tempat ketakutan, Luogo di paura, Pelon paikka, Lieu de peur, Kote pè, Dapit sa kahadlok,
17% B, P, D, Y, G, L, K, M, U, N, H, S, R, O, T, I, E, A: Bhayaṁ unna pradēśaṁ, Ibi ti iberu, Sebaka sa tšabo, bhītiyē sthānaya, Bhaya sthaḷa, Osore no basho, Bhayada sthaḷa, Beldur Lekua,
14% C, B, P, D, Y, G, L, K, M, U, N, H, S, R, O, T, I, E, A: Miesto strachu, Meel cabsi leh, Çoi tars, Locu di paura, Místo strachu, kanleng phyokhlach, cihê tirsê, locus timoris (latin), Lloc de la por, Miesca strachu,
12% F, C, B, P, D, Y, G, L, K, M, U, N, H, S, R, O, T, I, E, A: *F*M*AM (sindhi), Lle ofn, ort fun mura, Locul fricii, Nofoaga o le fefe, Sted for frykt, Plak fan eangst, A félelem helye, Sted for frygt, Place of Fear, Yefirihati bota,
10% V, F, C, B, P, D, Y, G, L, K, M, U, N, H, S, R, O, T, I, E, A: baiļu vieta, baimės vieta, Mesto na strav, Plats av rädsla, Vakhi tegh, Plaats van angst, Plek van vrees, Vendi i Frika,
9% W, V, F, C, B, P, D, Y, G, L, K, M, U, N, H, S, R, O, T, I, E, A: Indawo yokoyika, Indawo yokwesaba, S̄t̄hān thī̀ h̄æ̀ng khwām klạw, Papan wedi, kyawwatrwan rar nayrar, Wurin tsoro, Wahi o ka makaʻu, Ebe egwu, Makan alkhawf,
8% J, W, V, F, C, B, P, D, Y, G, L, K, M, U, N, H, S, R, O, T, I, E, A: Ḍara dī jag'hā, Kraj strahu, Miejsce strachu, Bhītīcī jāgā, korkuu jeri, dulyeoum-ui jangso, Bhaẏēra jāẏagā, Mjesto straha, dar kee jagah,
4% Z, J, W, V, F, C, B, P, D, Y, G, L, K, M, U, N, H, S, R, O, T, I, E, A: Aidsyn gazar, Nzvimbo yekutya, Plaz vun der Angscht, Post tal-Biża ', Kǒngjù zhī dì,
3% Q, Z, J, W, V, F, C, B, P, D, Y, G, L, K, M, U, N, H, S, R, O, T, I, E, A: Qorqınış ornı, Q*PQ*N*A*PNY (uyghur), Qhov chaw ntawm kev ntshai,
1% X, Q, Z, J, W, V, F, C, B, P, D, Y, G, L, K, M, U, N, H, S, R, O, T, I, E, A: Xibalba, Qorxu yeri,

Conclusion: Xibalba has an A-E-I subgroup origin related to Middle Earth, Scottish LowlandF, BerberM, HebrewM and IboF.
Plenty of incomplete forms. Somewhere inside 78% is *A* (Urdu), followed by a band gap, then *R* (Pashto), followed by *S (Persian). A second band gap at 42%. At 40% the first complete form in Nơi sợ hãi (vietnamese) followed by a slow ride in interest to 12% before a decline.
Scot. LowF & BerberM share a cultural bandgap which might be a related cataclysm.

Earliest Names by Dialect var.
Sequence  Middle-earth   Xibalba       Scot. LowF           BerberM     Heb.M
                    A-E-I-M-D-T   A-E-I-T-O-R   A-E-I-N-R/L-O/S  A-E-I-U-M  A-E-I-H-N
2-5-5-2-4       Eddem*         Eooet           ELLEN,                  Emmen     Enneh
5-3-5-4-5       Didmd            Oioto            Lilnl*,                   MIMUM     Ninhn
4-1-5-1-5      Datat              Taoao            Narar,                  Uamam     HANAN
2-6-3            Eti                   Eri                   Eoi,                                             ELI
1-4-4-3-6      Ammit          Attir               ANNIS                   Auui*           Ahhi*

A-E-I subgroup        *proto-Biblical?
Lilnl:                             Lilith
Eddem:                        Adam

So that would make them climate refugees fleeing sea level rises from either a lost island of Xi in the Atlantic likely considered to be 'Middle Earth' before it became Xibalba (a Place of Fear). But where?

A-E-I subgroup         **ancient chinese
Taoao:                        Tao T'ieh

Tao is a mythological beast face, and Ao means blue. So blue faced Picts or someone more ancient in culture?

Xi could be lowlands around Britain and Ireland, considered the middle of the world, and then lost to the sea as Xibalba. Scottish lowland female survivor. Some males become Berber, then Hebrew males? Or is it the Azors? It seems more centric to a Middle-Earth that evolves into Xibalba.

