Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Monday, 28 October 2019

Other World: Bookworm vs Make my abilities Average

Bookworm huddles by a fire
In Ascendancy of a Bookworm the librarian-in-training is crushed to death by toppled bookshelves in an earth quake and is Isekai'ed as a young girl named Mile born to a poor family. She has an interest in books in a world where books are not only in the hands of nobility, but few and far between. Mile begins her quest to learn to read and write the local language and make books, but is making more progress introducing shampoo and pancakes to this medieval world.

Warrior-mage closes the distance
In Didnt I say to make my abilities average in the Next Life a high school girl named Mile (yes I know... things are getting ugly when they have the same name) is isekai'ed by truck-kun while pushing a child out of the way and is reincarnated as Adele von Asham, the Daughter of a wealthy family with memories of her life in Japan and epic tier abilities. Unfortunately 'average' is apparently half way up the Bahamut the Dragon God scale of measurement vs normal humans making her the second most powerful monster in this Universe. Adele proves insecure about her lack of body development, to the point where anyone going on about her washboard chest triggers her psychologically into Dragonball Z level violence.

They are both entertaining in their own right though Bookworm is setting itself up to be a tragedy about the suffering of hungry frost bitten poorly educated peasants in a world where knowledge rules.

Sunday, 27 October 2019

Linguistic Archaeology: Names carrying the Ta- phonetic (part 2)

 Names with the Sta and Ta Phonetic Marker         
 Male                                       Female                            
 Wechtari (Lombard)           Anastasia (Byzantine) 
 Octa (Anglo-Saxon)             Sittas (Byzantine)
 Constantia (Byzantine)      Etain (Irish)                    
 Nicetas (Byzantine)            Tamara (Kievans)
                                                 Natalia (Kievans)          

Vowels and Consonants by use
A       %         E        %        I         %         O         %         U          %
9       100%    3        33%   7         77%     2         22%     0           0%

B       %         C        %        D         %         F          %        G          %
0        0%       4        44%    0         0%       0          0%      0           0%

H       %         J         %        K         %         L          %        M          %
1        11%     0        0%      0         0%        1          11%    1           11%

N        %        P         %        Q        %          R          %        S            %
4         44%    0         0%      0         0%        2          22%   4            44%

T         %        V         %       W        %          X          %        Y            %
9          100% 0          0%     1         11%      0          0%      0             0%

Z         %
0          0%

Popularity by Use
100%      A, t:
77%        I, a, t:
44%        S, n, c, i, a, t: Sittas, Anastasia
33%        E, s, n, c, i, a, t: Etain, Nicetas
22%        R, o, e, s, n, c, i, a, t: Octa, Constantia
11%        L, m, w, r, o, e, s, n, c, i, a, t: Tamara, Natalia, Wechtari,
0%          {u, b, d, f, g, j, k, p, q, v, x, y, z}

Update (28/10/2019): you might notice that they are located in the Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire and their language is poor.

Irish and Anglosaxons are interacting with the Byzantines before the Norman Invasion of Britain in 1066.

Of note is 33% where the names Etain and Nicetas both contain the Ancient greek letter eta (H). Etain would therefor become Hin. Hin is a Japanese girl's name meaning 'beach' Implying interaction by Byzantine-Irish with Japan around the same time Marco-polo ventured east in 1271 (if not before hand).

Oddly Etain is in the pre-minoan form Kutar-kun. Kuta is a cloth sash robe worn by eastern priests. -kun is a japanese suffix. We are faced with the reality that a Japanese (Buddist?) priest migrates west, and an Irish girl's name is descended from that Japanese Priest. And then when the ancient greek eta evolves into H providing us with Hin, Hin migrates east and washes up on a Japanese Beach.

At the Fall of the Byzantine Empire they disperse to the Lombard region in Italy and Kievan Rus to the north of the Black Sea.

