A. The Suel Pantheon
1. Beltar
2. Dalt
3. Fortubo
4. Jascar
5. Kord
6. Lendor
7. Llerg
8. Lydia
9. Norebo
10. Osprem
11. Phaulkon
12. Phyton
13. Pyremius
14. Ranet
15. Syrul
16. Vatun
17. Wee Jas
18. Xerbo
Popularity of Use
A % E % I % O % U %
8 44% 9 50% 2 11% 8 44% 5 27%
B % C % D % F % G %
4 22% 1 5% 4 22% 1 5% 1 5%
H % J % K % L % M %
2 11% 2 11% 2 11% 7 38% 2 11%
N % P % Q % R % S %
6 33% 4 22% 0 0% 11 61% 5 27%
T % V % W % X % Y %
6 33% 1 5% 1 5% 1 5% 4 22%
Z %
0 0%
Popularity of use
61% R:
50% E, R:
44% O, A, E, R:
38% L, O, A, E, R:
33% T, N, L, O, A, E, R: Ranet,
27% S, U, T, N, L, O, A, E, R:
22% Y, P, D, B, S, U, T, N, L, O, A, E, R: Beltar, Dalt, Lendor , Norebo, Syrul,
11% M, K, J, H, I, Y, P, D, B, S, U, T, N, L, O, A, E, R: Osprem, Pyremius, Kord, Phaulkon, Lydia, Phyton,
5% X, W, V, F, G, C, M, K, J, H, I, Y, P, D, B, S, U, T, N, L, O, A, E, R: Vatun, Wee Jas, Xerbo, Llerg, Fortubo, Jascar,
0% Z, Q
Conclusion: Ranet is the earliest apparent god of the Suel at 33% (though Rao is probably an abandoned and forgotten god from the 44% period) the Suel migration likely occurs at 27% appearing to be a cultural band gap. The Suel recover at 22% peaking at 11%-5%.
B. Oeridian Pantheon
1. Bleredd
2. Celestian
3. Cyndor
4. Daern
5. Delleb
6. Erythnul
7. Fharlanghn
8. Heironeous
9. Hextor
10. Johydee
11. Kurell
12. Kuroth
13. Lirr
14. Merikka
15. Olidammara
16. Pholtus
17. Procan
18. Rudd
19. Sol (replaced by Pelor)
20. Stern Alia
21. Stratis
22. Velnius
23. Telchur
24. Atroa
25. Sotillion
26. Wenta
27. Zilchus
Popularity of Use
A % E % I % O % U %
10 37% 14 51% 10 37% 11 40% 9 33%
B % C % D % F % G %
2 7% 5 18% 7 25% 1 3% 1 3%
H % J % K % L % M %
9 33% 1 3% 3 11% 15 55% 2 7%
N % P % Q % R % S %
11 40% 2 7% 0 0% 18 66% 9 33%
T % V % W % X % Y %
10 37% 1 3% 1 3% 1 3% 3 11%
Z %
1 3%
Popularity of use
66% R:
55% L, R:
51% E, L, R:
40% N, O, E, L, R:
37% T, I, A, N, O, E, L, R: Lirr, Atroa,
33% S, H, U, T, I, A, N, O, E, L, R: Sol (replaced by Pelor), Stern Alia, Stratis, Sotillion, Heironeous,
25% D, S, H, U, T, I, A, N, O, E, L, R: Daern, Rudd,
18% C, D, S, H, U, T, I, A, N, O, E, L, R: Celestian, Telchur,
11% Y, K, C, D, S, H, U, T, I, A, N, O, E, L, R: Cyndor, Erythnul, Kurell, Kuroth,
7% P, M, B, Y, K, C, D, S, H, U, T, I, A, N, O, E, L, R: Merikka, Olidammara, Pholtus, Procan, Bleredd, Delleb,
3% Z, X, W, V, J, G, F, P, M, B, Y, K, C, D, S, H, U, T, I, A, N, O, E, L, R: Wenta, Zilchus, Velnius, Fharlanghn, Johydee, Hextor,
0% Q
Conclusion: at 37% the earliest Oerdian gods are Lirr and Atroa. There is a peak at 33% and decline at 25% this spiritial peak lines up with a bandgap in the Suel pantheon. They are probably dominating the Flan during this period. The Oeridians peak again through 7%-3%.