Saturday, 26 June 2021

Linguistic Archaeology: The Irish clans

Irish family Names

1. Adair
2. Ahearne
3. Aheron
4. Aird
5. Bain
6. Bannon
7. Barrett
8. Barry
9. Beahan
10. Beatty
11. Bell
12. Bergan
13. Bergin
14. Berry
15. Binchy
16. Bird
17. Blaine
18. Blighe
19. Bohan
20. Boland
21. Bolger
22. Boran
23. Borin
24. Boughy
25. Boyce
26. Boylan
27. Bradley
28. Brady
29. Brahan
30. Brannigan
31. Brawney
32. Breen
33. Brennan
34. Brian
35. Brin
36. Brodie
37. Brogan
38. Brosnahan
39. Broun
40. Brown
41. Bruin
42. Buckley
43. Burke
44. Byrne
45. Caddell
46. Cady
47. Caffrey
48. Cahill
49. Calhoun
50. Callaghan
51. Callan
52. Campbell
53. Canning
54. Carew
55. Carlin
56. Carmody
57. Carney
58. Carron
59. Carson
60. Carton
61. Cary
62. Caskey
63. Cass
64. Cassidy
65. Cavanagh
66. Cawley
67. Claffey
68. Clanchy
69. Clancy
70. Cleary
71. Cleland
72. Cloherty
73. Clohessy
74. Closky
75. Clune
76. Clyne
77. Cochrane
78. Coffey
79. Coglan
80. Cogley
81. Colgan
82. Collins
83. Colvin
84. Conan
85. Condon
86. Conlin
87. Conn
88. Connelly
89. Conner
90. Connor
91. Connors
92. Conroy
93. Conway
94. Coonan
95. Corcoran
96. Corey
97. Corkin
98. Corrigan
99. Corry
100. Costigan
101. Cotter
102. Coughlin
103. Coulter
104. Counihan
105. Cowgan
106. Coyle
107. Crawley
108. Creagh
109. Crean
110. Creedan
111. Creegan
112. Crilley
113. Crimmins
114. Cronin
115. Crosbie
116. Crosby
117. Crowley
118. Crummer
119. Cuddy
120. Culhane
121. Culhoun
122. Cullinane
123. Cunningham
124. Curley
125. Curnane
126. Currie
127. Curtayne
128. Curtis
129. Cusack
130. D’Arcy
131. Dacey
132. Daley
133. Darcy
134. Daunt
135. Davoran
136. Dawley
137. De Barra
138. Deghy
139. Delahunty
140. Delane
141. Delany
142. Dennehy
143. Denny
144. Derrick
145. Desmond
146. Devany
147. Devery
148. Devin
149. Devine
150. Diarmid
151. Dignan
152. Dixon
153. Doble
154. Doherty
155. Dolan
156. Donachie
157. Donaghy
158. Donnelly
159. Donoghue
160. Donohue
161. Doody
162. Doohan
163. Doolan
164. Dooley
165. Doon
166. Dorrian
167. Doud
168. Doughan
169. Dougharty
170. Dowden
171. Dowdy
172. Dowey
173. Downes
174. Doyle
175. Drew
176. Duane
177. Duff
178. Duffey
179. Duggan
180. Duignan
181. Dwyer
182. Dyal
183. Egan
184. Ellig
185. Fagan
186. Fahey
187. Fane
188. Farley
189. Farnan
190. Farrell
191. Faucett
192. Fay
193. Fealy
194. Fearon
195. Feeney
196. Fegan
197. Fennessy
198. Fenney
199. Ferrick
200. Ferris
201. Ferry
202. Finneran
203. Finsley
204. Fitzgerald
205. Fitzgibbon
206. Fitzpatrick
207. Fitzsimmons
208. Flaherty
209. Flannagan
210. Flannigan
211. Flinn
212. Flood
213. Flynn
214. Foley
215. Folgan
216. Forbes
217. Ford
218. Foy
219. Foynes
220. Frawley
221. Freethy
222. Furey
223. Fynan
224. Gaff
225. Gaffey
226. Galbraith
227. Gallagher
228. Gallivan
229. Galvin
230. Gannon
231. Gant
232. Garraghty
233. Garrahan
234. Garrity
235. Garry
236. Garvey
237. Gaughan
238. Gavigan
239. Gaynor
240. Geary
241. Geelan
242. Geoghan
243. Geraghty
244. Gettins
245. Gibney
246. Gilfoyle
247. Gill
248. Gillan
249. Gilligan
250. Gilmore
251. Gilroy
252. Glanchy
253. Gleason
254. Glennon
255. Glinn
256. Gogarty
257. Golden
258. Goodwin
259. Gorey
260. Gorham
261. Goslin
262. Grady
263. Graham
264. Granahan
265. Grayden
266. Greeley
267. Greer
268. Gregan
269. Gregg
270. Gribbin
271. Griffin
272. Grimley
273. Grogan
274. Guiness
275. Guiney
276. Gunning
277. Guthrie
278. Hadden
279. Hafner
280. Hagan
281. Hagerty
282. Haley
283. Haliday
284. Halley
285. Halligan
286. Halpin
287. Hamill
288. Hamran
289. Handley
290. Hanifin
291. Hanlin
292. Hanlon
293. Hanly
294. Hannity
295. Hannon
296. Hanratty
297. Hare
298. Hart
299. Hartigan
300. Harvey
301. Haugh
302. Hay
303. Hayes
304. Healey
305. Heaney
306. Hearne
307. Hefferman
308. Heffernan
309. Hegarty
310. Hellowell
311. Henchy
312. Heneghan
313. Henn
314. Hennley
315. Hensey
316. Heraghty
317. Herlihy
318. Herne
319. Hickey
320. Higgin
321. Higgins
322. Hoban
323. Hoey
324. Hogg
325. Holland
326. Holohan
327. Horan
328. Horgan
329. Houlihan
330. Hourigan
331. Hoy
332. Hughes
333. Hurst
334. Hyland
335. Ivers
336. Ivors
337. Jennings
338. Jorden
339. Joyce
340. Kane
341. Kavanagh
342. Kean
343. Keaney
344. Kearins
345. Kearney
346. Keary
347. Keaty
348. Keefe
349. Keegan
350. Keeley
351. Keenan
352. Kehoe
353. Keightley
354. Kellahan
355. Kellegher
356. Kelleher
357. Kellett
358. Kelly
359. Kenn
360. Kenna
361. Kenneally
362. Kennedy
363. Kennelly
364. Kenney
365. Kennyon
366. Keogh
367. Kermody
368. Kernaghan
369. Kerr
370. Kerrigan
371. Kerwin
372. Keveny
373. Kevigan
374. Keyes
375. Kiernan
376. Kilbridge
377. Kilcullen
378. Kilduff
379. Kilkelly
380. Kilkenny
381. Killin
382. Killpatrick
383. Kilpatrick
384. Kilrea
385. Kindellan
386. King
387. Kinney
388. Kirley
389. Kirwan
390. Knowlan
391. Lacey
392. Lacy
393. Lafferty
394. Laffey
395. Lamb
396. Lanaghan
397. Lanahan
398. Lane
399. Lannigan
400. Largan
401. Larkin
402. Laverty
403. Lawder
404. Leach
405. Leachán
406. Leavy
407. Lee
408. Lehane
409. Lennon
410. Linehan
411. Linnegan
412. Logan
413. Logue
414. Longhan
415. Lord
416. Lorden
417. Louden
418. Loughrin
419. Lowry
420. Lundie
421. Lydon
422. Lynch
423. Lynsky
424. Lyons
425. MacAlevy
426. MacAllen
427. MacAndrews
428. Macaninch
429. Macannally
430. MacAsey
431. MacAuliffe
432. MacAvee
433. MacAvoy
434. MacAwley
435. MacBride
436. MacBurney
437. MacCafferty
438. MacCaffery
439. MacCall
440. MacCallin
441. MacCamore
442. MacCann
443. MacCarhon
444. MacCarrick
445. MacCarron
446. MacCartney
447. MacCarvill
448. MacCauley
449. MacCaw
450. MacClancy
451. MacClay
452. MacCleary
453. MacClery
454. MacClintock
455. MacClory
456. MacCloskey
457. MacClughan
458. MacCluskey
459. MacColgan
460. MacConaughey
461. MacConnal
462. MacConnell
463. MacCormack
464. MacCormick
465. MacCourt
466. MacCoy
467. MacCready
468. MacCromick
469. MacCrory
470. MacCuill
471. MacCulloch
472. MacCune
473. MacCurtin
474. MacDaid
475. MacDevitt
476. MacDonald
477. MacDonnell
478. MacDowell
479. MacElderry
480. MacElhinney
481. MacEllistrim
482. MacElroy
483. MacEnroe
484. MacEntee
485. MacEvilly
486. MacFadden
487. MacFarland
488. MacFrederick
489. MacGaghran
490. MacGahey
491. MacGarrigle
492. MacGarry
493. MacGauley
494. MacGavisk
495. MacGee
496. MacGennis
497. MacGeogh
498. MacGill
499. MacGillmartin
500. MacGinley
501. MacGinn
502. MacGinty
503. MacGivney
504. MacGlashan
505. MacGlynn
506. MacGoldrick
507. MacGorman
508. MacGough
509. MacGovern
510. MacGowan
511. MacGrane
512. MacGrath
513. MacGraw
514. MacGreevy
515. MacGuigan
516. MacGuire
517. MacGuirk
518. MacGunn
519. MacIlroy
520. MacIltavish
521. MacIlveen
522. MacIlvenna
523. MacInnis
524. MacIntire
525. MacIntyre
526. MacIvors
527. MacKane
528. MacKean
529. MacKechnie
530. Mackee
531. MacKelvey
532. Macken
533. MacKeon
534. Mackeown
535. MacKinley
536. MacKinney
537. MacKinnon
538. MacLain
539. MacLarty
540. MacLean
541. MacLoughlin
542. MacMahon
543. MacMathan
544. MacMullen
545. MacMurray
546. MacMurrough
547. MacNamara
548. MacNaughton
549. MacNeice
550. MacNeil
551. MacNerney
552. MacNevin
553. MacNulty
554. MacParlan
555. MacPike
556. MacQuaid
557. MacQuilkin
558. MacQuillan
559. MacRaith
560. MacRanald
561. MacRickard
562. MacRory
563. MacSorley
564. MacSweeney
565. MacTavish
566. MacTeig
567. MacUlhaney
568. MacVerry
569. MacWade
570. MacWilliams
571. Magauran
572. Magee
573. Magill
574. Maginn
575. Magnan
576. Magoran
577. Magraith
578. Magraw
579. Mahaffy
580. Maher
581. Mahon
582. Mahony
583. Mainey
584. Mallaghan
585. Malloy
586. Malone
587. Maloy
588. Manley
589. Mannion
590. Mannix
591. Marr
592. Marren
593. Martin
594. Massey
595. Mawhinney
596. Mayo
597. McCarthy
598. Meachar
599. Meade
600. Meara
601. Meath
602. Meehan
603. Meenan
604. Menagh
605. Merriman
606. Miley
607. Milligan
608. Millikin
609. Minogue
610. Minto
611. Molohan
612. Molone
613. Molony
614. Monaghan
615. Monk
616. Moody
617. Mooney
618. Moore
619. Moran
620. Morell
621. Moriarty
622. Morley
623. Morrissey
624. Morrow
625. Moyle
626. Moyles
627. Mulally
628. Mulcahy
629. Mulconry
630. Muldown
631. Mulhearn
632. Mulholland
633. Mullally
634. Mullan
635. Mullarkey
636. Mullen
637. Mulligan
638. Mullin
639. Mulloy
640. Mulratty
641. Mulrooney
642. Mulryan
643. Mulvey
644. Murphy
645. Murray
646. Murrin
647. Nagle
648. Nash
649. Neal
650. Neary
651. Neill
652. Nelligan
653. Nevin
654. Nolan
655. Noonan
656. Norris
657. Nowlan
658. Nugent
659. O’Bannen
660. O’Boyle
661. O’Brien
662. O’Byrne
663. O’Carolan
664. O’Carroll
665. O’Clery
666. O’Connell
667. O’Connor
668. O’Conor
669. O’Conway
670. O’Corcoran
671. O’Coughlan
672. O’Dea
673. O’Doherty
674. O’Donnell
675. O’Donoghue
676. O’Driscoll
677. O’Duffy
678. O’Dwyer
679. O’Faherty
680. O’Feely
681. O’Ferrall
682. O’Finan
683. O’Flanagan
684. O’Flynn
685. O’Gara
686. O’Gorman
687. O’Grady
688. O’Halloran
689. O’Hanrahan
690. O’Hara
691. O’Hardy
692. O’Hayer
693. O’Healihy
694. O’Hearn
695. O’Hegarty
696. O’Hogan
697. O’Kane
698. O’Keane
699. O’Kelly
700. O’Kerry
701. O’Laverty
702. O’Leary
703. O’Loughlin
704. O’Malley
705. O’Mara
706. O’More
707. O’Mulconry
708. O’Neal
709. O’Neill
710. O’Rafferty
711. O’Reilly
712. O’Roark
713. O’Shaughnessy
714. O’Shea
715. O’Sullivan
716. Orman
717. Orr
718. Padden
719. Palmer
720. Pender
721. Pendergast
722. Phelan
723. Pierce
724. Plunkett
725. Power
726. Quaid
727. Qualey
728. Quealey
729. Quillan
730. Quinlan
731. Quinlevan
732. Quinn
733. Rabbitt
734. Radden
735. Rait
736. Ranahan
737. Reagan
738. Reardon
739. Reavey
740. Redmond
741. Regan
742. Reilly
743. Rice
744. Riley
745. Roark
746. Robey
747. Robinson
748. Roche
749. Ronayne
750. Rooke
751. Rooney
752. Rourke
753. Rowley
754. Ryan
755. Sandys
756. Scanlan
757. Scott
758. Semple
759. Sewell
760. Shade
761. Sharkey
762. Shaughnessy
763. Shea
764. Shee
765. Sheehy
766. Shelley
767. Sheridan
768. Shiels
769. Skelly
770. Slattery
771. Sloane
772. Smith
773. Somers
774. Sommerville
775. Speirs
776. Spellman
777. Strahan
778. Stuart
779. Sullivan
780. Sweeney
781. Tallon
782. Tansey
783. Teague
784. Tegan
785. Tiernan
786. Tierney
787. Tilley
788. Tobin
789. Tollis
790. Toohey
791. Toomey
792. Tormey
793. Tracy
794. Travers
795. Traynor
796. Troy
797. Tunney
798. Tweedy
799. Tynan
800. Vail
801. Wall
802. Walsh
803. Whelan
804. White
805. Wooley
806. Yeats

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
528  65%  433  53%  230  28%  299  37%    122  15%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
61  7%      271  33%   132  16%   68  8%        194  24%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
195  24%   3  <1%     102  12%    311  38%    254  31%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
537  66%   19  2%       10  1%      333  41%     92  11%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
105  13%   47  5%      49   6%       2   <1%        289  35%