Saturday, 26 October 2019

Creature Catalogue: Eye Spider

Eye Spider                              
Hit Dice:              2hp*
Armour Class:    7
Movement:          30' (10')
Attacks:               Special
Damage:              Special
No. Appearing:  1-2
Save As:               Fighter L1
Morale:                12
Treasure Type:   nil
Alignment:          Neutral
Experience:         5xp

The Eye Spider will crawl up on a victim unseen while they sleep and drip tears into their victim's eyes causing the victims eyes to hatch and become Eye Spiders. The Player Character can avoid this fate by saving vs poison. A victim is blinded as the eyes simply pop out of their eye sockets and walk off in search of a victim. They often found clinging to cave ceilings dripping tears into the faces of anyone walking beneath them, or in the attic of buildings.

Space Invaders: why did Martians land at Grovers Mill, N.J.?

The Martian Cylinder crosses the void between Mars and Earth, Impacting at Grovers Mill, New Jersey. But why land there? Apart from its out of the way backwater existence, what reason would Martians have for landing there?

Its Arrival likely goes unnoticed: The site is on the border of Cretaceous Silt, Sand and Clay corridor that experiences Quakes in the 2.4-3.3 magnitude.  So the cylinder impact will be unrecognizable from any other naturally occuring quake in this area.

Good water supply: The Bedrock Aquifer Well Yields are >500gpm for the region meaning highest amount of water will flow up through the bedrock shattered by the cylinder's arrival, filling the crater.

Minimal Exportable Materials: Grovers Mill has Sand and Gravel Quarries so its use is purely as a labour pool employed to exploit local materials used in roads and building construction.

Gravitational Anomolies: These are at around zero plus/minus twenty milligals.

Magnetic Anomalies: there is a 600-700 gamma magnetic anomaly four miles to the south west.

Other Minerals: Copper exists to the north and north-west ranging from 10-40 miles distant. Further north, heavy magnetite availability and some graphite deposits.

All up there is some advantage to landing at Grovers Mill. The Impact passed off as a common earthquake and the landing site can be desguised as a lake, they can use the Magnetite and Copper to produce an alloy shell that will result in a mobile weapon held together by magnetic fields. The spaces between the parts lubricated by a graphite grease for near silent movement.

Saturday, 19 October 2019

Isekai Truck: Her only friend

Kaguya waves as her only friend heads off to school... and is promptly killed by a stray Truck.

You know You want an Isekai. I want an Isekai.

Friday, 18 October 2019

Linguistic Archaeology: the Tallest mountains of Japan

Tallest Mountains in Japan
Subtotal (96)

Popularity of use
A    %     E     %     I     %     O     %     U     %
58  60%  25  26% 60  62% 47   48% 35   36%