C. Flan Pantheon
1. Allitur
2. Beory
3. Berei
4. Earth Dragon
5. Krovis
6. Kyuss
7. Myhriss
8. Nerull
9. Obad-Hai
10. Pelor
11. Rao
12. Red Fox
13. The Serpent
14. Vathris
15. Vecna
16. Zodal
Popularity of Use
A % E % I % O % U %
7 43% 8 50% 6 37% 8 50% 3 18%
B % C % D % F % G %
3 18% 1 6% 3 18% 1 6% 1 6%
H % J % K % L % M %
4 25% 0 0% 2 12% 4 25% 1 6%
N % P % Q % R % S %
4 25% 2 12% 0 0% 12 75% 5 31%
T % V % W % X % Y %
4 25% 3 18% 0 0% 1 6% 3 18%
Z %
1 6%
Popularity of use
75% R:
50% E, O, R:
43% A, E, O, R: Rao,
37% I, A, E, O, R:
31% S, I, A, E, O, R:
25% T, N, L, H, S, I, A, E, O, R:
18% Y, V, D, B, U, T, N, L, H, S, I, A, E, O, R: Allitur, Beory, Berei, Nerull, Obad-Hai, Vathris,
12% P, K, Y, V, D, B, U, T, N, L, H, S, I, A, E, O, R: Pelor, The Serpent, Krovis, Kyuss,
6% Z, X, M, G, F, C, P, K, Y, V, D, B, U, T, N, L, H, S, I, A, E, O, R: Red Fox, Zodal, Myhriss, Earth Dragon, Vecna,
0% J, Q, W
Conclusion: at 43% Rao is the earliest god of the Flan (and possibly Suel). There is a massive cultural bandgap from 37%-25% which matches up the first cultural development spike of the Oeridians- probably trying to surpress the worship of Rao. The Flan recover at 18% with a religious development peak.
D. Pantheon of the Baklunish
1. Al'Akbar
2. Al'Asran
3. Al'Zarad
4. Azor'alq
5. Daoud
6. Geshtai
7. Istus
8. Mouqol
9. Tharoth the Reaper
10. Xan Yae
11. Zuoken
Popularity of Use
A % E % I % O % U %
8 72% 3 27% 2 18% 5 45% 4 36%
B % C % D % F % G %
1 9% 0 0% 2 18% 0 0% 1 9%
H % J % K % L % M %
2 18% 0 0% 2 18% 5 45% 1 9%
N % P % Q % R % S %
3 27% 0 0% 2 18% 4 36% 3 27%
T % V % W % X % Y %
3 27% 0 0% 0 0% 1 9% 1 9%
Z %
3 27%
Popularity of use
72% A:
45: L, O, A:
36% R, U, L, O, A:
27% Z, T, S, N, E, R, U, L, O, A: Al'Asran,
18% K, Q, H, D, I, Z, T, S, N, E, R, U, L, O, A: Al'Zarad, Azor'alq, Zuoken, Tharoth the Reaper, Daoud, Istus,
9% Y, X, M, G, B, K, Q, H, D, I, Z, T, S, N, E, R, U, L, O, A: Xan Yae, Geshtai, Mouqol, Al'Akbar,
0% W, V, P, J, F, C
Conclusion: The fourth pantheon of the Flanaess are the Baklunish who despite being on the Flanaess and not Hepmonaland are from the A group. Emerging just after the Touv. they begin their cultural growth at 27% with Al'Asran. They peak culturally at 18%, and decline at 9%.
Linguistic development Trends
R Group %
Flan 75%
Oeridian 66%
Suel 61%
The Flan, Oeridians, and Suel are originally a single human population. The Flan break off from the original R Linguistic Group first, followed by Oeridians, then Suel.
A group %
Olman 100%
Touv 81%
Baklunish 72%
That certainly changes the Greyhawk setting. Two groups of Humans. A and R.