Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Star Wars: The Destroyer Comic


Linguistic Archaeology: Medieval Scottish culture


A. Male Names
1. Alasdar
2. Aodh
3. Aonghus
4. Brian
5. Cailin
6. Cainneach
7. Domhnall
8. Donnchadh
9. Dubhghall
10. Eoghan
11. Eoin
12. Fearchar
13. Fearghus
14. Fionnlagh
15. Gille Andras
16. Gille Choluim
17. Gille Easbaig
18. Gille Mhuire
19. Griogair
20. Íomhar
21. Lochloinn
22. Maghnus
23. Maol Choluim
24. Maol
25. Domhnaich
26. Maol Dúin
27. Muireadhach
28. Muirgheas
29. Niall
30. Padraig
31. Raghnall
32. Roibeard
33. Ruadhrí
34. Somhairle
35. Toirdhealbhach
36. Uilliam
37. Uisdean

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
33  89%     15  40%    24  64%   18  48%       13  35%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
5   13%      10  27%    14  37%     3    8%         13  35%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
23  62%     0    0%       0     0%      17  45%      13     35%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
16  43%     1    2%       0     0%      15  40%       9     24%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
1     2%      0     0%      0      0%      0      0%        0        0%

Z       %
0     0%

Popularity of use
89% A:
64% I, A:
62% H, I, A:
48% O, H, I, A:
45% L, O, H, I, A:
43% N, L, O, H, I, A: Niall,
40% R, E, N, L, O, H, I, A: Eoin,
37% D, R, E, N, L, O, H, I, A: Aodh,
35% M, G, U, D, R, E, N, L, O, H, I, A: Gille Mhuire, Griogair, Íomhar, Maol, Maol Dúin, Raghnall, Ruadhrí, Uilliam, Domhnall, Dubhghall, Eoghan,
27% C, M, G, U, D, R, E, N, L, O, H, I, A: Domhnaich, Muireadhach, Lochloinn, Maol Choluim, Donnchadh, Gille Choluim, Cailin, Cainneach,
24% S, C, M, G, U, D, R, E, N, L, O, H, I, A: Somhairle, Uisdean, Muirgheas, Maghnus, Aonghus, Gille Andras, Alasdar,
13% B, S, C, M, G, U, D, R, E, N, L, O, H, I, A: Gille Easbaig, Roibeard, Brian,
8% F, B, S, C, M, G, U, D, R, E, N, L, O, H, I, A: Fearchar, Fearghus, Fionnlagh,
2% T, P, F, B, S, C, M, G, U, D, R, E, N, L, O, H, I, A: Padraig, Toirdhealbhach,
0% Z, Y, X, W, V, Q, K, J

Conclusion: Male Scottish highland culture begins at 43% with Niall. It achieves a Cultural peak at 35% declining through to 2%.

B. Female Names
1. Afraig
2. Áine
3. Alis
4. Annábla
5. Beathag
6. Cairistíona
7. Caitilín
8. Caitríona
9. Cobhlaith
10. Dearbháil
11. Ealusaid
12. Elinora
13. Etaín
14. Fionnghuala
15. Fenalla
16. Gormlaith
17. Gráinne
18. Iosbail
19. Iosobal
20. Iuliana
21. Lasairíona
22. Máire
23. Mairghread
24. Maol Mhí
25. Maol Mhuire
26. Marsail
27. Marsaili
28. Meadhbh
29. Mór
30. Morag
31. Mór Mhumhan
32. Muirgheal
33. Onóra
34. Raghnailt
35. Róis
36. Saraid
37. Seonaid
38. Sibán
39. Sitheag
40. Sorcha
41. Úna

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
39  95%    15  36%     30  73%   18  43%       7    17%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
8   19%      5  12%       6    14%       3    7%        10  24%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
14  34%     0     0%      0     0%      20  48%      12    29%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
18  43%     0    0%       0    0%        21  51%      13   31%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
9  21%       0    0%       0    0%        0    0%         0      0%

Z       %
0     0%

Popularity of use
95% A:
73% I, A:
51% R, I, A:
48% L, R, I, A:
43% N, O, L, R, I, A: Onóra,
36% E, N, O, L, R, I, A: Áine, Elinora,
34% H, E, N, O, L, R, I, A:
31% S, H, E, N, O, L, R, I, A: Róis, Alis, Lasairíona,
29% M, S, H, E, N, O, L, R, I, A: Máire, Maol Mhí, Marsail, Marsaili, Mór,
24% G, M, S, H, E, N, O, L, R, I, A: Gráinne, Morag,
21% T, G, M, S, H, E, N, O, L, R, I, A: Raghnailt, Sitheag, Etaín, Gormlaith,
19% B, T, G, M, S, H, E, N, O, L, R, I, A: Iosbail, Iosobal, Sibán, Annábla, Beathag
17% U, B, T, G, M, S, H, E, N, O, L, R, I, A: Mór Mhumhan, Muirgheal, Úna, Iuliana, Maol Mhuire,
14% D, U, B, T, G, M, S, H, E, N, O, L, R, I, A: Saraid, Seonaid, Mairghread, Meadhbh, Dearbháil, Ealusaid,
12% C, D, U, B, T, G, M, S, H, E, N, O, L, R, I, A: Cairistíona, Caitilín, Caitríona, Cobhlaith, Sorcha,
7% F, C, D, U, B, T, G, M, S, H, E, N, O, L, R, I, A: Afraig, Fionnghuala, Fenalla,
0% Z, Y, X, W, V, Q, P, K, J

Conclusion: female highland culture begins at 43% with Onóra, followed at 36% with Áine and Elinora. At 34% a cultural bandgap occurs, before recovery at 31%. Female highland culture peaks at 14% before declining through to 7%.


C. Male Names
1. Adam
2. Alexander
3. Allan
4. Andrew
5. Archibald
6. Charles
7. Cristy
8. David
9. Donald
10. Duncan
11. Edmond
12. Flore
13. Forsy
14. Gavan
15. George
16. Gilbert
17. Giles
18. Hay
19. Henry
20. Hew
21. Ingram
22. James
23. Jasper
24. John
25. Malcolm
26. Martin
27. Matthew
28. Maurice
29. Michael
30. Neil
31. Nicholas
32. Ninian
33. Norman
34. Oliver
35. Patrick
36. Peter
37. Philip
38. Ranald
39. Richard
40. Robert
41. Roger
42. Simon
43. Thomas
44. Walter
45. William

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
28   62%     20  44%    18  40%   14  31%       2      4%

B        %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         % 
3      6%     9      20%     10  22%     2    4%         6    13%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
11  24%     3    6%       1    2%       17  37%      13  28%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
17  37%     3    6%       0      0%     23  51%      9    20%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
9   20%      3   6%        5     11%      1      2%        4     8%

Z       %
0    0%

Popularity of use
62% A:
51% R, A:
44% E, R, A:
40% I, E, R, A:
37% N, L, I, E, R, A: Allan, Neil, Ninian,
31% O, N, L, I, E, R, A:
28% M, O, N, L, I, E, R, A: Norman,
24% H, M, O, N, L, I, E, R, A:
22% D, H, M, O, N, L, I, E, R, A: Donald, Edmond, Ranald, Adam,
20% T, S, C, D, H, M, O, N, L, I, E, R, A: Richard, Simon, Thomas, Malcolm, Martin, Michael, Nicholas, Charles,
13% G, T, S, C, D, H, M, O, N, L, I, E, R, A: George, Giles, Ingram, Roger,
11% W, G, T, S, C, D, H, M, O, N, L, I, E, R, A: Walter, William, Hew, Matthew, Andrew,
8% Y, W, G, T, S, C, D, H, M, O, N, L, I, E, R, A: Hay, Henry, Cristy
6% V, P, J, B, Y, W, G, T, S, C, D, H, M, O, N, L, I, E, R, A: Gavan, Oliver, David, Peter, Philip, James, Jasper, John, Gilbert, Robert, Archibald,
4% F, U, V, P, J, B, Y, W, G, T, S, C, D, H, M, O, N, L, I, E, R, A: Flore, Forsy, Maurice, Duncan,
2% X, K, F, U, V, P, J, B, Y, W, G, T, S, C, D, H, M, O, N, L, I, E, R, A: Alexander, Patrick,
0% Q, Z

Conclusion: Male scottish lowland culture begins at 37% with Allan, Neil and Ninian, undergoind a cultural bandgap at 31%. Recovery at 28% with Norman (post-1066 Norman invasion?), a second cultural band gap at 24% followed by recovery at 22%. A cultural peak at 6%, declining to 2%.