B     %     C     %     D     %     F     %     G     %
7      7%   6     6%   4     4%   1     1%   11   11%

H     %     J     %      K      %     L     %     M     %
33   34% 4    4%     45    46% 0      0%  23     23%

N     %     P     %     Q     %      R     %     S     %
33   34% 4     4%    0     0%    23   23% 35   36%

T      %     V     %     W     %     X     %     Y     %
24    25% 0     0%    6      6%    0    0%   13    13%

Z      %
3      3%

Popularity of names

62% I: {i}
60% A,i: Ai,
48% O, a, i: Io,
46% K, o, a, i: Aka,
36% S, u, k, o, a, i: Kasa,
34% H, n, s, u, k, o, a, i: Aino, Kannon, Naka, Onishi, Akaishi, Suisho, Haku, Nishi, Asahi, Hakuun, Hokkai,
26% E, h, u, n, s, k, o, a, i: Neishi, Ena,
25% T, e, h, u, n, s, k, o, a, i: Kita, Okuhotaka, Kitahotaka, Nishinotori, Nantai, Ontake, Tate, Tateshina, Nipesotsu, Oputateshike,
23% M, r, e, t, h, u, n, s, k, o, a, i: Maehotaka, Shiomi, Minami, Kaikoma, Kisokoma, Minamikoma, Asama, Kuma, Sannomine, Kitamata, Norikura, Shirouma, Tekari, Nikko-shirane, Kusatsu-shirane, Tomuraushi, Kumotori,
13% Y, r, m, e, t, h, u, n, s, k, o, a, i: Yari, Yakushi, Kashimayari, Yoko, Yakushi, Yumiori, Yake, Myoko, Mamiya, Nyu, Ryoun,
11% G, y, r, m, e, t, h, u, n, s, k, o, a, i: Tsurugi, Utsugi, Goryu, Akanagi, Nokogiri, Tengu, Ogura, Goshiki, Uonuma-Komagatake,
7% B, g, y, r, m, e, t, h, u, n, s, k, o, a, i: Obami, Kurobegoro, Tsubakuro, Bessan, Naeba, Eboshi, Biei,
6% C, w, b, g, y, r, m, e, t, h, u, n, s, k, o, a, i: Hiuchi, Hiuchigatake, Hokuchin, Chokai, Tokachi, Warusawa, Karasawa, Arakawa-naka, Washiba, Sannosawa, Iwate,
4% D, p, j, w, c, b, g, y, r, m, e, t, h, u, n, s, k, o, a, i: Poroshiri, Pippu, Kinpu, Sanpo, Senjo, Jonen, Hijiri, Matsuda, Dainichi, Iide, Daibosatsu, Midori,
3% Z, d, w, j, c, p, b, g, y, r, m, e, t, h, u, n, s, k, o, a, i: Jizo, Azumaya, Koizumi,
1% F, z, d, w, j, c, p, b, g, y, r, m, e, t, h, u, n, s, k, o, a, i: Fuji,
Nil Use (X, V, Q, L)

Its a small sample of the total mountains of Japan.

The top two popular mountains are located to the east of a plain up the Fuji river- walling in a region. And they are next to each other suggesting an early occupation site. And despite the river Fuji being overlooked by Mount Fuji, the river's original name is not going to be Fuji.
Features of our site include mount Minotochuyama in the centre of the boxed-in region. That seems a likely point of interest. It observes both the taller mountains. 2.5km x 2.5km in area. That is sufficient to support an early population group.

Any way, there is what we can discern from the two most popular mountain names (48% Io, 46% Aka). Kasa is next at 36% though its not in this local area. Aino doesnt come in until 34%. Though Mount Ai would still be the most popular form for first mountain and the river Oi its river. You can only wonder what was there.

Other worlds: The Future Origin of Truck-kun

Truck-kun exists because space-time is like a corral reef where the living cling to the dead. Truck-kun is driving on the dead part, but because of the use of man-made black holes where the singularity is a moment of change in possibility and movement in space time is subject to the reality that the distance between A and B is change in possibility via superposition, Truck-kun is based on something real because the space-time on which it travels has collapsed in stability (undergoing change in possibility) so people intentionally step in front of Truck-kun or are intentionally isekai'ed by Truck-kun so it can still get to its destination in the future taking existence at superposition from its victims.

This component of Anime is about a future wiped out by singularity weapons. Because... Humans are genocidal assholes and black holes expand forward and backward through time from point of origin as change in possibility.

It certainly explains that dream I had as a kid where a blond kid lures me out onto a rural road overgrown with long grass just before a green landrover comes barreling down the grassy road.

Hit Dice:            22HD*
Armour Class:  3
Movement:      900' (300')
Attack:              Crush or Impact
Damage:           22hp or 20d6hp
No. Appearing: 1(1)
Save As:             Fighter L22
Morale:               12
Treasure Type: 4sp scrap

An out of control one ton ISEKAI branded vehicle looking to reincarnate its next victim.

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Epic Tier: Journey to Saturn

A Crude Animated film about Space... the final Frontier.

Epic Tier: Ronal the Barbarian

Ronal the Barbarian is a crude film about one Barbarian's Journey to exterminate a BBEG, ravage a Tribe of Amazons, Intimidate some Faries with the size of his balls, Rip a page from a library book, and conquer a Shield Maiden.

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

More Memes: Unexplained Details in Konosuba

Maybe she had to dumb herself down to Kazuma's level?

Konosuba has a lot of obscure little details... like a blue glowing thing that is never seen again.

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Campaign Setting: Beyond the Shield Wall

Human Civilization is confined to a single enclave, walled in by fifty feet high walls designed to protect its farm lands and homes from the non-human threat beyond...