Z       %
4  <1%

Popularity of use
66% N:
65% A, N:
53% E, A, N:
41% R, E, A, N:
38% L, R, E, A, N: Neal, Lee, Lane,
37% O, L, R, E, A, N: O’Neal, Orr, Nolan, Noonan, Lennon,
35% Y, O, L, R, E, A, N: Ronayne, Rooney, Ryan, O’Leary, Neary,
33% C, Y, O, L, R, E, A, N: O’Connor, O’Conor, O’Corcoran, O’Carolan, O’Carroll, O’Clery, O’Connell, Lacey, Lacy, Coyle, Crean, Cronin, Callan, Carney, Carron, Cary, Clancy, Cleary, Clyne, Conan, Conn, Connelly, Conner, Connor, Conroy, Coonan, Corcoran, Corey, Corry,
31% M, C, Y, O, L, R, E, A, N: O’Malley, O’Mara, O’More, Orman, Meenan, Molone, Molony, Mooney, Moore, Moran, Morell, Morley, Moyle, MacLean, MacNamara, MacNerney, MacRory, Malloy, Malone, Maloy, Manley, Marr, Marren, Mayo, Meara, MacAllen, Macannally, MacCall, MacCamore, MacCann, MacCarron, MacClancy, MacClay, MacCleary, MacClery, MacClory, MacConnal, MacConnell, MacCoy, MacCrory, MacElroy, MacEnroe,
28% I, M, C, Y, O, L, R, E, A, N: Reilly, Rice, Riley, O’Neill, O’Reilly, Neill, Morrissey, MacNeice, MacNeil, Merriman, Miley, Millikin, Minto, MacIlroy, MacInnis, MacLain, Mainey, Mannion, MacCallin, Crilley, Carlin, Conlin,
24% H, G, I, M, C, Y, O, L, R, E, A, N: Ranahan, Reagan, Regan, Roche, O’Hanrahan, O’Hara, O’Hayer, O’Hearn, O’Hogan, O’Halloran, O’Healihy, Molohan, Monaghan, Meehan, Menagh, Nagle, Nelligan, Milligan, Minogue, O’Gara, O’Gorman, O’Grady, Nash, MacGinn, Magill, Maginn, MacGlynn, MacGorman, MacGrane, Magee, Magnan, Magoran, Mallaghan, Meachar, Maher, Mahon, Mahony, MacMahon, MacElhinney, Linehan, Linnegan, Logan, Longhan, Lynch, MacGaghran, MacGahey, MacGarrigle , MacGarry , MacGee, MacGeogh, MacGill, MacGinley, Macaninch, Leach, Leachán, Lehane, MacCarhon, MacColgan, Hay, Healey, Heaney, Hearne, Henchy, Heneghan, Henn, Hennley, Herlihy, Herne, Higgin, Hoey, Hogg, Holohan, Horan, Horgan, Hoy, Lanaghan, Lanahan, Lannigan, Largan, Gallagher, Gannon, Garrahan, Garry, Gaynor, Geary, Geelan, Geoghan, Gill, Gillan, Gilligan, Gilmore, Gilroy, Glanchy, Gleason, Glennon, Glinn, Gorey, Gorham, Graham, Granahan, Greeley, Greer, Gregan, Gregg, Grimley, Grogan, Hagan, Haley, Haliday, Halley, Halligan, Hamill, Hamran, Hanlin, Hanlon, Hanly, Hannon, Hare, Cochrane, Coglan, Cogley, Colgan, Corrigan, Ahearne, Aheron, Cahill, Callaghan, Clanchy, Canning,
16% D, H, G, I, M, C, Y, O, L, R, E, A, N: Reardon, Redmond, Radden, O’Dea, Egan, Ellig, Creegan, Creagh O’Donnell, Moody, MacRanald, Meade, MacCready, Lord, Lorden, MacDaid, MacDonald, MacDonnell, MacElderry, Lydon, Holland, Hyland, Hadden, Handley, Grayden, Grady, Golden, Creedan, D’Arcy, Dacey, Daley, Darcy, Deghy, Delane, Delany, Dennehy, Denny , Diarmid, Dignan, Doherty, Dolan, Donachie, Donaghy, Donnelly, Doody, Doohan, Doolan, Dooley, Doon, Dorrian, Doyle , Dyal, Cleland, Condon, Carmody, Aird, Caddell, Cady, Adair,
15% U, D, H, G, I, M, C, Y, O, L, R, E, A, N: O’Loughlin, O’Mulconry, O’Coughlan, O’Donoghue, Mulally, Mulcahy, Mulconry, Mulhearn, Mulholland, Mullally, Mullan, Mullen, Mulligan, Mullin, Mulloy, Mulrooney, Mulryan, Murray, Murrin,MacMullen, MacMurray, MacMurrough, MacUlhaney, Magauran, MacGuigan, MacGuire, MacGunn, MacLoughlin, MacGough, MacCuill, MacCulloch, MacCune, MacGauley, MacClughan, MacConaughey, Logue, Louden, Loughrin, Lundie, MacCauley, Houlihan, Hourigan, Haugh, Guiney, Gunning, Gaughan, Duane, Duggan, Duignan, Doud, Doughan, Donoghue, Donohue, Coughlin, Counihan, Crummer, Cuddy, Culhane, Culhoun, Cullinane, Cunningham, Curley, Curnane, Currie, Calhoun, Clune,
13% T, U, D, H, G, I, M, C, Y, O, L, R, E, A, N: Tallon, Teaguem, Tegan, Tiernan, Tierney, Tilley, Toohey, Toomey, Tormey, Tracy, Traynor, Troy, Tunney, Tynan, Rait, O’Doherty, O’Hegarty, Nugent, Moriarty, Mulratty, Meath, Martin, McCarthy, Magraith, MacNaughton, MacRaith, MacNulty, MacTeig, MacIntire, MacIntyre, MacLarty, MacMathan, MacGinty, MacGrath, MacEntee, MacGillmartin, MacCourt, MacCurtin, MacCartney, Hegarty, Heraghty, Hart, Hartigan, Hanratty, Hagerty, Hannity, Guthrie, Garrity, Geraghty, Gogarty, Gant, Garraghty, Delahunty, Dougharty, Daunt, Curtayne, Cotter, Coulter, Carton, Cloherty,
12% K, T, U, D, H, G, I, M, C, Y, O, L, R, E, A, N: Rooke, Rourke, Roark, O’Roark, O’Kane, O’Keane, O’Kelly, O’Kerry, Monk, Mullarkey, MacKane, MacKean, MacKechnie, Mackee , Macken, MacKeon, MacKinley, MacKinney, MacKinnon, MacRickard, MacGoldrick, MacGuirk, MacCormack, MacCormick, MacCromick, Larkin, MacCarrick, Hickey, Kane, Kean, Keaney, Kearney, Keary, Keaty, Keegan, Keeley, Keenan, Kehoe, Keightley, Kellahan, Kellegher, Kelleher, Kellett, Kelly, Kenn, Kenna, Kenneally, Kennedy, Kennelly, Kenney, Kennyon, Keogh, Kermody, Kernaghan, Kerr, Kerrigan, Kiernan, Kilcullen, Kilkelly, Kilkenny, Killin, Kilrea, Kindellan, King, Kinney, Kirley, MacClintock, Derrick, Corkin,
11% S, K, T, U, D, H, G, I, M, C, Y, O, L, R, E, A, N: Sandys, Scanlan, Scott, Shade, Sharkey, Shaughnessy, Shea, Shee, Sheehy, Shelley , Sheridan, Shiels, Skelly, Slattery, Sloane, Smith, Somers, Strahan, Stuart, Tansey, Tollis, Yeats, O’Shaughnessy, O’Shea, Norris, O’Driscoll, Moyles, MacSorley, Massey, MacGlashan, MacEllistrim, MacGennis, MacCloskey, MacCluskey, Lynsky, Lyons, MacAsey, Kearins, Keyes, Hughes, Hurst, Hensey, Higgins, Hayes, Goslin, Guiness, Gettins, Curtis, Cusack, Desmond, Crimmins, Connors, Costigan, Clohessy, Closky, Collins, Caskey, Cass, Cassidy, Carson,
8% F, S, K, T, U, D, H, G, I, M, C, Y, O, L, R, E, A, N: O’Rafferty, O’Duffy, O’Faherty, O’Feely, O’Ferrall, O’Finan, O’Flanagan, O’Flynn, Mahaffy, MacFadden, MacFarland, MacFrederick, MacAuliffe , MacCafferty, MacCaffery, Keefe, Lafferty, Laffey, Kilduff, Hefferman, Heffernan, Hafner, Hanifin, Ferry, Finneran, Finsley, Flaherty, Flannagan, Flannigan, Flinn, Flood, Flynn, Foley, Folgan, Ford, Foy, Foynes, Freethy, Furey, Fynan, Gaff, Gaffey, Griffin, Gilfoyle, Fagan, Fahey, Fane, Farley, Farnan, Farrell, Faucett, Fay, Fealy, Fearon, Feeney, Fegan, Fennessy, Fenney, Ferrick, Ferris, Duff, Duffey, Caffrey, Claffey, Coffey,
7% B, F, S, K, T, U, D, H, G, I, M, C, Y, O, L, R, E, A, N: Robey, Robinson, Tobin, Rabbitt, O’Bannen, O’Boyle, O’Brien, O’Byrne, MacBride, MacBurney, Kilbridge, Lamb, Hoban, Gibney, Gribbin, Forbes, Galbraith, De Barra, Doble, Crosbie, Crosby, Bain, Bannon, Barrett, Barry, Beahan, Beatty, Bell, Bergan, Bergin, Berry, Binchy, Bird, Blaine, Blighe, Bohan, Boland, Bolger, Boran, Borin, Boughy, Boyce, Boylan, Bradley , Brady, Brahan, Brannigan , Breen, Brennan, Brian, Brin, Brodie, Brogan, Brosnahan, Broun, Bruin, Buckley, Burke, Byrne, Campbell,
6% W, B, F, S, K, T, U, D, H, G, I, M, C, Y, O, L, R, E, A, N: Wall, Walsh, Whelan, White, Wooley, Tweedy, Sewell, Sweeney, Rowley, O’Conway, O’Dwyer, Nowlan, Morrow, Muldown, Magraw, Mawhinney, MacSweeney, MacWade, MacWilliams, MacGraw, Mackeown, MacGowan, MacCaw, MacDowell, Lowry, MacAndrews, MacAwley, Lawder, Kerwin, Kirwan, Knowlan, Hellowell, Frawley, Goodwin, Drew, Dwyer, Dowden, Dowdy, Dowey, Downes, Crowley, Dawley, Crawley, Cowgan, Brawney, Brown, Carew, Cawley, Conway,
5% V, W, B, F, S, K, T, U, D, H, G, I, M, C, Y, O, L, R, E, A, N: Travers, Vail, Sommerville, Sullivan, O’Sullivan, Reavey, O’Laverty, Mulvey, Nevin, MacTavish, MacVerry, MacNevin, MacIvors, MacKelvey, MacIltavish, MacIlveen, MacIlvenna, MacGovern, MacGreevy, MacGivney, MacEvilly, MacGavisk, MacDevitt, MacAvee, MacAvoy, MacCarvill, MacAlevy, Laverty, Leavy, Keveny, Kevigan, Ivers, Ivors, Kavanagh, Gavigan, Harvey, Garvey, Gallivan, Galvin, Davoran, Devany, Devery, Devin, Devine, Cavanagh, Colvin,
2% P, V, W, B, F, S, K, T, U, D, H, G, I, M, C, Y, O, L, R, E, A, N: Semple, Speirs, Spellman, Padden, Palmer, Pender, Pendergast , Phelan, Pierce, Plunkett, Power, Murphy, MacParlan , MacPike, Killpatrick, Kilpatrick, Halpin, Campbell,
1% Q, P, V, W, B, F, S, K, T, U, D, H, G, I, M, C, Y, O, L, R, E, A, N: Quaid, Qualey, Quealey, Quillan, Quinlan, Quinlevan, Quinn, MacQuaid, MacQuilkin, MacQuillan,
<1% J, X, Z, Q, P, V, W, B, F, S, K, T, U, D, H, G, I, M, C, Y, O, L, R, E, A, N: Mannix, Dixon, Jorden, Jennings, Joyce, Fitzgerald, Fitzgibbon, Fitzpatrick, Fitzsimmons,

Conclusion: Originating in the N linguistic group, modern Irish families begin at 38% with families Neal, Lee, and Lane. Eventually the irish rise to a cultural peak at 28% before declining through to <1%.