D. Female Names
1. Ada
2. Aeschine
3. Agnes
4. Alicia
5. Alison
6. Allok
7. Annabell
8. Annis
9. Beatrix
10. Begy
11. Brunhild
12. Camy
13. Cristiane
14. Christina
15. Deirdre
16. Eby
17. Edane
18. Ede
19. Elizabeth
20. Ellen
21. Esa
22. Euphemia
23. Florie
24. Forsy
25. Forveleth
26. Godit
27. Grisilda
28. Isabel
29. Joan
30. Jonet
31. Katherine
32. Mabel
33. Margaret
34. Maria
35. Marion
36. Mariota
37. Marjorie
38. Matilda
39. Maude
40. Mavis
41. Muriel
42. Nichola
43. Orabilia
44. Swannoc
45. Sywe
46. Ysenda

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
33  71%     26  56%    25  54%   14  30%       4      8%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
9   19%      7    15%       10  21%     3    6%         5    10%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
8    17%     3    6%      2    4%       16  34%      12     26%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
17  36%     1    2%       0       0%    16  34%       14  30%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
11  23%     2    4%       2     4%      1      2%        6    13%

Z       %
1    2%

Popularity of use
71% A:
56% E, A:
54% I, E, A:
36% N, I, E, A:
34% R, L, N, I, E, A: Ellen,
30% S, O, R, L, N, I, E, A: Alison, Annis, Esa,
26% M, S, O, R, L, N, I, E, A: Maria, Marion, Mavis,
23% T, M, S, O, R, L, N, I, E, A: Mariota,
21% D, T, M, S, O, R, L, N, I, E, A: Deirdre, Edane, Ede, Matilda, Ada,
19% B, D, T, M, S, O, R, L, N, I, E, A: Isabel, Mabel, Orabilia, Annabell,
17% H, B, D, T, M, S, O, R, L, N, I, E, A:
15% C, H, B, D, T, M, S, O, R, L, N, I, E, A: Cristiane, Christina, Nichola, Aeschine, Alicia,
13% Y, C, H, B, D, T, M, S, O, R, L, N, I, E, A: Eby, Camy, Ysenda,
10% G, Y, C, H, B, D, T, M, S, O, R, L, N, I, E, A: Godit, Grisilda, Margaret, Begy, Agnes,
8% U, G, Y, C, H, B, D, T, M, S, O, R, L, N, I, E, A: Maude, Muriel, Brunhild,
6% J, F, U, G, Y, C, H, B, D, T, M, S, O, R, L, N, I, E, A: Joan, Jonet, Marjorie, Florie, Forveleth, Forsy,
4% W, K, J, F, U, G, Y, C, H, B, D, T, M, S, O, R, L, N, I, E, A: Swannoc, Sywe, Allok, Katherine,
2% Z, X, P, W, K, J, F, U, G, Y, C, H, B, D, T, M, S, O, R, L, N, I, E, A: Beatrix, Elizabeth, Euphemia,

0% Q

Conclusion: Female lowland scot culture begins at 34% with Ellen. There is growth, a dip at 23% and further growth until a cultural bandgap at 17%. Before recovery at 15% and an eventual cultural peak at 6%, before declining to 2%. 

Monday, 29 March 2021

Mystaran Campaign: Conan the Barbarian falls through a Gate


Conan the Barbarian: 5th level Thief; Neutral; 25hp; AC7; S 13, I 15, W 13, D 11, C 14, Ch 11; Sword, Leather Armour, Helmet, Cloak, Plain Clothes, Belt, Boots;

Languages: Cimmerian, Common

Leaving behind the Northlands of Hyboria, Conan journied south where a chance encounter with a Sorcerer resulted in Conan being gated to a world called Mystara- A world where unhuman things freely walk the streets of cities and magical beasts are as prolific as birds in the sky.

He is suspicious of non-humans and untrusting of Wizards and Priests. He will work as a Mercenary with human only Adventuring parties.

Sunday, 28 March 2021

Linguistic Archaeology: Icelandic culture

A. Male names

1. Flóki
2. Ingólfur
3. Einar
4. Helgi
5. Ketill
6. Alvar
7. Ari
8. Darri
9. Elmar
10. Emil
11. Flosi
12. Funi
13. Hilmir
14. Logi
15. Nói
16. Orri
17. Salvar
18. Sigmar
19. Uni
20. Vilmar
21. Sólúlfur
22. Maríón

Popularity of Use 
A        %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U        %
9   40%      5  22%      18  81%    8   36%         4  18%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
0      0%      0    0%      1     4%       5    22%        4  18%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %         M         %
2     9%       0    0%      2     9%      12  54%       6    27%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
6    27%     0     0%       0     0%     13  59%       4  18%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
1     4%      3  13%       0      0%      0     0%        0     0%

Z       %
0     0%

Popularity of use
81% I:
59% R, I:
54% L, R, I:
40% A, L, R, I: Ari,
36% O, A, L, R, I: Orri,
27% N, M, O, A, L, R, I: Maríón, Nói,
22% F, E, N, M, O, A, L, R, I: Elmar, Emil, Einar,
18% S, G, U, F, E, N, M, O, A, L, R, I: Sigmar, Uni, Sólúlfur, Flosi, Funi, Logi, Ingólfur,
13% V, S, G, U, F, E, N, M, O, A, L, R, I: Salvar, Vilmar, Alvar,
9% K, H, V, S, G, U, F, E, N, M, O, A, L, R, I: Flóki, Helgi, Hilmir,
4% T, D, K, H, V, S, G, U, F, E, N, M, O, A, L, R, I: Ketill, Darri,
0% Z, Y, X, W, Q, P, J, C, B

Conclusion: male icelandic culture begins at 40% with Ari. Male culture peaks at 18% fully literate before declining through to 4%.

B. Female names
1. Auður
2. Arnkatla
3. Hallbera
4. Kaðlín
5. Þuríður
6. Valgerður
7. Freyja
8. Edda
9. Harpa
10. Hekla
11. Katla
12. Hilda
13. Hrefna
14. Karitas
15. Lind
16. Lukka
17. Saga
18. Sunna
19. Von
20. Systa
21. Lynd

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
17  80%     6  28%      5  23%      1     4%        5    23%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
1     4%      0     0%      4   19%      2     9%        2      9%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
9   42%      1    4%       6  28%       10  47%      0      0%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
4   19%      1    4%       0     0%       9  42%        4    19%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
8  38%       2   9%        0      0%      0     0%        3    14%

Z       %
0    0%

Popularity of use
80% A:
47% L, A:
42% R, H, L, A:
38% T, R, H, L, A:
28% K, E, T, R, H, L, A: Arnkatla, Edda, Hekla, Katla,
23% U, I, K, E, T, R, H, L, A: Hilda, Lind, Auður, Kaðlín, Þuríður, Lukka,
19% S, N, D, U, I, K, E, T, R, H, L, A: Karitas, Sunna,
14% Y, S, N, D, U, I, K, E, T, R, H, L, A: Systa, Lynd,
9% V, G, F, Y, S, N, D, U, I, K, E, T, R, H, L, A: Hrefna, Saga, Valgerður,
4% P, J, B, O, V, G, F, Y, S, N, D, U, I, K, E, T, R, H, L, A: Harpa, Von, Hallbera, Freyja,
0% Z, X, W, Q, M, C

Conclusion: female culture begins at 28% with Arnkatla, Edda, Hekla and Katla. Female icelandic culture peaks at 23% fully literate.declines across 19%-14% before recovering from 9%-4%.