Educational Memes: Learning Curves

Saturday, 5 October 2019

Other World: The Alphabet from Konosuba

 Here are almost all the runes from the Other World in the Konosuba anime.

Unknown Runes

Perhaps this will help you progress further...

Basic Expert: Semanians

Though Elf-like, Semanians are descended of Nixie-Human Ancestry. Their ears are short and pointy as opposed to the longer elf ears. Their skin is almost Anemic pale with ash-white hair colour and indigo iris colouration. Physical height ranges from 5'0"-5'5" (5'+1d6 inches).

The Basic Class

The Fighter is the class for Semanians, and they progress as humans would progress as a fighter. There are a few Sword Masters amongst the Semanians. However, some may pursue other sources of power to further develop their own talents.

Semanians & The Taboo Art
Magic Spell-casting is considered culturally unacceptable, even though their world is drowning in magic. That being said, a Semanian Fighter might advance sufficiently eventually investing One hundred thousand experience Points per spell level in making an enchantment an ability that can be drawn on naturally, though their choices will determine how Semanian Society regards them. As such Semanian spells are at 40th level.

Red Wizards
Red Wizards will seek to gain all magic spells through this process of investing experience points to make a spell a permanant ability.
A Semanian who studies the Taboo Arts of Wizard Magic will taint their scent permanantly with Latina allowing them to be Instantly Identified as a Spell Caster. Red Wizards must by their own law wear red Robes and hat once they gain their first spell ability.

White Knights of Kizenya
A Semanian Knight will function as a fighter until they can invest one hundred and fifty thousand surplus experience points each to the spell abilities of Clerical Bless and Detect Magic to use them as natural abilities. This ritual takes place at the temple dedicated to the Semanian God of Justice (Kizenya) before other gathered Knights of Justice- sacrificing sufficient xp to avoid a loss of level while doing so.

Friday, 4 October 2019

Anime Ancestry: that time Princess Gigi gets isekai'ed by a truck

You probably arn't all that familiar with Princess Gigi (aka Magical Girl Minky Momo). She is that early 80s anime Pink haired Magical girl who brainwashes a couple of humans and pretends to be their daughter while she goes through life as a veterinarian or powers up as an adult girl who indulges in a bunch of 'Barbie gets a Job' and helps out episodes until they have her isekai'ed by a truck (yes... there is blood shown on the front of the truck as it swerves off road afterwards) like Zombieland Saga (and not quite like Konosuba) only to be born over as the real child of her earth parents. While this series sets the foundations for future Magical Girl suffering, it is the bit where the pink haired girl is providing veterinary care to animals that will resonate with most Pokemon Fans.

She is the Veterinarian precursor of every Pokemon Center's Pink-haired Nurse Joy.

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Firefly Serenity: Simon and River Tam are not who you think they are

Despite what we are told in the Firefly Series and Follow-up film Serenity, Simon and River Tam are not Siblings. All their flashbacks are fake memories to strengthen the otherwise flimsy conditioning that they are siblings. Yes Simon Tam is a doctor. In all likelyhood he is the genius who 'cut into her brain' over and over. As of her Rescue, he is also her handler.
To off-quote some Blake's Seven: 'He stayed close and let her run.'
Of course he cant just lie to her because that would be transparent as hell, so his memories had to be adjusted as well. They had to share the same memories of childhood all the way up to his extraction of her from the Institute.

What does this mean? It means that River Tam's childhood memories can now be scrutinized. The young River Tam's game with young Simon about being an Alliance unit cut off and forced to resort to Cannibalism, and about being attacked by Dinosaurs suggests that the Alliance employed her tactical thinking to win the war against the Browncoats. It might not just be the current conflict, it might even be the next conflict that she is analyzing.

Of course, River is a Key, and that key needs to be pushed into a lock and turned so Simon is programmed with memories of his 'sister', and the reprogramming is proven to be working when the rebellious Simon Tam is detained in a Black-out Zone talking to disreputable people about rescuing his sister from the institute.

And so he Rescues his sister because he is also smart.