Thursday, 24 June 2021

Mystaran Campaign: Bael & Betth


Bael: Lawful Dwarf-cleric L7; AC5; 50hp; Str 10, Int 12, Wis 15, Dex 13, Con 13, Cha 9; chainmail, clothes, boots, belt, pouch (50gp), walking stick (Warhammer+1).

Squire of Lady Betth, Bael tends her weapon, armour, and finances.

Betth: Lawful Halfling L8; AC 1; 22hp; Str 9, Int 9, Wis 7, Dex 13, Con 13, Cha 10; platemail+1, sword+1, clothes, boots.

Lady Betth has been adventuring in Karameikos for several years with her squire Bael. She is not the best judge of character, all too willing to trust others. 

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Mystaran Campaign: AC1021, Klarmont


AC1021, Klarmont 26: The Abbott of Shajarkand dies
Location: Shajarkand Monastary, Shajarkand, Sind
Description: Mahir the Elder, having contracted pneumonia, dies. The Monastary of Shajarkand at the source of the Dohibi river mourns his passing with difficulty, most of his monks also fallen ill.

Whats going on: The Sind has been hard hit by the Ochalean Bat Plague. Nineteen thousand people in Shajarkand province alone have fallen ill with the sickness of whom two hundred and ninety people have died. Three hundred Monks in the region have fallen ill.

Monday, 21 June 2021

Linguistic Archaeology: Going Berserk

Berserk in almost every language

1. Berserk
2. Bēririkiki
3. Hayij
4. Biersierk
5. Bārsārka
6. Kuángbào
7. Mahnit
8. Šílený
9. Fou furieux
10. Berserk’i
11. Berserker
12. Exo frenón
13. Bērska
14. MAB* (hebrew)
15. Nidar
16. Berserkur
17. Mengamuk
18. Beruseruku
19. Barsark
20. Bi sa khvi s
21. Maenglyeolhan
22. Insanus (latin)
23. Berserkas
24. Berserakan
25. Bersk
26. Peekereke
27. Bērarska
28. Byersyerk
29. B* (odia)
30. BR*R* (pashto)
31. Bēsaraka
32. Înnebunit
33. Shirkadda
34. Enloquecido
35. Bärsärk
36. Percerk
37. BEPPEPK (tatar)
38. çılgın
39. IBerserk

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
18  46%     25  64%    15  38%   5   12%        8    20%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
25  64%    3     7%       3     7%      2    5%         4    10%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
4   10%      1    2%       25  64%     4  10%        4     10%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
12  30%     3    7%       1     2%      24  61%       21  53%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
0     0%      1    2%       0      0%      2      5%       4    10%

Z       %
0     0%

Popularity of use
64% K, B, E: B* (odia),
61% R, K, B, E: BR*R* (pashto),
53% S, R, K, B, E: Berserk, Berserker, Bersk,
46% A, S, R, K, B, E: Bēsaraka, Bärsärk, Bērarska, Bērska, Barsark, Berserkas, Bārsārka,
38% I, A, S, R, K, B, E: Berserk’i, IBerserk, Bēririkiki, Biersierk,
30% N, I, A, S, R, K, B, E: Berserakan,
20% U, N, I, A, S, R, K, B, E: Berserkur, Beruseruku, Înnebunit, Insanus (latin),
12% O, U, N, I, A, S, R, K, B, E:
10% Y, M, L, H, G, O, U, N, I, A, S, R, K, B, E: Maenglyeolhan, Byersyerk, MAB* (hebrew), Mengamuk, Kuángbào, Mahnit, Šílený,
7% P, D, C, Y, M, L, H, G, O, U, N, I, A, S, R, K, B, E: Percerk, BEPPEPK (tatar), çılgın, Peekereke, Shirkadda, Nidar,
5% X, F, P, D, C, Y, M, L, H, G, O, U, N, I, A, S, R, K, B, E: Fou furieux, Exo frenón,
2% V, Q, J, X, F, P, D, C, Y, M, L, H, G, O, U, N, I, A, S, R, K, B, E: Bi sa khvi s, Enloquecido, Hayij,
0% T, W, Z

Conclusion: It includes the rare K linguistic group like JapaneseF and OlmecMF (And it looks most likely to be an Ancestor of the Olmec culture).
Berserk is seen in the partial form B* (odia) at 64%, followed by the partial form BR*R* (pashto) at 61%. Its first intact forms are at 53% with Berserk (widespread including norwegian, finnish, danish, dutch, and esperanto), Berserker (german), and Bersk (malayalam). A peak in Berserk behaviour occurs at 46% with decline down to 20%.

At 12% there is a cultural bandgap.

This is followed by a resurgence of berserk behaviour post latin with an identical peak in berserk behaviour around 10% followed by decline down to 2%.

I wonder if the Epilepsy gene associated with berserkers can be found in Olmec and JapaneseF genepools.

Sunday, 13 June 2021

Linguistic Archaeology: Ugaritic culture and Caananites

A. Ugaritic Female Names

1. Donatiya
2. Hurriya
3. Pigat

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
3  100%     0     0%      3  100%     1  33%         1  33%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
0    0%       0     0%       1  33%       0    0%        1    33%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
1    33%      0     0%      0     0%      0    0%         0       0%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
1  33%       1  33%       0    0%       1    33%         0     0%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
2  66%      0    0%        0      0%      0     0%        2     66%

Z       %
0     0%

Popularity of use
100% A, I:
66% T, Y, A, I:
33% O, U, D, G, H, N, P, R, T, Y, A, I: Donatiya, Hurriya, Pigat,
0% E, B, C, F, J, K, L, M, S, V, W, X, Z

Conclusion: They apparently originate as A-I subgroup. The three female ugaritic names occur at 33%. Their early growth is similar to NgoniF (A, I; N; T, E).

B. Ugaritic Male Names

1. Ammishtamru
2. Ar Khalba
3. Aqhat
4. Danel
5. Hammurapi
6. Ibiranu
7. Keret
8. Niqmad
9. Niqmaddu
10. Niqmepa
11. Paebel
12. Yaqarum
13. Yassib

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
12  92%     4  30%       7  53%       0    0%         5    38%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
4    30%      0    0%       3    23%     0    0%         0     0%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
4  30%       0     0%      2  15%       3  23%         6    46%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
5  38%       3  23%       5  38%       6  46%         2      15%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
3  23%       0     0%      0     0%       0    0%         2    15%

Z       %
0    0%

Popularity of use
92% A:
53% I, A:
46% M, R, I, A:
38% N, Q, U, M, R, I, A:
30% E, B, N, Q, U, M, R, I, A: Ibiranu, Niqmepa,
23% D, L, P, T, E, B, N, Q, U, M, R, I, A: Niqmad, Niqmaddu, Paebel, Aqhat, Danel, Hammurapi,
15% K, S, Y, D, L, P, T, E, B, N, Q, U, M, R, I, A: Yaqarum, Yassib, Keret, Ammishtamru, Ar Khalba,
0% O, C, F, G, J, V, W, X, Z

Conclusion: the earliest ugaritic males are at 30% with Ibiranu and Niqmepa. The male cultural peak is 23% before declining slowly into 15%.

C. Canaanite Deities

1. Anath - Goddess of war and love, consort of Baal
2. Arsiya - Goddess of the earth, daughter of Baal
3. Baal - God of the sky and rain
4. Dagon - The father of Baal
5. El - The leader of the gods
6. Mot - The god of death
7. Padriya - Goddess of the clouds, daughter of Baal
8. Talliya - Goddess of the dew, daughter of Baal
9. Yamm - The god of the sea
10. Yarih - The moon god

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %        I       %      O       %        U         %
8  80%       1  10%        4  40%      2  20%         0    0%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
1  10%        0      0%    2    20%      0      0%       1     10%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
2    20%       0    0%       0    0%       3  30%         2    20%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S           %
2  20%       1  10%       0    0%        3  30%        1      10%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
3  30%      0    0%        0    0%       0     0%        5      50%

Z       %
0    0%

Popularity of use
80% A:
50% Y, A:
40% I, Y, A:
30% L, R, T, I, Y, A: Talliya - Goddess of the dew, daughter of Baal;
20% O, D, H, M, N, L, R, T, I, Y, A: Yamm - The god of the sea; Yarih - The moon god; Anath - Goddess of war and love, consort of Baal; Mot - The god of death; 
10% E, B, G, P, S, O, D, H, M, N, L, R, T, I, Y, A: Arsiya - Goddess of the earth, daughter of Baal; Baal - God of the sky and rain; Dagon - The father of Baal; El - The leader of the gods; Padriya - Goddess of the clouds, daughter of Baal;
0% U, C, F, J, K, Q, V, W, X, Z 

Conclusion: as the earliest possible goddess at 30%, Talliya is obviously not daughter of Baal (who is at the cultural peak in religious development at 10%). Polytheistic Religion peaks at 10% (purely because of the babylonian entities Baal and Dagon otherwise it peaked at 20%).

First Cycle:
• Talliya (Goddess of the Dew more likely goddess of the Dawn).

Second Cycle:
• Yamm - The God of the sea
• Yarih - The moon god
• Anath - Goddess of war and love, consort of Baal more likely consort of Mot
• Mot - The god of death

Third Cycle:
• Arsiya - Goddess of the earth, daughter of Baal
• Baal - God of the sky and rain (babylonian)
• Dagon - The father of Baal (babylonian)
• El - The leader of the gods
• Padriya - Goddess of the clouds, daughter of Baal;

There is a distinct early trend in the Ugaritic female culture and the Caananite pantheon that affords a similar trending relationship. It should be sufficient to identify female Ugaritic culture as vaguely related to Caananite.
Male ugaritic culture on the other hand originate in the blending of A-I-M (SwahiliF, SwahiliM, ShonaF) / A-I-R (IndianF, SanskritM, ArabicM) subgroups.