Thursday, 25 March 2021

Linguistic Archaeology: Portugese Culture

A. Male Names 

1. Abílio
2. Adão
3. Adrião
4. Afonso
5. Alão
6. Alberto
7. Aleixo
8. Alexandre
9. Alfredo
10. Aluisio
11. Alvaro
12. Amador
13. Ambrosio
14. Amilcar
15. Andre
16. Anibal
17. Aniceto
18. Antero
19. Antônio
20. Aquilino
21. Arnoldo
22. Artur
23. Atílio
24. Augusto
25. Aurelio
26. Bartholomeu
27. Basilio
28. Batista
29. Benedito
30. Benigno
31. Bernardim
32. Bernardo
33. Bruno
34. Caetano
35. Camilo
36. Carlos
37. Cesário
38. Claudio
39. Columbano
40. Cornélio
41. Cristiano
42. Cristovão
43. Damião
44. Daniel
45. Dario
46. Davi
47. Dinis
48. Diogo
49. Domingos
50. Donato
51. Duarte
52. Edmundo
53. Eduardo
54. Egas
55. Elder
56. Elias
57. Eloi
58. Emilio
59. Enéas
60. Epitácio
61. Ernesto
62. Estevao
63. Eugenio
64. Eurico
65. Evaristo
66. Fabião
67. Fabricio
68. Feliciano
69. Felipe
70. Félix
71. Fernando
72. Fernão
73. Filipe
74. Firmino
75. Flavio
76. Florencio
77. Fortunato
78. Francisco
79. Frederico
80. Gabriel
81. Gaspar
82. Gervasio
83. Gétulio
84. Gil
85. Gomes
86. Gonçalo
87. Gonçalvo
88. Graciano
89. Gregorio
90. Guilherme
91. Gustavo
92. Heitor
93. Henrique
94. Heriberto
95. Hermes
96. Hernane
97. Hipolito
98. Horacio
99. Humberto
100. Inácio
101. Irineo
102. Jacto
103. Javier
104. João
105. Joaquim
106. Jorge
107. José
108. Josef
109. Júlio
110. Leandro
111. Leão
112. Leonardo
113. Lopes
114. Lourenço
115. Luciano
116. Lucio
117. Luís
118. Luiz
119. Macario
120. Manoel
121. Marcelo
122. Marcelino
123. Marcio
124. Marco
125. Marcos
126. Mario
127. Martim
128. Martinho
129. Mateus
130. Mauricio
131. Maximiliano
132. Màximo
133. Medardo
134. Miguel
135. Mousinho
136. Nereu
137. Nicodemo
138. Nicolão
139. Nicolau
140. Nilo
141. Nuno
142. Odilon
143. Otávio
144. Paco
145. Pascoal
146. Patricio
147. Paulino
148. Paulo
149. Pedro
150. Pio
151. Plinio
152. Rafael
153. Raimundo
154. Raúl
155. Rebelo
156. Reinaldo
157. Renato
158. Ricardo
159. Roberto
160. Roldão
161. Romão
162. Roque
163. Rufino
164. Rui
165. Salvador
166. Sansão
167. Sebastião
168. Sergio
169. Severino
170. Silvio
171. Simão
172. Tacito
173. Tadeu
174. Teixeira
175. Teofilo
176. Timoteo
177. Tomás
178. Tomaz
179. Tristão
180. Urbano
181. Valentin
182. Valerio
183. Vasco
184. Vicente
185. Virgilio
186. Vitor
187. Vitorino
188. Xadreque
189. Xavier
190. Zacarias
191. Zuesef

Popularity of Use 
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
125  65%   81  42%   112  58%  149  78%    44  23%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
22  11%     45  23%    38  19%     21  10%      22  11%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
12   6%      8    4%       0     0%      74  38%      39  20%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
66  34%     14  7%       5     2%      94  49%      42   21%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
48  25%    22  11%     0      0%      8     4%        0       0%

Z       %
4     2%

Popularity of use
78% O:
65% A, O:
58% I, A, O:
49% R, I, A, O:
42% E, R, I, A, O:
38% L, E, R, I, A, O: Leão, Alão, Eloi,
34% N, L, E, R, I, A, O: Irineo, Nilo,
25% T, N, L, E, R, I, A, O: Renato, Antero, Antônio, Atílio,
23% C, U, T, N, L, E, R, I, A, O: Lourenço, Luciano, Lucio, Nicolão, Nicolau, Nuno, Raúl, Rui, Luís, Nereu, Tacito, Eurico, Inácio, Aurelio, Caetano, Cornélio, Aniceto, Artur,
21% S, C, U, T, N, L, E, R, I, A, O: Sansão, Tristão, Carlos, Cesário, Aluisio, Cristiano, Elias, Enéas, Ernesto,
20% M, S, C, U, T, N, L, E, R, I, A, O: Timoteo, Tomás, Romão, Simão, Macario, Manoel, Marcelo, Marcelino, Marcio, Marco, Marcos, Mario, Martim, Mateus, Mauricio, Camilo, Emilio, Amilcar,
19% D, M, S, C, U, T, N, L, E, R, I, A, O: Ricardo, Roldão, Tadeu, Odilon, Raimundo, Reinaldo, Medardo, Nicodemo, Leandro, Leonardo, Damião, Daniel, Dario, Dinis, Donato, Duarte, Edmundo, Eduardo, Elder, Arnoldo, Claudio, Adão, Adrião, Amador, Andre,
11% V, G, B, D, M, S, C, U, T, N, L, E, R, I, A, O: Urbano, Valentin, Valerio, Vasco, Vicente, Virgilio, Vitor, Vitorino, Sebastião, Sergio, Severino, Silvio, Roberto, Salvador, Rebelo, Miguel, Otávio, Estevao, Eugenio, Evaristo, Gabriel, Gervasio, Gétulio, Gil, Gomes, Gonçalo, Gonçalvo, Graciano, Gregorio, Gustavo, Egas, Cristovão, Davi, Columbano, Diogo, Domingos, Basilio, Batista, Benedito, Benigno, Bernardim, Bernardo, Bruno, Augusto, Alvaro, Ambrosio, Anibal, Abílio, Alberto,
10% F, V, G, B, D, M, S, C, U, T, N, L, E, R, I, A, O: Rufino, Teofilo, Rafael, Alfredo, Fabião, Fabricio, Feliciano, Fernando, Fernão, Firmino, Flavio, Florencio, Fortunato, Francisco, Frederico, Afonso,
7% P, F, V, G, B, D, M, S, C, U, T, N, L, E, R, I, A, O: Lopes, Paco, Pascoal, Patricio, Paulino, Paulo, Pedro, Pio, Plinio, Filipe, Gaspar, Felipe, Epitácio,
6% H, P, F, V, G, B, D, M, S, C, U, T, N, L, E, R, I, A, O: Martinho, Mousinho, Heitor, Heriberto, Hermes, Hernane, Hipolito, Horacio, Humberto, Bartholomeu, Guilherme,
4% X, J, H, P, F, V, G, B, D, M, S, C, U, T, N, L, E, R, I, A, O: Teixeira, Xavier, Jacto, Javier, João, Jorge, José, Josef, Júlio, Maximiliano, Màximo, Aleixo, Alexandre, Félix,
2% Z, Q, X, J, H, P, F, V, G, B, D, M, S, C, U, T, N, L, E, R, I, A, O: Zacarias, Zuesef, Xadreque, Roque, Tomaz, Joaquim, Luiz, Aquilino, Henrique,
0% K, W, Y

Conclusion: Male Portugese culture begins at 38% with Leão, Alão and Eloi, slowly rising to a cultural peak at 11% before declining through to 2%.

B. Female Names
1. Adelina
2. Adriana
3. Agueda
4. Albertina
5. Alexandra
6. Aliuska
7. Amélia
8. Ana
9. Ana-Flavia
10. Andreia
11. Antonia
12. Bárbara
13. Beatriz
14. Bernadina
15. Branca
16. Calisto
17. Caridade
18. Carlota
19. Carmo
20. Carolina
21. Catarina
22. Caterina
23. Cebria
24. Cecília
25. Celestina
26. Célia
27. Clara
28. Claudia
29. Conceiçao
30. Constancia
31. Cristina
32. Delfina
33. Diani
34. Dores
35. Dorotéia
36. Edite
37. Eduarda
38. Elana
39. Eliana
40. Emilia
41. Emiliana
42. Estela
43. Eufemia
44. Eugênia
45. Eva
46. Felicidade
47. Felipa
48. Fernanda
49. Filipa
50. Filomena
51. Fortunata
52. Francisca
53. Frederica
54. Gabriela
55. Gloria
56. Graça
57. Heila
58. Helena
59. Hilma
60. Imaculada
61. Inês
62. Irina
63. Isabel
64. Isaura
65. Ivone
66. Jacinta
67. Joana
68. Joaquina
69. Josefa
70. Jovita
71. Judite
72. Julia
73. Juliana
74. Laocadia
75. Leonor
76. Leticia
77. Liana
78. Lianor
79. Lorena
80. Lúcia
81. Luciana
82. Lucinda
83. Lucrecia
84. Luísa
85. Madalena
86. Mafalda
87. Magdalena
88. Manuela
89. Margarida
90. Maria
91. Marianna
92. Marisa
93. Martina
94. Matilde
95. Miguela
96. Monica
97. Natalia
98. Neves
99. Palmira
100. Patricia
101. Paula
102. Primitiva
103. Raisa
104. Raquel
105. Rebeca
106. Regla
107. Ritta
108. Rosa
109. Rosalina
110. Sabina
111. Serafima
112. Severina
113. Silvia
114. Sonia
115. Tatiana
116. Telma
117. Teodora
118. Teresa
119. Tereza
120. Tina-Maria
121. Vanda
122. Verna
123. Veronica
124. Visitaçao
125. Vitoria
126. Zara

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
119  94%   62  50%    88  69%   28  22%      22  17%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
10   7%      34  26%    27  21%     14  11%       9      7%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
3      2%      8   6%       0      0%     57  45%      25  19%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
57  45%     6    4%       2     1%      58  46%       21  16%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
32  25%     12  9%      0      0%      1   <1%        0       0%