Of course the Operative sent to pursue River and Simon in the Film doesnt know about any of this. Because the right hand doesnt know what the left hand is doing. All the Operative knows is River Tam is a Psychic who was put in a room with the greatest minds of the Alliance and knows their secrets. What he doesnt know is that was the reason they all went to be in a room with River Tam. She is their Archive.

The motto of every government: Who Dares, Wins.

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Creature Catalogue: Infernals

There has been in recent times across the city of Thyatis an outbreak of spontaneous human combustion ending in a sudden and unexpected metamorphosis into something vaguely reminiscent of a Fire Elemental which most often lashes out in a rampage burning even loved ones. It is unknown why ordinary people are succumbing to this terrible fate. Unknown to all but a few as to the true source of this spreading pestilence...

Size    ×4
HD     ×8HD*
AC      -3
MV    30' (10')
AT     Burning Touch or Fireball
DA     1d6/HD or 1d6/HD
SA     As Fighter of equal HD
NA    1 (1-4)
ML    11
TT      Nil
AL     Chaotic

This horror is about four times the physical height of its original human form. The cause of this is infestation by a tiny ash-crawler which penetrates the body by dimension door. The victim must save vs death-ray at -18 penalty or transform into an Infernal. Those who make their save manifest a Pyromancy talent. This means they can manipulate fire, or manifest and manipulate their own fire.

Brexit Memes: Put down the Pokeball

Korean Film: A ghost story

A story about a student who can see ghosts...

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Linguistic Archaeology: Spirits of the Brazen Vessel


In the first episode, The Sun in a Bottle, Edward had to swear to the 'Spirits of the Brazen Vessel' not to mention Catweazle to anyone.

'King Salomon had allegedly locked seventy-two evil spirits together with their legions in a brass vessel – a metal cauldron – as punishment for their pride. When Solomon had tied them up and had sealed the vessel he sank it together with the spirits in a deep lake (or a cave) in Babylon. The Babylonians were surprised when they found the cauldron, and they ventured into the lake to break open the vessel. They expected to find a wealth of treasure in it, but scarcely had they broken open the cauldron when the upper spirits flew away, their legions following them.'

Sources: The Lesser Key of Solomon (The Goetia); Die Kinder Lucifers, a german version of the Dictionnaire Infernal (from Collin de Plancy, approx. 1845).

72 Spirits of the Brazen Vessel (and alternate names)

1. Bael
2. Agares
3. Vassago
4. Samigina
5. Gamigin
6. Marbas
7. Valefor
8. Amon
9. Barbatos
10. Paimon
11. Buer
12. Gusion
13. Sitri
14. Beleth
15. Leraje
16. Leraikha
17. Eligos
18. Zepar
19. Botis
20. Bathin
21. Sallos
22. Purson
23. Marax
24. Ipos
25. Aim
26. Naberius
27. Glasya-Labolas
28. Bune
29. Bime
30. Ronove
31. Berith
32. Astaroth
33. Forneus
34. Foras
35. Asmoday
36. Gaap
37. Furfur
38. Marchosias
39. Stolas
40. Stolos
41. Phenex
42. Halphas
43. Malthus
44. Malphas
45. Raum
46. Focalor
47. Vepar
48. Sabnock
49. Shax
50. Vine
51. Bifrons
52. Uvall
53. Vual
54. Haagenti
55. Crocell
56. Furcas
57. Balam
58. Alloces
59. Camio
60. Caim
61. Murmur
62. Murmus
63. Orobas
64. Gremory
65. Gamori
66. Ose
67. Voso
68. Amy
69. Avnas
70. Oriax
71. Orias
72. Vapula
73. Naphula
74. Zagan
75. Volac
76. Valak
77. Valu
78. Ualag
79. Andras
80. Haures
81. Hauras
82. Flauros
83. Andrealphus
84. Cimejes
85. Kimaris
86. Amdusias
87. Amdukias
88. Belial
89. Decarabia
90. Seere
91. Sear
92. Dantalion
93. Andromalius

Popularity of use

A      %       E       %         I          %         O          %        U          %
67     72%  29      31%    31       33%     36         38%   24         25%