Mystaran Campaign: A lost civilization of Davinia(part 2)

Part 2: An Analysis of the Uatt Dictionary 

Uatt Words
1. N
2. Ke
3. Ksi
4. Abak
5. Eoocl
6. A*
7. Id
8. Aii
9. Rnka
10. An-Bhi
11. R*
12. Rp
13. Rir
14. Uatt
15. Pen-Ba
16. E*
17. Oa
18. She
19. Inlh
20. Org-Nu
21. Kr
22. Lik
23. Amou
24. Ak-A-Ee
25. Ea
26. Oob
27. Tion
28. Ta-Sik
29. Kt
30. Out
31. In-Ua
32. Broon
33. Hr
34. Uhe
35. Teor
36. Kn-Ihn
37. Ie
38. Eih
39. Rs-Bs
40. Un-R-Ru
41. Dr
42. Aih
43. Inaa
44. Hkkri
45. Of
46. Lrr
47. Auip
48. Oi-Ani
49. Se
50. Ita
51. Ar-Hh
52. Ao-Ent
53. Ln
54. Tsu
55. Mo-Se
56. Ibibn
57. As
58. Aob
59. Ne-ka
60. Oes-Eo
61. Hh
62. Hks
63. Ith-E
64. Eoa-Ae
65. An*
66. Ihi
67. Uh-Tr
68. Ne-E-Ni
69. Ba*
70. Aac
71. Hnnt
72. Es-Oit
73. Nu*
74. Ruf
75. Ie-Ir
76. Ihojs
77. Ak*
78. Nti
79. Tr-Us
80. Ee*
81. Ecj
82. Oc-En
83. Ta*
84. Kbe
85. Kn*
86. Vcr
87. Un*
88. Fhr
89. Ru*
90. Eas
91. Oi*
92. Tra
93. Ao*
94. Nsh
95. Eo*
96. Bei
97. Ae*
98. Ilk
99. Ne*
100. Etn
101. Ni*
102. Ejs
103. Es*
104. Dlo
105. In*
106. Ijt
107. Ua*
108. Snk
109. Rs*
110. Rft
111. Bs*
112. Pmn
113. Ar*
114. Ops
115. Mo*
116. Arf
117. Ka*
118. Nte
119. Uh*
120. Ith*
121. Tr*
122. Bhi*
123. En*
124. Org*
125. Ir*
126. Sik*
127. Us*
128. Ihn*
129. Oc*
130. Ani*
131. Ent*
132. Oes*
133. Eoa*
134. Oit*
135. Pen*

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
39  28%     38  28%    39  28%   30  22%       17  12%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
13   9%      5    3%       3     2%      5     3%        2       1%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
23  17%     4    2%       20  14%    7    5%         4       2%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
38  28%     6    4%       0     0%       29  21%      24  17%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
25  18%     1  <1%       0      0%      0      0%       0      0%

Z       %
0      0%

Popularity of use
28% N, E, I, A: A*, Aii, E*, Ea, Ie, Ee*, Ae*, Inaa, An*, Ne-E-Ni, Ne*, Ni*, In*, En*, Ani*, N,
22% O, N, E, I, A: Oc-En, Oi*, Ao*, Eo*, Eoa*, Oi-Ani, Eoa-Ae, Oa,
21% R, O, N, E, I, A: Ar*, Ir*, R*, Rir, Ie-Ir,
18% T, R, O, N, E, I, A: Ent*, Oit*, Nte, Tr*, Tra, Etn, Ta*, Nti, Ita, Ao-Ent, Tion, Out, Teor,
17% S, H, T, R, O, N, E, I, A: Es*, Ihn*, Oes*, Rs*, Ith*, Eas, Nsh, Hnnt, Es-Oit, As, Oes-Eo, Hh, Ith-E, Ihi, Ar-Hh, Se, Eih, Aih, Hr, She,
14% K, S, H, T, R, O, N, E, I, A: Ka*, Sik*, Snk, Ak*, Kn*, Hks, Hkkri, Ne-ka, Kn-Ihn, Ta-Sik, Kt, Kr, Ak-A-Ee, Ke, Ksi, Rnka,
12% U, K, S, H, T, R, O, N, E, I, A: Uh*, Us*, Ua*, Un*, Ru*, Tr-Us, Nu*, Uh-Tr, Un-R-Ru, Tsu, In-Ua, Uhe, Uatt,
9% B, U, K, S, H, T, R, O, N, E, I, A: Bs*, Bhi*, Bei, Aob, Ba*, Kbe, Ibibn, Rs-Bs, An-Bhi, Oob, Broon, Abak,
5% L, B, U, K, S, H, T, R, O, N, E, I, A: Ln, Ilk, Lrr, Inlh, Lik,
4% P, L, B, U, K, S, H, T, R, O, N, E, I, A: Pen*, Ops, Auip, Rp, Pen-Ba,
3% F, C, P, L, B, U, K, S, H, T, R, O, N, E, I, A: Arf, Oc*, Fhr, Rft, Aac, Ruf, Of, Eoocl,
2% M, J, D, P, F, C, P, L, B, U, K, S, H, T, R, O, N, E, I, A: Pmn, Mo*, Dlo, Ijt, Ejs, Ihojs, Ecj, Dr, Mo-Se, Id, Amou,
1% G, M, J, D, P, F, C, P, L, B, U, K, S, H, T, R, O, N, E, I, A: Org-Nu, Org*,
<1% V, G, M, J, D, P, F, C, P, L, B, U, K, S, H, T, R, O, N, E, I, A: Vcr,
0% Q, W, X, Y, Z

Conclusion: the linguistic origins of this culture is N, E, I, A. No particular origin, is the result of un-individuated letters as words. If the letter i had been individuated this would be part of the i linguistic group.

What do we see here? The culture begins at a cultural peak with no apparent rise. This means the rise began in 'another culture'. So lets say the Nithian Lich (Ne-E-Ni) departed Nithia to begin again as father of a new civilization way off in Davinia. He starts with a small tribe in the harsh desert of Davinia beginning his 'great experiment' by introducing a few words of his language as posdible but providing them with leadership. Learing their language, and creating a written script.

Next time... we establish a development trend for our culture/civilization and fill out the dictionary with meaning.

Saturday, 12 June 2021

Basic Expert: Two examples of realistic wealth

The wealth of a Merchant House
When the Yodoya Merchant House had its assets seized by the Shogunate its assets were calculated thusly:

Valuables                                                        ryo                    gp (10gp/lb gold)
Storehouses of goods                                   730,000 ryo           241,630gp
21 Solid Gold Hens with 10 chicks            7,300 ryo               2,416.3gp
277 Large Junks (sailing vessels)               263,500 ryo           8,7218.5gp
150 gold leaf folding screens                     15,000 ryo             4,965gp
10 paintings by the emperor of china      20,000 ryo             6,620gp
150,000 lb mercury                                      25,000 ryo             8,270gp
Gold Coins                                                      3,500,000 ryo        11,585,000gp
1,500,000 Kwamme of Silver                     14,166,000 ryo       4,688,946gp
Outstanding loans to govt. officials         100,000,000 ryo     33,100,000gp
Assorted houses, farms, forests & Artefacts ?                                                 
Total calculable wealth                                                             49,725,065.8gp

1ryo=0.331gp (BECMI 10gp=1lb gold)

Two of the six Treasure Vaults beneath a Temple
Apparently two treasure vaults beneath a temple in India wwere opened by it's government revealing a staggering wealth of up around 10.5 billion dollars (0f an estimated 25 billion dollars) including:

Valuables                                                                              gp (10gp/lb gold)
3000kg of gold coins                                                               66,138gp
an emerald encrusted gold statue four feet tall               485,600gp
Assorted Semiprecious Stones and Gold Crowns           13,000,000gp
sacks of diamonds         (3 sacks of diamonds?)              12,000,000gp.
Total calculable wealth                                                        25,551,738gp


Friday, 11 June 2021

Linguistic Archaeology: when we learned to ride

To Ride in almost every language

1. To Ride
2. Om te ry
3. Për të hipur
4. megalebi
5. rukub
6. varel
7. GBZMBK (azerbaijan)
8. gidatu
9. jechać
10. Cālātē
11. Da ce vozi
12. conduir
13. mosakay
14. kukwera
15. Qí
16. cavalcà
17. jahati
18. jezdit
19. at ride
20. rijden
21. rajdi (esperanto)
22. sõitma
23. sumakay
24. ratsastaa
25. conduire
26. Ride (frisian)
27. montar
28. gaseirneba
29. Reiten
30. na odigíso
31. Savārī karavā
32. Pou monte
33. Don hawa
34. E holo
35. *R*B (hebrew)
36. savaaree karane ke lie
37. caij
38. lovagolni
39. að ríða
40. na-agba ịnyịnya
41. mengendarai
42. chun turas
43. cavalcare
44. Noru
45. numpak
46. Savāri māḍalu
47. Aydaw
48. chiah
49. Gutwara
50. tago
51. Siwar kirin
52. minüü
53. khi
54. vehi (latin)
55. braukt
56. važiuoti
57. ze fueren
58. reiden
59. Da vozi
60. mitaingina
61. untuk menunggang
62. ōṭikkān
63. tirkeb
64. eke
65. Cālavaṇē
66. joloodokh
67. hcee raan
68. Caḍanu
69. Å ri
70. *L*L (pashto)
71. S* (persian)
72. jeździć
73. cavalgar
74. Dī savārī karana la'ī
75. A calari
76. Yezdit
77. Ia tiʻetiʻe
78. Gus rothaireachd
79. Voziti
80. Ho palama
81. kuchovha
82. *A* (sindhi)
83. padinna
84. jazdiť
85. jahati
86. raacid
87. a montar
88. kupanda
89. att åka
90. savor şudan
91. Cavāri ceyya
92. МA*NAY*PTŲ (tatar)
93. Naḍapaḍāniki
94. Pheụ̄̀x thī̀ ca k̄hī̀
95. sürmek
96. yikhaty
97. MYNY* (uyghur)
98. minmoq
99. cưỡi
100. i reidio
101. ukukhwela
102. tsu reytn
103. Lati gùn
104. ukugibela

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
68  65%     38  36%    57  54%   27  25%       29  27%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
9     8%      22  21%     28  26%     1  <1%        16  15%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
18  17%     9    8%       26  25%    17  16%      20   19%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
37  35%     9    8%       2     1%      42  40%       16  15%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
33  31%     17  16%    6      5%      1   <1%        11  10%