Z       %
3     2%

Popularity of use
94% A:
69% I, A:
50% E, I, A:
46% R, E, I, A:
45% N, L, R, E, I, A: Ana, Elana, Eliana, Irina, Liana,
26% C, N, L, R, E, I, A: Cecília, Célia, Clara,
25% T, C, N, L, R, E, I, A: Ritta, Tatiana, Leticia, Natalia, Catarina, Caterina,
22% O, T, C, N, L, R, E, I, A: Lianor, Lorena, Leonor, Conceiçao, Antonia, Carlota, Carolina,
21% D, O, T, C, N, L, R, E, I, A: Teodora, Caridade, Diani, Dorotéia, Edite, Laocadia, Adelina, Adriana, Andreia,
19% M, D, O, T, C, N, L, R, E, I, A: Tina-Maria, Telma, Madalena, Maria, Marianna, Martina, Matilde, Monica, Amélia, Emilia, Emiliana, Carmo,
17% U, M, D, O, T, C, N, L, R, E, I, A: Lúcia, Luciana, Lucinda, Lucrecia, Manuela, Eduarda, Imaculada, Aliuska, Claudia,
16% S, U, M, D, O, T, C, N, L, R, E, I, A: Rosalina, Sonia, Teresa, Raisa, Rosa, Luísa, Marisa, Inês, Isaura, Estela, Constancia, Cristina, Dores, Calisto, Celestina,
11% F, S, U, M, D, O, T, C, N, L, R, E, I, A: Serafima, Delfina, Eufemia, Felicidade, Fernanda, Filomena, Fortunata, Francisca, Frederica, Mafalda, Ana-Flavia,
9% V, F, S, U, M, D, O, T, C, N, L, R, E, I, A: Vanda, Verna, Veronica, Visitaçao, Vitoria, Severina, Silvia, Ivone, Neves, Eva,
7% G, B, V, F, S, U, M, D, O, T, C, N, L, R, E, I, A: Rebeca, Sabina, Regla, Margarida, Miguela, Magdalena, Eugênia, Gabriela, Gloria, Graça, Agueda, Albertina, Cebria, Isabel, Bárbara, Bernadina, Branca,
6% J, G, B, V, F, S, U, M, D, O, T, C, N, L, R, E, I, A: Jacinta, Joana, Josefa, Jovita, Judite, Julia, Juliana,
4% P, J, G, B, V, F, S, U, M, D, O, T, C, N, L, R, E, I, A: Paula, Primitiva, Palmira, Patricia, Felipa, Filipa,
2% Z, H, P, J, G, B, V, F, S, U, M, D, O, T, C, N, L, R, E, I, A: Tereza, Zara, Beatriz, Heila, Helena, Hilma,
1% Q, Z, H, P, J, G, B, V, F, S, U, M, D, O, T, C, N, L, R, E, I, A: Raquel, Joaquina,
<1% X, Q, Z, H, P, J, G, B, V, F, S, U, M, D, O, T, C, N, L, R, E, I, A: Alexandra,
0% K, W, Y

Conclusion: Female Portugese culture begins at 45% with Ana, Elana, Eliana, Irina, and Liana. It climbs slowly to a cultural peak which occurs at 7%, before declining through to <1%.

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Basic Expert: The Observatorium of Urthr Hickly


Urthr Hickly build an Observatory on a hill on the edge of the village of Muckety, the Halfling deemed ecentric by the locals, and there he spent his time, having little to do with the locals except purchase fresh bacon, milk, eggs, bread, and a few vegetables on a daily basis.

He had indeed established an Observatory, though he wasnt watching the Stars. Rather he was with his scrying Telescope observing state officials in the Capital.

Urthr Hickly, a Gold Dragon, was gathering secrets, and then providing those secrets to others. After exposing corrupt officials, and embarasing a number of wealthy families they placed a bounty on the Spy's head. Powerful wizards were employed to seek the knowledge of his name and thereabouts  from other planar sources.

The Party, proving to be avid bounty hunters, were provided with amulets vs crystal balls allowing them to pursue their target without detection.

The Observatorium is a short 40' wide, 40' high stone tower with pointed roof and a single reinforced wooden door. 

1- The portico shades the reinforced wooden door (-2AC, 100hp) from sunlight and rain. There is a pullcable that rings a bell inside the door. Doing so alerts Urthr to any magical items in the Portico.

2- The Bailey inside the door is at the bottom of a spiral stone starecase ten feet wide. The steps of the stairs are warded with spells. The first a dimension door spell which employing a command known only to Urthr will dimension door him to the top of the Trapdoor in Area 3. The other thirteen steps have magic missile spells which inflict 1d6+1hp to everyone climbing the stairs. 

3- The living quarters here can only be accessed by the trapdoor which had a dimension door to the bottom step. This room has a central support pillar and wall concealing half of it from view. From the trapdoor a bed with a chest is visible (area a). The chest contains a collection of fresh bedding. There is a holy symbol under the bedding that turns any non lawful person as Undead on sight.

Beyond the concealing wall is a chair at a desk (area b), and a bookshelf with a selection of (20) magic Scrolls, and pen and ink.  

If Urthr is caught in here, he can transform into a gold Dragon and fight it out, leaving by crashing out through the roof if necessary. The Door in the wall to the left leads to Area 4.

4- A smoking chair and a Telescope (Telescope of Scrying) looking out a window occupy the room. If taken by surprise here, he dimension doors outside.



Sunday, 21 March 2021

Dungeon Mastery: Can a Dungeon have an Alignment?


In the Caves of Chaos we are presented with a dungeon entrance marked by red veins. And within, the forces of evil chaos are busy raising up an army and indoctrinating noobs with cursed wine goblets that twist you to evil chaos more on par wth an Artefact of the immortals that some simple helm of Alignment change.

Why cant a Dungeon have an Alignment (and sentience) in its own right? If its an immortal entity or sentient artifact it might heal its worshipers, and torment and curse its plunderers.

Linguistic Archaeology: The power of Observation

To Observe in every language
1. To Observe
2. Om waar te neem
3. Per te vezhguar
4. Lemakiberi
5. Limuraqaba
6. Ditarkel
7. Müşahidə etmək
8. Paryabēkṣaṇa karā
9. Behatzeko
10. Nazirać
11. Posmatrati
12. Da se ​​nablyudava
13. Laelarraan
14. Observar
15. Aron Maobserbahan
16. Guānchá
17. Da Osservà
18. Promatrati
19. Pozorovat
20. At observere
21. Observeren
22. Observi (esperanto)
23. Jälgima
24. Upang Pagmasdan
25. Tarkkailla
26. Observer
27. *AK’VIRVEBA (georgian)
28. Beobachten
29. Paratiró
30. Obsève
31. Don Kiyayewa
32. E Nānā
33. *F*A (hebrew)
34. Anusaran karana
35. Kom Saib Tau
36. Megfigyelni
37. Að fylgjast með
38. Idebe
39. Untuk mengamati
40. Chun Breathnóireacht a dhéanamh
41. Osservare
42. Kansatsu suru koto
43. Kanggo Mirsani
44. Gamanisalu
45. Bayqaw üşin
46. Daembi​ sangket​ meul
47. Kwitegereza
48. Gwanchalhada
49. Baykoo
50. Pheu sangked
51. Spectare
52. Skatīties
53. Žiūrėti
54. Kucken
55. Da nabljuduva
56. Mandinika
57. Untuk memerhatikan
58. Nirīkṣikkuka
59. Biex Osserva
60. Hei Matakitaki
61. Nirīkṣaṇa karaṇē
62. Ajiglakh
63. laelarraan
64. Hērnu
65. Å observere
66. *M*LP*R* (pashto)
67. B* (persian)
68. Obserwować
69. Nū vēkhaṇa la'ī
70. A observa
71. Nablyudat
72. Ia Maitau
73. Gus amharc
74. Posmatrati
75. Ho Boloka
76. Kuchengeta
77. M*A* (sindhi)
78. Nirīkṣaṇaya kirīmaṭa
79. Pozorovať
80. Opazovati
81. U fiirsasho
82. Para observar
83. Pikeun niténan
84. Kuchunguza
85. Att observera
86. Baroi muşohida kardan
87. Kaṇkāṇikka
88. KŲHBTEPGB (tatar)
89. Gamanin̄caḍāniki
90. S̄ạngket
91. Gözlemlemek
92. Syn etmek
93. Sposterihaty
94. M* (urdu)
95. K*HYTY* (uyghur)
96. Kuzatish uchun
97. Để quan sát
98. I Arsylwi
99. Ukujonga
100. tsu observirn
101. Lati ṣe akiyesi
102. Ukuqaphela

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
84  82%     57  55%    46  45%   38  37%       34  33%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
32  31%     12  11%    17  16%     4     3%       21  20%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
24  23%     5    4%       40  39%    21  20%      31  30%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
42  41%     16  15%     4     3%      46  45%      42  41%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
41  40%     21  20%    7      6%      1    <1%       13  12%