B       %       C       %         D         %         F          %          G          %
17     18%    11     11%    8         8%        6          6%        9          9%

H        %        J       %        K         %          L         %           M         %
14      15%     1      1%      5         5%        28       30%       21       22%

N         %        P      %        Q         %           R         %           S          %
18       19%     10    10%    0         0%        40        43%      45        48%

T           %        V      %       W        %            X         %          Y          %
11         11%    13    13%    0         0%         4         4%         3          3%

Z            %
1            1%

Names by Popularity of Use

72% A:
48% S, a:
43% R, s, a:
38% O, r, s, a:
33% I, o, r, s, a: Orias,
31% E, i, o, r, s, a: Sear, Seere, Ose,
30% L, e, i, o, r, s, a: Sallos,
25% U, l, e, i, o, r, s, a:
22% M, u, l, e, i, o, r, s, a: Murmus, Murmur, Raum, Aim,
19% N, m, u, l, e, i, o, r, s, a: Amon,
18% B, n, m, u, l, e, i, o, r, s, a: Belial, Orobas, Balam, Bime, Bune, Naberius, Buer, Marbas, Bael,
15% H, b, n, m, u, l, e, i, o, r, s, a: Hauras, Haures,
13% V, h, b, n, m, u, l, e, i, o, r, s, a: Valu, Avnas, Voso, Vual, Uvall, Vine, Ronove,
11% C, T, h, b, n, m, u, l, e, i, o, r, s, a: Volac, Caim, Camio, Alloces, Crocell, Malthus, Stolos, Stolas, Marchosias, Astaroth, Berith, Bathin, Botis, Beleth, Sitri, Barbatos,
10% P, t, c, h, b, n, m, u, l, e, i, o, r, s, a: Naphula, Vapula, Vepar, Malphas, Halphas, Ipos, Purson, Paimon,
9% G, p, t, c, h, b, n, m, u, l, e, i, o, r, s, a: Ualag, Gamori, Haagenti, Gaap, Eligos, Gusion, Gamigin, Samigina, Vassago, Agares,
8% D, g, p, t, c, h, b, n, m, u, l, e, i, o, r, s, a: Andromalius, Dantalion, Decarabia, Amdukias, Amdusias, Andrealphus, Andras, Asmoday,
6% F, d, g, p, t, c, h, b, n, m, u, l, e, i, o, r, s, a: Flauros, Furcas, Bifrons, Focalor, Furfur, Foras, Forneus,
5% K, f, d, g, p, t, c, h, b, n, m, u, l, e, i, o, r, s, a: Kimaris, Valak, Sabnock, Leraikha, Valefor,
4% X, k, f, d, g, p, t, c, h, b, n, m, u, l, e, i, o, r, s, a: Oriax, Shax, Phenex, Marax,
3% Y, x, k, f, d, g, p, t, c, h, b, n, m, u, l, e, i, o, r, s, a: Amy, Gremory, Glasya-labolas,
1% J, Z, y, x, k, f, d, g, p, t, c, h, b, n, m, u, l, e, i, o, r, s, a: Cimejes, Zagan, Zepar, Leraje,
Un-used: Q, W, 

At 33% Orias appears to be the earliest, and most well known of the seventy-two spirits. Orias is a Marquis of hell commanding thirty legion's of spirits. He is described as having knowledge of the planets and stars. He is depicted as a lion riding a horse with a serpent's tail. He also carries two serpents in his right hand.

So originally he is a powerful Marquis commanding thirty legions. Whats a legion? A legion is a combined force of 3,000-6,000 infantry, and 100-200 cavalry. So thirty legions is 900,000-1,800,000 infantry, and 3,000-6,000 cavalry.
He is an Astronomer with knowledge of stars and planets.
As a lion, he is likely blond, with a heavy beard that likely looks like a lions mane.
Carries two serpents in his right hand. This is probably the Caduceus (Staff of Hermes) which originates with the Sumerian God Ningishzida 4,000 BC - 3,000 BC. The Staff is born by heralds (messengers).

At 19% we have Amon (for you Game of Thrones fans).