Z       %
10   9%

Popularity of use
65% A: *A* (sindhi),
54% I, A:
40% R, I, A: Å ri,
36% E, R, I, A:
35% N, E, R, I, A:
31% T, N, E, R, I, A: Ia tiʻetiʻe, Reiten,
27% U, T, N, E, R, I, A:
26% D, U, T, N, E, R, I, A: at ride, Ride (frisian), reiden,
25% K, O, D, U, T, N, E, R, I, A: att åka, i reidio, ōṭikkān, eke, Noru, khi, To Ride,
21% C, K, O, D, U, T, N, E, R, I, A: conduire, raacid, cưỡi, Caḍanu, conduir,
19% M, C, K, O, D, U, T, N, E, R, I, A: minüü, a montar, Pou monte, montar,
17% H, M, C, K, O, D, U, T, N, E, R, I, A: chiah, hcee raan, að ríða,
16% V, L, H, M, C, K, O, D, U, T, N, E, R, I, A: *L*L (pashto), A calari, kuchovha, vehi (latin), Cālavaṇē, cavalcare, E holo, varel, Cālātē, cavalcà,
15% S, G, V, L, H, M, C, K, O, D, U, T, N, E, R, I, A: savor şudan, sürmek, Lati gùn, S* (persian), cavalgar, Dī savārī karana la'ī, Gus rothaireachd, mitaingina, untuk menunggang, Savāri māḍalu, tago, mengendarai, chun turas, savaaree karane ke lie, lovagolni, na odigíso, Savārī karavā, gaseirneba, gidatu, sõitma, ratsastaa,
10% Y, S, G, V, L, H, M, C, K, O, D, U, T, N, E, R, I, A: yikhaty, MYNY* (uyghur), tsu reytn, Cavāri ceyya, Om te ry, mosakay, sumakay,
9% Z, Y, S, G, V, L, H, M, C, K, O, D, U, T, N, E, R, I, A: Yezdit, Voziti, jeździć, važiuoti, Da vozi, Da ce vozi,
8% P, J, B, Z, Y, S, G, V, L, H, M, C, K, O, D, U, T, N, E, R, I, A: МA*NAY*PTŲ (tatar), Naḍapaḍāniki, ukugibela, padinna, jazdiť, jahati, kupanda, joloodokh, Ho palama, tirkeb, numpak, braukt, na-agba ịnyịnya, caij, *R*B (hebrew), rijden, rajdi (esperanto), jahati, jezdit, GBZMBK (azerbaijan), jechać, Për të hipur, megalebi, rukub,
5% W, P, J, B, Z, Y, S, G, V, L, H, M, C, K, O, D, U, T, N, E, R, I, A: Siwar kirin, Gutwara, ukukhwela, Aydaw, kukwera, Don hawa,
1% Q, W, P, J, B, Z, Y, S, G, V, L, H, M, C, K, O, D, U, T, N, E, R, I, A: Qí, minmoq,
<1% X, F, Q, W, P, J, B, Z, Y, S, G, V, L, H, M, C, K, O, D, U, T, N, E, R, I, A: ze fueren, Pheụ̄̀x thī̀ ca k̄hī̀,

Conclusion: At 65% riding appears with the A-I-R linguistic subgroup (Gypsy Tribes, ScotqtishHighlandF, IndianF, SanskritM, ArabicM, MaoriM, ArmenianF, Witch, Reed, and now to ride) with earliest known riding at less than 65% with *A* (sindhi). The earliest intact form is Å ri (Norwegian) at 40%.
A band gap 36%-35% and more riding with Ia tiʻetiʻe (Samoan), and Reiten (German) at 31% followed by a second bandgap until riding becomes popular at 26% with peak riding at 8% down to less than 1%.

They are riding before the discovery of the horse by the Yoruba. What are they riding? Cattle or water buffalo? Likely Water Buffalo as reeds are a coastal wetland plant and water Buffalo are better suited to warm/coastal wetlands.

Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Mystaran Campaign: A lost civilization of Davinia(part 1)

The Statue of Ne-E-Ni had been toppled by an unholy wind radiating out from the point of impact where a colossal rock had fallen from the sky, the ancient civilization he had founded a thousand years earlier reduced to dust and ash and the now decapitated and eroded head and severed all-accusing finger the only remains of his inadequate and forgotten achievements.

Part 1- creating a dictionary of words

1d100       Length            5d6      Alpha          5d6         Alpha
01-04         1                      05           Y               06            W
05-22         2                      07           Q              08            M
23-52         3                      09           G              10            D
53-72         4                       11           L               12            C
73-77        4(2+2)              13           H               14           S
78              4(3+1)              15           O               16           N
79-87        5                       17           A               18           E
88-91         5(3+2)             19           I                 20          R
92-99         5(2+3)             21          T                 22          U
100            5(2+1+2)         23          K                 24          B
                                           25          F                 26          J
                                           27           P                28          V
                                           29           X               30           Z

Words of the Uatt Pen-Ba by Word Length
1               2              3              4               5            
N             Ke           Ksi          Abak       Eoocl
A*            Id            Aii          Rnka       An-Bhi
R*            Rp          Rir          Uatt         Pen-Ba
E*            Oa         She          Inlh        Org-Nu
                Kr            Lik        Amou      Ak-A-Ee
                Ea          Oob        Tion         Ta-Sik
                Kt           Out         In-Ua       Broon
                Hr          Uhe         Teor        Kn-Ihn
                Ie           Eih          Rs-Bs      Un-R-Ru
                Dr           Aih         Inaa          Hkkri
                Of           Lrr           Auip         Oi-Ani
                Se           Ita           Ar-Hh      Ao-Ent
                Ln          Tsu         Mo-Se       Ibibn
                As          Aob        Ne-ka       Oes-Eo
                Hh          Hks        Ith-E         Eoa-Ae
                An*         Ihi           Uh-Tr       Ne-E-Ni
                Ba*        Aac        Hnnt         Es-Oit
                Nu*        Ruf         Ie-Ir           Ihojs
                Ak*         Nti          Tr-Us
                Ee*         Ecj          Oc-En
                Ta*        Kbe
                Kn*         Vcr
                Un*        Fhr
                Ru*         Eas
                Oi*          Tra
                Ao*         Nsh
                Eo*           Bei
                Ae*           Ilk
                Ne*         Etn
                Ni*           Ejs
                Es*          Dlo
                In*            Ijt
                Ua*          Snk
                Rs*           Rft
                Bs*          Pmn
                Ar*           Ops
                Mo*         Arf
                Ka*          Nte
                Uh*         Ith*
                Tr*           Bhi*
                En*           Org*
                Ir*            Sik*
                Us*          Ihn*
                Oc*          Ani*
*no longer used as an individual word.

Next time... some linguistic archaeology to sort the words by language development and chart the rise and fall of the civilization.

Mystaran Campaign: A distressed ghost


Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Linguistic Archaeology: the Popol Vu

The first sentance in the Mayan Popol Vu apparently reads: "In the beginning the world is only a dark sky and primordial waters below it."