Z       %
11  10%

Popularity of use
82% A:
55% E, A:
45% R, I, E, A:
41% S, N, R, I, E, A: E Nānā,
40% T, S, N, R, I, E, A:
39% K, T, S, N, R, I, E, A: Skatīties, Nirīkṣaṇa karaṇē, Kaṇkāṇikka,
37% O, K, T, S, N, R, I, E, A:
33% U, O, K, T, S, N, R, I, E, A: Anusaran karana, Kansatsu suru koto, Nirīkṣikkuka,
31% B, U, O, K, T, S, N, R, I, E, A: Idebe, B* (persian),
30% M, B, U, O, K, T, S, N, R, I, E, A: M*A* (sindhi), M* (urdu), Kom Saib Tau,
23% H, M, B, U, O, K, T, S, N, R, I, E, A: Hei Matakitaki, Hērnu, Untuk memerhatikan, Aron Maobserbahan, Beobachten,
20% V, L, G, H, M, B, U, O, K, T, S, N, R, I, E, A: Nū vēkhaṇa la'ī, A observa, Ia Maitau, Ho Boloka, Att observera, laelarraan, Å observere, Gamanisalu, S̄ạngket, tsu observirn, To Observe, Lemakiberi, Laelarraan, Observar, Kanggo Mirsani, Osservare, At observere, Observeren, Observi (esperanto), Tarkkailla, Observer, *AK’VIRVEBA (georgian), Untuk mengamati,
16% D, V, L, G, H, M, B, U, O, K, T, S, N, R, I, E, A: Mandinika, Baroi muşohida kardan, Daembi​ sangket​ meul, Da Osservà, Ditarkel, Müşahidə etmək,
15% P, D, V, L, G, H, M, B, U, O, K, T, S, N, R, I, E, A: KŲHBTEPGB (tatar), Para observar, Pikeun niténan, Posmatrati, Pheu sangked, *M*LP*R* (pashto), Upang Pagmasdan, Paratiró, Posmatrati, Promatrati,
12% Y, P, D, V, L, G, H, M, B, U, O, K, T, S, N, R, I, E, A: K*HYTY* (uyghur), Lati ṣe akiyesi, Syn etmek, Sposterihaty, Nablyudat, Nirīkṣaṇaya kirīmaṭa, Da se ​​nablyudava, Baykoo, Paryabēkṣaṇa karā,
11% C, Y, P, D, V, L, G, H, M, B, U, O, K, T, S, N, R, I, E, A: Kuchengeta, Gamanin̄caḍāniki, Gus amharc, Chun Breathnóireacht a dhéanamh, Gwanchalhada, Spectare, Guānchá, Kucken,
10% Z, C, Y, P, D, V, L, G, H, M, B, U, O, K, T, S, N, R, I, E, A: Žiūrėti, Gözlemlemek, Kuzatish uchun, Kuchunguza, Opazovati, Pozorovať, Behatzeko, Nazirać, Pozorovat, Per te vezhguar,
6% W, Z, C, Y, P, D, V, L, G, H, M, B, U, O, K, T, S, N, R, I, E, A: Obserwować, I Arsylwi, Don Kiyayewa, Kwitegereza, Om waar te neem,
4% J, W, Z, C, Y, P, D, V, L, G, H, M, B, U, O, K, T, S, N, R, I, E, A: Ajiglakh, Ukujonga, Da nabljuduva, Jälgima,
3% Q, F, J, W, Z, C, Y, P, D, V, L, G, H, M, B, U, O, K, T, S, N, R, I, E, A: Để quan sát, Ukuqaphela, Bayqaw üşin, U fiirsasho, *F*A (hebrew), Megfigyelni, Að fylgjast með, Limuraqaba,
<1% X, Q, F, J, W, Z, C, Y, P, D, V, L, G, H, M, B, U, O, K, T, S, N, R, I, E, A: Biex Osserva,

Conclusion: 41% is the earliest known observation with E Nānā (Hawaiian). This is followed by a cultural band gap at 40%.
Skatīties (Latvian), Nirīkṣaṇa karaṇē (Marathi), and Kaṇkāṇikka (Tamil) at 39% followed by a second cultural band gap at 37%.

Observation rises in popularity with a peak in observation at 20% before declining through to <1%. 

Saturday, 20 March 2021

Art Folio: A wizard in a grey hoodie...


Just some random Wizard.

Linguistic Archaeology: Going Coastal

Coast in various languages
1. Coast
2. Kus
3. Bregdet
4. Yebahiri daricha
5. Sahil
6. Ap
7. Kostaldea
8. Uzbiarežža
9. Upakūla
10. Obala
11. Kraĭbrezhie
12. Costa
13. Baybayon
14. Gombe
15. Hǎi'àn
16. Pobřeží
17. Kyst
18. Kust
19. Marbordo (esperanto)
20. Rannik
21. Baybayin
22. Rannikko
23. Côte
24. Sanap’iro
25. Küste
26. Aktí
27. Dariyākinārō
28. Kòt
29. Gefen teku
30. Kahakai
31. H*F (hebrew)
32. Kost
33. Ntug dej hiav txwv
34. Tengerpart
35. Strönd
36. Osimiri
37. Pantai
38. Cósta
39. Kaigan
40. Pesisir
41. Karāvaḷi
42. Jağalaw
43. Chhnerosamout
44. Inkombe
45. Yeon-an
46. Derav
47. Sai fang
48. litore (latin)
49. Krasts
50. Pakrantė
51. Küst
52. Krajbrežje
54. Tīraṁ
55. Kosta
56. Takutai
57. Kōsṭa
58. Ereg
59. Kamhkyay
60. Taṭa
61. *HL (pashto)
62. S* (persian)
63. Wybrzeże
64. Coasta
65. Morskoy bereg
66. Talafatai
67. Oirthir
68. Lebopo
69. Veraḷa
70. Pobrežie
71. Xeebta
72. Basisir
73. Pwani
74. Sohil
75. Kaṭaṟkarai
76. Chāyf̄ạ̀ng
77. Kenar
78. Uzberezhzhi
79. Bờ biển
80. Arfordir
81. Unxweme
82. Breg
83. Etikun
84. Ugu

Popularity of Use
A      %      E      %       I       %      O       %         U         %
50  60%     30  36%    36  43%   29  34%       14      16%

B       %      C      %      D       %      F       %        G          %
20  24%     8   9%       7     8%      6     7%        13  15%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M          %
12  14%     3    3%       31  37%    11  13%      8       9%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S          %
24  28%     10  12%     0     0%      31  37%      23   27%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
33  39%     4   4%        5      6%      3     3%        10   12%

Z       %
6    7%

Popularity of use
60% A:
43% I, A:
39% T, I, A: Taṭa,
37% R, K, T, I, A: Kaṭaṟkarai, Aktí, 
36% E, R, K, T, I, A: 
34% O, E, R, K, T, I, A: litore (latin), Kòt,
28% N, O, E, R, K, T, I, A: Kenar, Rannik, Rannikko,
27% S, N, O, E, R, K, T, I, A: S* (persian), Kost, Krasts, Kosta, Kōsṭa, Kus, Kust, Osimiri,
24% B, S, N, O, E, R, K, T, I, A: Basisir, Bờ biển,
16% U, B, S, N, O, E, R, K, T, I, A: Küste, Takutai, Etikun, Küst,
15% G, U, B, S, N, O, E, R, K, T, I, A: Breg, Ugu, Ereg, Kaigan,
14% H, G, U, B, S, N, O, E, R, K, T, I, A: Kahakai, Oirthir, Hǎi'àn,
13% L, H, G, U, B, S, N, O, E, R, K, T, I, A: *HL (pashto), Sohil, Sahil, Obala,
12% Y, P, L, H, G, U, B, S, N, O, E, R, K, T, I, A: Pakrantė, Lebopo, Pesisir, Yeon-an, Tengerpart, Pantai, Baybayin, Sanap’iro, Baybayon, Kyst, Ap, Upakūla,
9% M, C, Y, P, L, H, G, U, B, S, N, O, E, R, K, T, I, A: Morskoy bereg, Coasta, MORONTSIRAK'I, Kamhkyay, Tīraṁ, Cósta, Chhnerosamout, Inkombe, Costa, Gombe, Côte, Coast,
8% D, M, C, Y, P, L, H, G, U, B, S, N, O, E, R, K, T, I, A: Dariyākinārō, Strönd, Marbordo (esperanto), Bregdet, Yebahiri daricha, Kostaldea,
7% Z, F, D, M, C, Y, P, L, H, G, U, B, S, N, O, E, R, K, T, I, A: Uzberezhzhi, Arfordir, Pobrežie, Chāyf̄ạ̀ng, Sai fang, Talafatai, H*F (hebrew), Gefen teku, Kraĭbrezhie, Pobřeží, Uzbiarežža,
6% W, Z, F, D, M, C, Y, P, L, H, G, U, B, S, N, O, E, R, K, T, I, A: Wybrzeże, Pwani,
4% V, W, Z, F, D, M, C, Y, P, L, H, G, U, B, S, N, O, E, R, K, T, I, A: Derav, Veraḷa, Karāvaḷi,
3% X, J, V, W, Z, F, D, M, C, Y, P, L, H, G, U, B, S, N, O, E, R, K, T, I, A: Xeebta, Unxweme, Ntug dej hiav txwv, Jağalaw, Krajbrežje,
0% Q

Conclusion: Coastal life begins at 39% as Tata (nepalese). So the Nepalese were originally coastal. Followed at 37% by Kaṭaṟkarai (tamil) and Aktí (greek), followed by a cultural bandgap. Coastal life resumes at 34%. Coastal interest peaks at 12%-9% before dropping away in popularity.

Thursday, 18 March 2021

World Building: Establishing the foundations

You need a dictionary for each culture remembering that their geographic markers describe what they have seen, so once you analyze these name pools, and dictionaries, you will get geographic origins specific to the ancestors of particular groups, entomology,  Shared linguistic origins, and soforth.

If your culture originates at a geographic marker that is no where near its current location, its likely that they migrated. They might not even have a word for that geography implying no longterm records.

Imagine a tribe you have inserted down on a hill in the middle of a continent originating linguistically similar to sailing boats. That might mean they abandoned a coastal location. Either recently or because its now under water.

Once you have all your data, you can pretty much map the related groups, and migration paths, note down historic interactions, shared caves, technological growth.

You can then plunk them on a map.

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Linguistic Archaeology: The Villagers of Hommlet

A. Male Names

1. Elmo
2. Otis
3. Rannos
4. Davl
5. Gremag
6. Nira Melubb
7. Calmert
8. Terjon
9. Jaroo Ashstaff
10. Burne
11. Rufus
12. Zert
13. Spugnoir
14. Furnok
15. Kobort
16. Turoko
17. Ostler Gundigoot
18. Lareth

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
7  38%       9  50%       4  22%     10  55%      6     33%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
3  16%       1    5%       2  11%       3  16%        3     16%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
2  11%        2  11%      3  16%       6  33%        4  22%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
7  38%       1    5%       0     0%       15  88%      6  33%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
9  50%       1    5%       0       0%     0    0%         0      0%

Z       %
1     5%

Popularity of use
88% R:
55% O, R:
50% T, E, O, R:
38% N, A, T, E, O, R:
33% S, L, U, N, A, T, E, O, R: Rannos,
22% M, I, S, L, U, N, A, T, E, O, R: Elmo, Otis,
16% K, G, F, B, M, I, S, L, U, N, A, T, E, O, R: Gremag, Nira Melubb, Burne, Rufus, Furnok, Kobort, Turoko,
11% J, H, D, K, G, F, B, M, I, S, L, U, N, A, T, E, O, R: Terjon, Jaroo Ashstaff, Ostler Gundigoot, Lareth,
5% Z, V, P, C, J, H, D, K, G, F, B, M, I, S, L, U, N, A, T, E, O, R: Calmert, Zert, Davl, Spugnoir,
0% Q, W, X, Y

Conclusion: The male villagers of the Greyhawk village of Hommlet begin culturally at 33% with Rannos as the oldest name. They peak culturally at 16%, before dropping off until 11% where they level off through to 5%.
They are dominantly the R linguistic group coming in at 88%.

The only female name  in the T1 adventure module is the Prioress, Y'dey.

Tuesday, 16 March 2021

Linguistic Archaeology: Signs of Intelligence



The funny thing is, its almost as if they settled in their locations intentionally marking their point of Origin.

Road Signs: Apparently I'm Arrogant?


Apparently the truth is offensive and the ignorant need to be respected and treated as though their opinion is valid.

The Truth isnt Arrogance, its the membership requirement.

Monday, 15 March 2021

Board with Games: updated Emergency Alert game board


A Better gameboard for Emergency Alert.

Old Timey: Doctor Who

For those who think Doctor Who declined exclusively during the Jodie Whitaker Doctor, think again. Doctor Who took a dive when the American marketing of the Doctor Who movie before the Chris Eccleston era suggested the Doctor was half human. It was obvious that marketing an Alien hero as half Human to American audiences was about the American worldview- that a Foreigner or Alien can never be held up as the hero in the right. 

But it also showed that American Marking would determine the future of Doctor Who's packaging. They dont want to understand what Doctor Who is-  

What is the Doctor? 

Firstly, the Doctor is a chameleonic, time travelling alien from a chameleonic, time travelling alien species. Chameleons are Chameleonic to avoid predators, or hunt prey. The species looks human because that is where they hide. That makes humans food, or part of their camouflage plan (and we see this in the beginning with An Unearthly Child). Timelords are not the top of the food chain if they are a chameleonic time travelling species that evolved to hide from a predator that may still be looking for them.

Secondly, the Doctor is a tour-guide introducing ignorant little humans to a Universe filled with Cosmic Horror.

Thirdly, the Doctor is an Arsonist looking to set fire to all human-centric belief. Gender, Race, Religion, Equality, and Culture is there to be set fire to Because the burning rubble of your civilization is just there to illuminate a Dark road along which the Doctor is travelling.

Dungeon Mastery: Rethinking the Greate Olde Woode


N2 The Forest Oracle

Reduce the scale down from two mile per hex to 50ft per hex, and replace the mountain range with a plant barrier. The barrier is now initially erected by Druids to stop humans expanding across the river, but humanoids took over the barrier of broken trees and the ruined castle fortifying their position.

The adventure area is now the size of a small city, rather than a kingdom. 

Friday, 12 March 2021

Masterpiece Theatre: that film we have all been waiting for...


This ought to be interesting...

Linguistic Archaeology: The origin of Darkness

Darkness in every language
1. Darkness
2. Tywyllwch
3. Duisternis
4. Terr
5. Chelema
6. Alzalam
7. Mtutyun
8. Qaranliq
9. Andhakara
10. Iluntasuna
11. Ciemra
12. Tama
13. Tumnina
14. Mhaawinmit
15. Foscor
16. Kangitngit
17. Loscurita
18. Heian
19. A bughjura
20. Tma
21. Morke
22. Mallumo (esperanto)
23. Pimedus
24. Kadiliman
25. Pimeys
26. Escuridade
27. Sibnele
28. Dunkelheit
29. Skotadi
30. Fenwa
31. Duhu
33. Tsjuster
34. Bong toi
35. Pouli
36. H*L
37. Andhera
38. Tsaus
39. Sotetseg
40. Myrkrid
41. Ochichiri
42. Kegelapan
43. Dorchadas
44. Buio
45. Yami
46. Peteng
47. Kattale
48. Quarangiliq
49. Pheapngngut
50. Umwijima
51. Eodum
52. Tariti
53. Karangi
54. Khuaammud
55. Tenebris
56. Tumsa
57. Tamsa
58. Daischtert
59. Temnina
60. Ny haizina
61. Andhakaram
62. Dlam
63. Te pouri
64. Kalokha
65. Kharankhui
66. Okunkun
67. Ubumnyama
68. Zulmat
69. Amdhyaro
70. Mdima
71. A*
72. C*A*
73. D*R*K*
74. Ciemnosc
75. Tnevas
76. Hanera
77. Intuneric
78. Temnota
79. Pogisa
80. Rima
81. A*N*A*
82. Anduru
83. Mrak
84. Madoow
85. Lefifi
86. Oscuridad
87. Poek
88. Giza
89. Morker
90. Toriki
91. Irul
93. *S
94. Khwam mud
95. Karsnlik
96. Garankylyk
97. Temryava
98. AND*Y*A*NA

Popularity of use
A        %          E            %          I           %         O       %       U         %
64       65%     34          34%     42       42%     23  23%      27  27%

B         %         C            %         D        %          F       %         G         %

6      6%          13         13%      27   27%        4     4%         12    12%

H        %          J         %        K          %          L          %          M        %
22  22%          3      3%         25   25%          23   23%          33  33%

N          %        P          %       Q        %             R        %            S            %
40    40%        11    11%       3      3%             39  39%           25     25%

T         %           V          %        W         %          X       %          Y            %
34  34%            2       2%         5        5%          0    0%          12       12%