Popol Vu opening sentance in almost every language
1. In the beginning the world is only a dark sky and primordial waters below it.
2. Aan die begin is die wêreld net 'n donker lug en oorspronklike waters daaronder.
3. Në fillim, bota ishte thjesht një qiell i errët dhe ujëra origjinalë nën të.
4. Bemejemerīya ፣ ‘alemi ch’elema semayi ina kesu betachi yalewi yemejemerīya wiha bicha neberi ፡፡
5. Fi albidayat , kan alealam mujarad sama' muzlimat walmiah albidayiyat tahtaha.
6. I skzbane ashkharhy miayn mut’ yerkink’ e yev dra tak gtnvogh nakhnadaryan jrer:
7. Başlanğıcda dünya yalnız qaranlıq bir göy və altındakı ilkin sulardır.
8. Hasieran mundua zeru iluna eta haren azpiko ur primordialak baino ez dira.
9. Napačatku sviet - heta toĺki ciomnaje nieba i pieršarodnyja vody pad im.
10. Śurutē pr̥thibī kēbala ēkaṭi andhakāra ākāśa ēbaṁ ēra nīcē ādima jala.
11. U početku je svijet samo tamno nebo i iskonske vode ispod njega.
12. V nachaloto svetŭt e samo tŭmno nebe i pŭrvichni vodi pod nego.
13. Al principi, el món només és un cel fosc i unes aigües primordials a sota seu.
14. Sa sinugdanan ang kalibutan usa ka ngitngit nga langit ug primordial nga tubig sa ilawom niini.
15. Pachiyambi dziko limangokhala thambo lakuda ndi madzi oyenda pansi pake.
16. Qǐchū shìjiè zhǐshì yīpiàn qīhēi de tiānkōng hé xiàmiàn de yuánshǐ shuǐyù.
17. À u principiu u mondu hè solu un celu scuru è acque primordiali sottu à ellu.
18. U početku je svijet samo tamno nebo i iskonske vode ispod njega.
19. Na začátku je svět jen temná obloha a pod ní prvotní vody.
20. I starten er verden kun en mørk himmel og urvande under den.
21. In het begin is de wereld slechts een donkere lucht en oerwateren eronder.
22. En la komenco la mondo estas nur malhela ĉielo kaj praaj akvoj sub ĝi. (Esperanto)
23. Alguses on maailm ainult tume taevas ja ürgveed selle all.
24. Sa simula ang mundo ay isang madilim na kalangitan at primordial na tubig lamang sa ibaba nito.
25. Alussa maailma on vain tumma taivas ja sen alapuolella olevat alkuvedet.
26. Au commencement, le monde n'est qu'un ciel sombre et des eaux primordiales en dessous.
27. Yn it begjin is de wrâld mar in donkere loft en oerwetters derûnder.
28. No comezo o mundo só é un ceo escuro e unhas augas primordiais debaixo del.
29. dasats’q’isshi samq’aro mkholod bneli tsaa da mis kvesh p’irvelq’opili ts’q’lebi.
30. Am Anfang ist die Welt nur ein dunkler Himmel und Urwasser darunter.
31. Stin archí o kósmos eínai aplós énas skoteinós ouranós kai éna archégono neró apó káto.
32. Śarū'ātamāṁ viśva phakta tēnī nīcē andhāruṁ ākāśa anē prācīna pāṇī chē.
33. Nan kòmansman mond lan se sèlman yon syèl nwa ak dlo primordial anba li.
34. A farkon duniya duniyar sama ce mai duhu da kuma ruwan da ke ƙasa da ita.
35. I ka hoʻomaka ʻana he lani ʻeleʻele wale nō ka honua a me nā wai primordial ma lalo ona.
36. BRA*A*E*MRK*M*MH*M*MA*MRA*N*M (hebrew)
37. shuruaat mein duniya keval ek andhera aakaash aur usake neeche aadim jal hai.
38. Thaum chiv lub ntiaj teb tsuas muaj ntuj tsaus thiab muaj dej nyob hauv qab nws.
39. Kezdetben a világ csak egy sötét égbolt és ősvizek vannak alatta.
40. Í upphafi er heimurinn aðeins dimmur himinn og frumvatn fyrir neðan hann.
41. Na mbido ụwa bụ sọsọ elu igwe gbara ọchịchịrị na mmiri dị n'okpuru ya.
42. Pada mulanya dunia hanyalah langit yang gelap dan perairan purba di bawahnya.
43. I dtosach níl sa domhan ach spéir dhorcha agus uiscí primordial faoina bhun.
44. All'inizio il mondo è solo un cielo oscuro e acque primordiali sotto di esso.
45. Hajime ni, sekai wa tada no kurai sora to sono-ka ni aru genshi no mizu dakedesu.
46. Ing wiwitan jagad mung ana langit peteng lan banyu primordial ing sangisore.
47. Ārambhadalli jagattu kēvala gā sky vāda ākāśa mattu adara keḷagiruva ādisvarūpada nīru.
48. Basında älem tek qarañğı aspan jäne onıñ astında alğaşqı swlar.
49. now daem piphoplok meante mekh khmaw ning tuk now khangokraom vea bonnaoh.
50. Mu ntangiriro isi ni ikirere cyijimye gusa namazi yambere munsi yacyo.
51. taecho-e sesang-eun eoduun haneulgwa geu alaeui wonsi mulppun-ibnida.
52. Di destpêkê de, dinya ji bilî asmanek tarî û ava xav a li binî wê tiştek nebû.
53. Başında düynö karaŋgı asman jana anın astındagı algaçkı suular gana.
54. naiton loemton olk miphiang thongfa thi mud mua laen am naibeuongton yu lum man.
55. In principio in mundo est modo primis tenebris aquis sub caelo est. (Latin)
56. Sākumā pasaule ir tikai tumšas debesis un pirmatnējie ūdeņi zem tām.
57. Pradžioje pasaulis yra tik tamsus dangus ir pirmapradžiai vandenys žemiau jo.
58. Am Ufank ass d'Welt nëmmen en donkelen Himmel a primordial Waasser drënner.
59. Na početokot svetot e samo temno nebo i iskonski vodi pod nego.
60. Tany am-piandohana dia izao tontolo izao dia lanitra maizina sy rano primordial fotsiny eo ambaniny.
61. Pada mulanya dunia hanyalah langit gelap dan perairan purba di bawahnya.
62. tuṭakkattil lēākaṁ oru iruṇṭa ākāśavuṁ atinu tāḻeyuḷḷa prākr̥ta jalavuṁ mātramāṇ.
63. Fil-bidu d-dinja hija biss sema mudlam u ilmijiet primordjali taħtu.
64. I te tiimatanga he ao pouri noa te ao me nga wai tuuturu i raro iho.
65. Suruvātīsa hē jaga phakta ēka gaḍada ākāśa āṇi tyācyā khālī ādima pāṇyācē āhē.
66. Ekhendee yertönts bol zövkhön kharankhui tenger ba tüünii doorkhi ertnii us yum.
67. a hcaa u kambharkyeesai mhaawin mite saw kaunggkain nhang sar ၎inneat ni m kyasaw ray sar hpyitsai.
68. Surumā sansāra kēvala am̐dhyārō ākāśa ra yasakō tala ādima pānīharū hō.
69. I begynnelsen er verden bare en mørk himmel og urvann under den.
70. P*P*L*N*T*R*M*N*TR*L*N*L*M*N*B* (Pashto)
71. *J*s*B* (persian)
72. Na początku świat to tylko ciemne niebo i pierwotne wody pod nim.
73. No começo, o mundo é apenas um céu escuro e águas primordiais abaixo dele.
74. Śurū'āta vica sasāra sirapha ika hanērā asamāna hai atē isadē hēṭha mu prlā pāṇī hai.
75. La început lumea este doar un cer întunecat și apele primordiale sub el.
76. Vnachale mir - eto tol'ko temnoye nebo i pervozdannyye vody pod nim.
77. I le amataga o le lalolagi ua na o se lagi pogisa ma primordial vai i lalo ifo o ia.
78. Anns an toiseach chan eil anns an t-saoghal ach speur dorcha agus uisgeachan prìomhach fodha.
79. U početku je svet samo tamno nebo i iskonske vode ispod njega.
80. Tšimolohong lefatše ke leholimo le lefifi le metsi a maholo tlasa lona.
81. Pakutanga pasi rinongova iro rakasviba denga uye nemvura yepamberi pazasi payo.
82. *AC*N*AF*T*A*N*A*MAN*AN*ANBN*A*PA* (sindhi)
83. ārambhayē dī lōkaya an̆duru ahasak saha īṭa pahaḷin æti prāthamika jalaya pamaṇi.
84. Na začiatku je svet iba tmavá obloha a pod ňou prvotné vody.
85. Na začetku je svet le temno nebo in prvotne vode pod njim.
86. Bilowgii adduunku waa cir cirfiican oo biyo hooseeya oo ka hooseeya.
87. Al principio, el mundo es solo un cielo oscuro y aguas primordiales debajo de él.
88. Dina awal dunya ngan ukur langit poék sareng cai primordial handapeunna.
89. Hapo mwanzo ulimwengu ni anga tu ya giza na maji ya chini chini yake.
90. I början är världen bara en mörk himmel och urvattnen under den.
91. Dar iʙtido dunjo tanho jak osmoni torik va oʙhoi iʙtidoī dar zeri on meʙoşand.
92. Ārampattil ulakam oru iruṇṭa vāṉam maṟṟum ataṟkuk kīḻē ātikāla nīr maṭṭumē.
93. Ba*tad*n*I*aрangy*ü*hbmanynaptyndagyt*np*laр (tatar)
94. Prārambhanlō prapan̄caṁ oka cīkaṭi ākāśaṁ mariyu dāni krinda ādima jalālu mātramē.
95. Nı kār reìm t̂n lok pĕn pheīyng tĥxngf̂ā thī̀ mụ̄d mid læa p̄hụ̄n n̂ả beụ̄̂xng l̀āng
96. Başlangıçta dünya sadece karanlık bir gökyüzü ve altındaki ilkel sulardan ibarettir.
97. Ilkibaşda dünýä diňe garaňky asman we aşaky suwlar.
98. Spochatku svit - tse lyshe temne nebo ta spokonvichni vody pid nym.
99. *M*M*M* (urdu)
100. Boshida dunyo faqat quyuq osmon va uning ostidagi ibtidoiy suvlardir.
101. Ban đầu, thế giới chỉ là một bầu trời đen tối và vùng nước nguyên thủy bên dưới nó.
102. Yn y dechrau dim ond awyr dywyll a dyfroedd primordial oddi tano yw'r byd.
103. Ekuqaleni umhlaba sisibhakabhaka esimnyama kuphela kunye namanzi amakhulu angaphantsi kwawo.
104. in di onheyb, di velt iz bloyz a tunkl himl aun primordyal vasern unter es.
105. Ni ibẹrẹ agbaye nikan ni ọrun dudu ati awọn omi primordial ni isalẹ rẹ.
106. Ekuqaleni umhlaba uyisibhakabhaka esimnyama kuphela namanzi amakhulu angaphansi kwawo.

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
103  98%   96  91%    99  94%   85  80%       90  85%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
73  69%     50  47%    89  84%     18  17%      56  53%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
61  58%     32  30%    73  69%     80  76%      97  92%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
103  98%   72  68%     10  9%      84  80%      87  82%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
88  83%     40  38%    32  30%      6     5%        49  46%

Z       %
24  22%

Popularity of use
98% N, A:
94% I, N, A:
92% M, I, N, A: *M*M*M* (urdu);
91% E, M, I, N, A:
85% U, E, M, I, N, A:
84% D, U, E, M, I, N, A:
83% T, D, U, E, M, I, N, A:
82% S, T, D, U, E, M, I, N, A:
80% R, O, S, T, D, U, E, M, I, N, A:
76% L, R, O, S, T, D, U, E, M, I, N, A:
69% K, B, L, R, O, S, T, D, U, E, M, I, N, A:
68% P, K, B, L, R, O, S, T, D, U, E, M, I, N, A: P*P*L*N*T*R*M*N*TR*L*N*L*M*N*B* (pashto);
58% H, P, K, B, L, R, O, S, T, D, U, E, M, I, N, A: BRA*A*E*MRK*M*MH*M*MA*MRA*N*M (hebrew);
53% G, H, P, K, B, L, R, O, S, T, D, U, E, M, I, N, A:
47% C, G, H, P, K, B, L, R, O, S, T, D, U, E, M, I, N, A: Stin archí o kósmos eínai aplós énas skoteinós ouranós kai éna archégono neró apó káto; In principio in mundo est modo primis tenebris aquis sub caelo est; (Latin); La început lumea este doar un cer întunecat și apele primordiale sub el;
46% Y, C, G, H, P, K, B, L, R, O, S, T, D, U, E, M, I, N, A: Sa simula ang mundo ay isang madilim na kalangitan at primordial na tubig lamang sa ibaba nito; Ba*tad*n*I*aрangy*ü*hbmanynaptyndagyt*np*laр (tatar);
38% V, Y, C, G, H, P, K, B, L, R, O, S, T, D, U, E, M, I, N, A: V nachaloto svetŭt e samo tŭmno nebe i pŭrvichni vodi pod nego; I starten er verden kun en mørk himmel og urvande under den; Śarū'ātamāṁ viśva phakta tēnī nīcē andhāruṁ ākāśa anē prācīna pāṇī chē; Na početokot svetot e samo temno nebo i iskonski vodi pod nego; tuṭakkattil lēākaṁ oru iruṇṭa ākāśavuṁ atinu tāḻeyuḷḷa prākr̥ta jalavuṁ mātramāṇ; Surumā sansāra kēvala am̐dhyārō ākāśa ra yasakō tala ādima pānīharū hō; I begynnelsen er verden bare en mørk himmel og urvann under den; Śurū'āta vica sasāra sirapha ika hanērā asamāna hai atē isadē hēṭha mu prlā pāṇī hai; I le amataga o le lalolagi ua na o se lagi pogisa ma primordial vai i lalo ifo o ia; Ārampattil ulakam oru iruṇṭa vāṉam maṟṟum ataṟkuk kīḻē ātikāla nīr maṭṭumē; Başlangıçta dünya sadece karanlık bir gökyüzü ve altındaki ilkel sulardan ibarettir; Spochatku svit - tse lyshe temne nebo ta spokonvichni vody pid nym; Ban đầu, thế giới chỉ là một bầu trời đen tối và vùng nước nguyên thủy bên dưới nó;
30% W, J, V, Y, C, G, H, P, K, B, L, R, O, S, T, D, U, E, M, I, N, A: In the beginning the world is only a dark sky and primordial waters below it; Aan die begin is die wêreld net 'n donker lug en oorspronklike waters daaronder; Bemejemerīya ፣ ‘alemi ch’elema semayi ina kesu betachi yalewi yemejemerīya wiha bicha neberi ፡፡; Sa sinugdanan ang kalibutan usa ka ngitngit nga langit ug primordial nga tubig sa ilawom niini; In het begin is de wereld slechts een donkere lucht en oerwateren eronder; Nan kòmansman mond lan se sèlman yon syèl nwa ak dlo primordial anba li; I ka hoʻomaka ʻana he lani ʻeleʻele wale nō ka honua a me nā wai primordial ma lalo ona; Na mbido ụwa bụ sọsọ elu igwe gbara ọchịchịrị na mmiri dị n'okpuru ya; Pada mulanya dunia hanyalah langit yang gelap dan perairan purba di bawahnya; Ing wiwitan jagad mung ana langit peteng lan banyu primordial ing sangisore; Basında älem tek qarañğı aspan jäne onıñ astında alğaşqı swlar; now daem piphoplok meante mekh khmaw ning tuk now khangokraom vea bonnaoh; taecho-e sesang-eun eoduun haneulgwa geu alaeui wonsi mulppun-ibnida; Pada mulanya dunia hanyalah langit gelap dan perairan purba di bawahnya; I te tiimatanga he ao pouri noa te ao me nga wai tuuturu i raro iho; a hcaa u kambharkyeesai mhaawin mite saw kaunggkain nhang sar ၎inneat ni m kyasaw ray sar hpyitsai; Dina awal dunya ngan ukur langit poék sareng cai primordial handapeunna; Ilkibaşda dünýä diňe garaňky asman we aşaky suwlar; Ni ibẹrẹ agbaye nikan ni ọrun dudu ati awọn omi primordial ni isalẹ rẹ; Napačatku sviet - heta toĺki ciomnaje nieba i pieršarodnyja vody pad im; Śurutē pr̥thibī kēbala ēkaṭi andhakāra ākāśa ēbaṁ ēra nīcē ādima jala; U početku je svijet samo tamno nebo i iskonske vode ispod njega; U početku je svijet samo tamno nebo i iskonske vode ispod njega; Alussa maailma on vain tumma taivas ja sen alapuolella olevat alkuvedet; shuruaat mein duniya keval ek andhera aakaash aur usake neeche aadim jal hai; Ārambhadalli jagattu kēvala gā sky vāda ākāśa mattu adara keḷagiruva ādisvarūpada nīru; Başında düynö karaŋgı asman jana anın astındagı algaçkı suular gana; Suruvātīsa hē jaga phakta ēka gaḍada ākāśa āṇi tyācyā khālī ādima pāṇyācē āhē; *J*s*B* (persian); U početku je svet samo tamno nebo i iskonske vode ispod njega; ārambhayē dī lōkaya an̆duru ahasak saha īṭa pahaḷin æti prāthamika jalaya pamaṇi; Al principio, el mundo es solo un cielo oscuro y aguas primordiales debajo de él; I början är världen bara en mörk himmel och urvattnen under den; Prārambhanlō prapan̄caṁ oka cīkaṭi ākāśaṁ mariyu dāni krinda ādima jalālu mātramē; En la komenco la mondo estas nur malhela ĉielo kaj praaj akvoj sub ĝi (Esperanto); Alguses on maailm ainult tume taevas ja ürgveed selle all;
22% Z, W, J, V, Y, C, G, H, P, K, B, L, R, O, S, T, D, U, E, M, I, N, A: I skzbane ashkharhy miayn mut’ yerkink’ e yev dra tak gtnvogh nakhnadaryan jrer:; Hasieran mundua zeru iluna eta haren azpiko ur primordialak baino ez dira; Pachiyambi dziko limangokhala thambo lakuda ndi madzi oyenda pansi pake; Na začátku je svět jen temná obloha a pod ní prvotní vody; Kezdetben a világ csak egy sötét égbolt és ősvizek vannak alatta; All'inizio il mondo è solo un cielo oscuro e acque primordiali sotto di esso; Hajime ni, sekai wa tada no kurai sora to sono-ka ni aru genshi no mizu dakedesu; Mu ntangiriro isi ni ikirere cyijimye gusa namazi yambere munsi yacyo; Sākumā pasaule ir tikai tumšas debesis un pirmatnējie ūdeņi zem tām; Pradžioje pasaulis yra tik tamsus dangus ir pirmapradžiai vandenys žemiau jo; Ekhendee yertönts bol zövkhön kharankhui tenger ba tüünii doorkhi ertnii us yum; Na początku świat to tylko ciemne niebo i pierwotne wody pod nim; Vnachale mir - eto tol'ko temnoye nebo i pervozdannyye vody pod nim; Pakutanga pasi rinongova iro rakasviba denga uye nemvura yepamberi pazasi payo; Na začiatku je svet iba tmavá obloha a pod ňou prvotné vody; Na začetku je svet le temno nebo in prvotne vode pod njim; Hapo mwanzo ulimwengu ni anga tu ya giza na maji ya chini chini yake; Dar iʙtido dunjo tanho jak osmoni torik va oʙhoi iʙtidoī dar zeri on meʙoşand; in di onheyb, di velt iz bloyz a tunkl himl aun primordyal vasern unter es;
17% F, Z, W, J, V, Y, C, G, H, P, K, B, L, R, O, S, T, D, U, E, M, I, N, A: Fi albidayat , kan alealam mujarad sama' muzlimat walmiah albidayiyat tahtaha; Al principi, el món només és un cel fosc i unes aigües primordials a sota seu; Yn it begjin is de wrâld mar in donkere loft en oerwetters derûnder; Am Anfang ist die Welt nur ein dunkler Himmel und Urwasser darunter; A farkon duniya duniyar sama ce mai duhu da kuma ruwan da ke ƙasa da ita; Í upphafi er heimurinn aðeins dimmur himinn og frumvatn fyrir neðan hann; I dtosach níl sa domhan ach spéir dhorcha agus uiscí primordial faoina bhun; naiton loemton olk miphiang thongfa thi mud mua laen am naibeuongton yu lum man, Am Ufank ass d'Welt nëmmen en donkelen Himmel a primordial Waasser drënner; Tany am-piandohana dia izao tontolo izao dia lanitra maizina sy rano primordial fotsiny eo ambaniny; Fil-bidu d-dinja hija biss sema mudlam u ilmijiet primordjali taħtu; Anns an toiseach chan eil anns an t-saoghal ach speur dorcha agus uisgeachan prìomhach fodha; Tšimolohong lefatše ke leholimo le lefifi le metsi a maholo tlasa lona; *AC*N*AF*T*A*N*A*MAN*AN*ANBN*A*PA* (sindhi); Bilowgii adduunku waa cir cirfiican oo biyo hooseeya oo ka hooseeya; Yn y dechrau dim ond awyr dywyll a dyfroedd primordial oddi tano yw'r byd;
9% Q, F, Z, W, J, V, Y, C, G, H, P, K, B, L, R, O, S, T, D, U, E, M, I, N, A: Ekuqaleni umhlaba uyisibhakabhaka esimnyama kuphela namanzi amakhulu angaphansi kwawo; Ekuqaleni umhlaba sisibhakabhaka esimnyama kuphela kunye namanzi amakhulu angaphantsi kwawo; Boshida dunyo faqat quyuq osmon va uning ostidagi ibtidoiy suvlardir; Thaum chiv lub ntiaj teb tsuas muaj ntuj tsaus thiab muaj dej nyob hauv qab nws; Dasats’q’isshi samq’aro mkholod bneli tsaa da mis kvesh p’irvelq’opili ts’q’lebi; À u principiu u mondu hè solu un celu scuru è acque primordiali sottu à ellu; Në fillim, bota ishte thjesht një qiell i errët dhe ujëra origjinalë nën të; Başlanğıcda dünya yalnız qaranlıq bir göy və altındakı ilkin sulardır;
5% X, Q, F, Z, W, J, V, Y, C, G, H, P, K, B, L, R, O, S, T, D, U, E, M, I, N, A: No começo, o mundo é apenas um céu escuro e águas primordiais abaixo dele; Nı kār reìm t̂n lok pĕn pheīyng tĥxngf̂ā thī̀ mụ̄d mid læa p̄hụ̄n n̂ả beụ̄̂xng l̀āng; Di destpêkê de, dinya ji bilî asmanek tarî û ava xav a li binî wê tiştek nebû; Qǐchū shìjiè zhǐshì yīpiàn qīhēi de tiānkōng hé xiàmiàn de yuánshǐ shuǐyù; Au commencement, le monde n'est qu'un ciel sombre et des eaux primordiales en dessous; No comezo o mundo só é un ceo escuro e unhas augas primordiais debaixo del;

Conclusion: the source for the first sentance of the Popol Vu is somewhere in the development chain (A, N; I; M; E). The A, N pair is problematic because these two groups offer diverse subgroup sources individually. Having both of them at 98% means N-A or A-N subgroups are the potential source languages including the DelewareM group found as similar to mound-builder 'Atlantean'... which would make this epic level hilarious considering I had just got rid of the Atlantis myth only to arrive at it again as a source for something suspiciously 'biblical'.

N-A includes XhosaF, ChippewaF, ZuluF, N. W. AboriginalF, ChineseF, ChineseM.
A-N includes SiouxM, BasqueF, At-lendh-eis (moundbuilder), DelewareM, ThaiMF, GaelicM, ChippewaF, Volcano, Charm Person, ShonaM, ApacheM, African/OtherF, To Sing, Canoe, ZuluM, Treasure, Swim, Dungeon, ZuluF, PolishM, Ring, TibetanMF. 

The earliest forms of "In the beginning the world is only a dark sky and primordial waters below it." are Arabic (pashto/urdu), and Hebrew though these are not intact.

The earliest intact forms are at 47% with Greek, Latin, and Portugese with: "Stin archí o kósmos eínai aplós énas skoteinós ouranós kai éna archégono neró apó káto" (greek) "In principio in mundo est modo primis tenebris aquis sub caelo est" (Latin) and "La început lumea este doar un cer întunecat și apele primordiale sub el" (portugese).

It peaks in spread around 30% fully literate before declining in interest.

It would now be vital to get this first sentance accurately in urdu, pashto, and hebrew to determine if there is influence by a specifically islamic or hebrew author - or whether this is portugese/spanish conquest period contamination by a multilingual scholar - or whether the ancestral source of the popol vu language has influenced these languages.