Z       %
4      4%

Popularity of use
65% A: A* (Odia)
42% I, A:
40% N, I, A: A*N*A* (Sindhi),
39% R, N, I, A:
34% T, E, R, N, I, A: Tariti, Terr,
33% M, T, E, R, N, I, A: Temnina, Rima, Tama, Tma,
27% D, U, M, T, E, R, N, I, A: Mdima, Anduru, Tumnina,
25% S, K, D, U, M, T, E, R, N, I, A: Mrak, *S, Tumsa, Tamsa, D*R*K*, Tsaus, Myrkrid, Darkness, Duisternis,
23% L, O, S, K, D, U, M, T, E, R, N, I, A: Morker, Toriki, Irul, Karsnlik, Dlam, Okunkun, Temnota, Kattale, Eodum, Morke, Mallumo (esperanto), Kadiliman, Skotadi, Iluntasuna,
22% H, L, O, S, K, D, U, M, T, E, R, N, I, A: Kalokha, Kharankhui, Hanera, Khuaammud, Andhakaram, Duhu, H*L, Andhera, Dunkelheit, Andhakara, Heian,
13% C, H, L, O, S, K, D, U, M, T, E, R, N, I, A: Intuneric, Oscuridad, Ciemnosc, C*A*, Daischtert, Ochichiri, Dorchadas, Loscurita, Escuridade, Chelema, Ciemra,
12% Y, G, C, H, L, O, S, K, D, U, M, T, E, R, N, I, A: Garankylyk, AND*Y*A*NA, Karangi, Amdhyaro, Sotetseg, Yami, Mtutyun, Kangitngit,
11% P, Y, G, C, H, L, O, S, K, D, U, M, T, E, R, N, I, A: Poek, KAPANDYLY*, Pogisa, Pheapngngut, Te pouri, Peteng, Kegelapan, Pouli, Pimedus, Pimeys,
6% B, P, Y, G, C, H, L, O, S, K, D, U, M, T, E, R, N, I, A: Tenebris, Ubumnyama, Bong toi, Buio, Sibnele,
5% W, B, P, Y, G, C, H, L, O, S, K, D, U, M, T, E, R, N, I, A: Madoow, Khwam mud, Tywyllwch, Mhaawinmit,
4% Z, F, W, B, P, Y, G, C, H, L, O, S, K, D, U, M, T, E, R, N, I, A: Ny haizina, Zulmat, Fenwa, FEN*TERNES, Alzalam, Foscor, Lefifi, Giza,
3% Q, J, Z, F, W, B, P, Y, G, C, H, L, O, S, K, D, U, M, T, E, R, N, I, A: Umwijima, QAPA*D*LP*Q, Tsjuster, Quarangiliq, A bughjura, Qaranliq,
2% V, Q, J, Z, F, W, B, P, Y, G, C, H, L, O, S, K, D, U, M, T, E, R, N, I, A: Tnevas, Temryava,
0% X

Conclusion: Darkness begins a 65% with *A (Odia). Its followed by a band gap at 42%, then at 40% with A*N*A* (Sindhi) followed by a second bandgap at 39%. 

Darkness returns at  34% with Tariti (Kurdish), Terr (Albanian), achieving peak darkness at 23% before declining through to 2%.

Linguistic Archaeology: Thai Culture

Thai Names
1. Anong
2. Duangkamol
3. Suassa
4. Preeda
5. Somchai
6. Arthit
7. Malee
8. Paithoon
9. Apinya
10. Chakrii
11. Siriporn
12. Sunan

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
11  91%     2  16%       6   50%      5   41%         3   25%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
0     0%      2  16%       2  16%       0    0%         2    16%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
4   33%      0   0%        2  16%       2  16%        3    25%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
6   50%      4  33%       0    0%       4  33%         4    33%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
2  16%      0    0%        0      0%      0    0%         1     8%

Z       %
0    0%

Popularity of use
91% A:
50% N, I, A:
41% O, N, I, A:
33% S, R, P, H, O, N, I, A:
25% M, U, S, R, P, H, O, N, I, A: Siriporn, Sunan, Suassa,
16% T, L, K, G, D, C, E, M, U, S, R, P, H, O, N, I, A: Anong, Duangkamol, Preeda, Somchai, Arthit, Malee, Paithoon, Chakrii,
8% Y, T, L, K, G, D, C, E, M, U, S, R, P, H, O, N, I, A: Apinya,
0% Z, X, W, V, Q, J, F, B

Conclusion: Thai culture begins at 25% and peaks at 16% before declining through 8%. 

Thursday, 11 March 2021

Linguistic Archaeology: Basque culture

 A. Male Names 

1. Atila
2. Ato
3. Azenar
4. Aznaro
5. Belazo
6. Braulio
7. Centolle
8. Chorso
9. Didaco
10. Eukeni
11. Ezterio
12. Fernán
13. Fortún
14. Galindo
15. Garzéa
16. Gazo
17. Giderio
18. Gonçalo
19. Herri
20. Iñaki
21. Iñigo
22. Jimeno
23. Lope
24. Lugo
25. Mome
26. Monio
27. Munnico
28. Nunas
29. Oriollus
30. Ortio
31. Otso
32. Pére
33. Raimundo
34. Ramiro
35. Sancho
36. Sidoc
37. Taio
38. Tomas
39. Velazquo
40. Vigala
41. Vincomal

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
22  53%     14  34%    21  31%   31  75%       9    21%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
2     4%      7  17%       5  12%       2    4%        8     19%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
3     7%      1    2%       2     4%      12  29%      8     19%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
17  41%     2    4%       1      2%     15  36%       7    17%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
9   21%      3    7%       0      0%      0     0%        0      0%

Z       %
7  17%

Popularity of use
75% O:
53% A, O:
41% N, A, O:
36% R, N, A, O:
34% E, R, N, A, O:
31% I, E, R, N, A, O:
29% L, I, E, R, N, A, O:
21% T, U, L, I, E, R, N, A, O: Atila, Ato, Ortio, Taio,
19% M, G, T, U, L, I, E, R, N, A, O: Mome, Monio, Ramiro, Iñigo, Lugo,
17% Z, S, C, M, G, T, U, L, I, E, R, N, A, O: Otso, Tomas, Munnico, Nunas, Oriollus, Gonçalo, Azenar, Aznaro, Centolle, Ezterio, Garzéa, Gazo,
12% D, Z, S, C, M, G, T, U, L, I, E, R, N, A, O: Raimundo, Sidoc, Giderio, Galindo, Didaco,
7% V, H, D, Z, S, C, M, G, T, U, L, I, E, R, N, A, O: Vigala, Vincomal, Herri, Sancho, Chorso,
4% P, K, F, B, V, H, D, Z, S, C, M, G, T, U, L, I, E, R, N, A, O: Eukeni, Iñaki, Belazo, Braulio, Fernán, Fortún, Lope, Pére,
2% Q, J, P, K, F, B, V, H, D, Z, S, C, M, G, T, U, L, I, E, R, N, A, O: Jimeno, Velazquo,
0% W, X, Y

Basque culture begins to develop at 21% with Atila, Ato, Ortio, and Taio. It then rises to a cultural peak at 17% before declining through to 2% fully literate.
The Basque national identity only emerges in the last 2% fully literate of the Male Basque culture (when the cultural Alphabet has included sufficient letters to use the Basque Descriptor). The male Basque identity is founded on fiction having little relation to the 17% cultural peak.

B. Female Names
1. Acibella
2. Ana
3. Andregoto
4. Assona
5. Bella
6. Blanche
7. Blasquita
8. Brisca
9. Egeria
10. Elvira
11. Estefania
12. Faquilo
13. Fausta
14. Galga
15. Gayla
16. Iñiga
17. Jimena
18. Magelina
19. María
20. Munia
21. Nina
22. Onecha
23. Onneca
24. Quisilo
25. Sancha
26. Sanza
27. Teresa
28. Toda
29. Tota
30. Urraca

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
29  96%     12  40%    14  46%   8   26%         6   20%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
5  16%       7  23%       2     6%      3  10%        5    16%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
3   10%      1   3%        0     0%      10  33%      4     13%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
14  46%     0     0%      3   10%      6  20%         9    30%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
7  23%       1   3%        0     0%       0     0%        1       3%

Z       %
1    3%

Popularity of use
96% A:
46% N, I, A: Ana, Nina,
40% E, N, I, A:
33% L, E, N, I, A:
30% S, L, E, N, I, A:
26% O, S, L, E, N, I, A: Assona,
23% T, C, O, S, L, E, N, I, A: Onneca, Tota,
20% R, U, T, C, O, S, L, E, N, I, A: Urraca, Teresa,
16% G, B, R, U, T, C, O, S, L, E, N, I, A: Bella, Brisca, Egeria, Galga, Iñiga, Acibella,
13% M, G, B, R, U, T, C, O, S, L, E, N, I, A: Magelina, María, Munia,
10% Q, H, F, M, G, B, R, U, T, C, O, S, L, E, N, I, A: Quisilo, Sancha, Onecha, Estefania, Faquilo, Fausta, Blasquita, Blanche,
6% D, Q, H, F, M, G, B, R, U, T, C, O, S, L, E, N, I, A: Andregoto, Toda,
3% Z, Y, V, J, D, Q, H, F, M, G, B, R, U, T, C, O, S, L, E, N, I, A: Jimena, Sanza, Gayla, Elvira,
0% K, P, W, X

Conclusion: female Basque culture begins at 46% with Ana, and Nina. This is followed by a massive cultural bandgap extending from 40%-30%.
Cultural recovery begins at 26% with the female cultural peak occuring at 10% before it declines through to 3% fully literate. It is this peak that has the most in relation to Basque national identity.

Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Creature Catalogue: Obscene Horror


Obscene Horror
Hit Dice:             1HD*
Armour Class:   8
Move:                  3' (1')
Attack:              Special
Damage:          See description
Save As:           Cleric L1
No. Appearing: 1 (1)
Morale:               12
Treasure Type:  Nil
Alignment:          Neutral
Experience:         6

This two foot long garden snail will take a skull as a shell. It shows up in graveyards where it will animate all the corpses as undead. The undead will act to defend the Obscene Horror. Unlike regular undead, these are sentient and enjoy free will as if they were alive. They are still vulnerable to undead turning.

Dungeon Mastery: Blinding their infravision


Stealthy PCs like to use infravision/darkvision because the can wander around in the dark and see enemies before they are in turn seen. And the only thing that disrupts infravision is light. So if you want to incapacitate a PCs ability to see in the dark, all light sources to the landscape. Even if they can see in the dark, anything this side of the distant light source, they cant see beyond that illuminated area because they cant see through the illuminated area.

Linguistic Archaeology: The Normans

A. Male Names
1. Adrian
2. Alexandre
3. Alfred
4. Almaric
5. Alured
6. Amaury
7. Ambrose
8. André
9. Antoine
10. Barthélémy
11. Baudouin
12. Berengar
13. Bernard
14. Bertrand
15. Blaise
16. Blondel
17. Bohemond
18. Charles
19. Claude
20. Constant
21. Denis
22. Dolfin
23. Drogo
24. Eustace
25. Falco
26. François
27. Fulco
28. Fulk
29. Gabriel
30. Gallien
31. Geoffrey
32. Georges
33. Gerbert
34. Gervase
35. Gilbert
36. Gilles
37. Giraud
38. Godfrey
39. Guy
40. Guillaume
41. Henri
42. Hubert
43. Hugh
44. Hugues
45. Humphrey
46. Isembart
47. Ivo
48. Jacques
49. Jean
50. Jerome
51. Jocelin
52. Julien
53. Lanfranc
54. Laurens
55. Leopold
56. Louis
57. Marc
58. Marin
59. Martin
60. Matthew
61. Milo
62. Nicholas
63. Nigel
64. Noel
65. Odo
66. Osbern
67. Philip
68. Raimund
69. Ralph
70. Raoul
71. René
72. Richard
73. Robert
74. Roger
75. Rolle
76. Romain
77. Simon
78. Stephen
79. Tancred
80. Thomas
81. Vincent
82. Wace
83. Waleran
84. Walter

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
46  54%     53  63%    31  36%   30  35%       20    23%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
15  17%     17  20%    20  23%     9    10%        18  21%

H        %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
15  17%     5    5%       1    1%       34  40%      18  21%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
35  41%     5    5%       1         1%    45  53%       18  21%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
17  20%     3    3%       4      4%      1    1%         6      7%

Z       %
0     0%

Popularity of use
63% E:
54% A, E:
53% R, A, E:
41% N, R, A, E: René,
40% L, N, R, A, E:
36% I, L, N, R, A, E:
35% O, I, L, N, R, A, E: Noel, Rolle,
23% D, U, O, I, L, N, R, A, E: Adrian, Alured, André, Odo, Raoul,
21% S, M, G, D, U, O, I, L, N, R, A, E: Romain, Simon, Roger, Denis, Drogo, Gallien, Georges, Gilles, Giraud, Guillaume, Laurens, Louis, Marin, Martin, Milo, Nigel, Raimund,
20% T, C, S, M, G, D, U, O, I, L, N, R, A, E: Marc, Tancred, Antoine, Claude, Constant, Eustace, Almaric,
17% H, B, T, C, S, M, G, D, U, O, I, L, N, R, A, E: Richard, Thomas, Nicholas, Henri, Hubert, Hugh, Hugues, Bohemond, Charles, Osbern, Robert, Gerbert, Gilbert, Isembart, Baudouin, Berengar, Bernard, Bertrand, Blaise, Blondel, Gabriel, Ambrose,
10% F, H, B, T, C, S, M, G, D, U, O, I, L, N, R, A, E: Falco, François, Fulco, Lanfranc, Dolfin, Alfred,
7% Y, F, H, B, T, C, S, M, G, D, U, O, I, L, N, R, A, E: Godfrey, Guy, Barthélémy, Geoffrey, Amaury,
5% P, J, Y, F, H, B, T, C, S, M, G, D, U, O, I, L, N, R, A, E: Philip, Ralph, Stephen, Leopold, Humphrey, Jean, Jerome, Jocelin, Julien,
4% W, P, J, Y, F, H, B, T, C, S, M, G, D, U, O, I, L, N, R, A, E: Wace, Waleran, Walter, Matthew,
3% V, W, P, J, Y, F, H, B, T, C, S, M, G, D, U, O, I, L, N, R, A, E: Ivo, Vincent, Gervase,
1% X, Q, K, V, W, P, J, Y, F, H, B, T, C, S, M, G, D, U, O, I, L, N, R, A, E: Fulk, Alexandre, Jacques,
0% Z

Conclusion: Male Norman Culture begins at 41% with René. It then undergoes a cultural bandgap from 40%-36% before recovering at 35%. male norman culture undergoes a peak at 21% before dropping off and then peaking culturally at 17%. It then declines through to 1%. As these Norman names were in use before the invasion of 1066, the Norman conquest is more recent than 17%? And Guy (as in Guy of Gisborne) at 7% is a post-conquest name?

B. Female Names
1. Adela
2. Adelaide
3. Adelasia
4. Agnes
5. Alice
6. Amice
7. Anne
8. Antoinette
9. Anyas
10. Arletta
11. Aveline
12. Avis
13. Barbe
14. Berengaria
15. Bertha
16. Catherine
17. Charlotte
18. Constance
19. Diane
20. Eleanor
21. Elenor
22. Emma
23. Emmeline
24. Fleurie
25. Florence
26. Florymonde
27. Françoise
28. Geneviève
29. Hélène
30. Isabeau
31. Isabel
32. Isabella
33. Jacquelle
34. Jeanne
35. Jocelyn
36. Joyce
37. Katherine
38. Laura
39. Laurente
40. Lauretta
41. Leonor
42. Louise
43. Lucque
44. Madeleine
45. Margery
46. Marguerite
47. Marie
48. Marthe
49. Matilda
50. Maude
51. Melisande
52. Melisine
53. Millicent
54. Muriel
55. Oriel
56. Philippa
57. Rachel
58. Rosamond
59. Rose
60. Sibyl
61. Sibylla
62. Suzanne
63. Victoire
64. Yolande
65. Yvonne

Popularity of Use
A       %      E      %       I       %      O       %        U         %
45  69%     57  87%    32  49%   18  27%       12    18%

B       %      C      %       D       %      F       %        G         %
8   12%      13  20%    11  16%     4     6%        5      7%

H       %      J      %       K       %      L       %        M         %
8   12%      4    6%       1     1%      36  55%      16  24%

N       %      P      %       Q       %      R       %        S         %
30  46%     0    0%       2     3%      27  41%      16    24%

T       %      V      %       W       %      X       %        Y         %
14  21%     5    7%       0      0%     0      0%        9    13%

Z       %
1     1%

Popularity of use
87% E:
69% A, E:
55% L, A, E:
49% I, L, A, E:
46% N, I, L, A, E: Anne,
41% R, N, I, L, A, E: Arletta,
27% O, R, N, I, L, A, E: Eleanor, Elenor, Leonor, Oriel,
24% S, M, O, R, N, I, L, A, E: Marie, Melisine, Rose, Emma, Emmeline,
21% T, S, M, O, R, N, I, L, A, E: Antoinette,
20% C, T, S, M, O, R, N, I, L, A, E: Constance, Millicent, Alice, Amice,
18% U, C, T, S, M, O, R, N, I, L, A, E: Louise, Muriel, Laura, Laurente, Lauretta,
16% D, U, C, T, S, M, O, R, N, I, L, A, E: Matilda, Maude, Melisande, Rosamond, Diane, Madeleine, Adela, Adelaide, Adelasia,
13% Y, D, U, C, T, S, M, O, R, N, I, L, A, E: Anyas, Yolande,
12% H, B, Y, D, U, C, T, S, M, O, R, N, I, L, A, E: Philippa, Rachel, Sibyl, Sibylla, Hélène, Isabeau, Isabel, Isabella, Marthe, Bertha, Catherine, Charlotte, Barbe,
7% V, G, H, B, Y, D, U, C, T, S, M, O, R, N, I, L, A, E: Margery, Marguerite, Victoire, Yvonne, Berengaria, Aveline, Avis, Geneviève, Agnes,
6% J, F, V, G, H, B, Y, D, U, C, T, S, M, O, R, N, I, L, A, E: Fleurie, Florence, Florymonde, Françoise, Jeanne, Jocelyn, Joyce,
3% Q, J, F, V, G, H, B, Y, D, U, C, T, S, M, O, R, N, I, L, A, E: Jacquelle, Lucque,
1% Z, K, Q, J, F, V, G, H, B, Y, D, U, C, T, S, M, O, R, N, I, L, A, E: Katherine, Suzanne,
0% P, W, X

Conclusion: Female Norman culture begins at 46% fully literate. They peak culturally at 12% fully literate, before declining through to 1%.