Memories of Connor's Adventures

Orlando the Adventurer pulled a Scimitar from beneath his Robes and smiled...

Saturday, 29 December 2018

Ecological Disaster: A very unwell Possum

Occasionally I get Possums at the house looking for Fresh water and a bit of food. This one showed up suffering what look like burns around paws and ears. Also a bare patch on his back. I now need to capture him and have the wildlife people pick him up for care.

Update (31/12/2018): Apparently thats Stress Dermatitis due to immune deficiency, and a very nasty Staph infection.

Thursday, 27 December 2018

Wilderness Adventure: The Black Summer

It has been a particularly hot and dry Summer when the first whiff of smoke reached the village. And as the distant glow of a forest fire appeared in the mountains the villagers began heaping earth bricks onto the timber rooftops of their wooden huts and building earthworks up against walls and windows. The fire's arrival was preceeded by fleeing animals and monsters...a sure sign it was close.

The PCs are sent to the hill to guage the distance of the fire. Rather than a simple bushfire they see the giant tentacled horror of metal spewing a ray of burning light as it drags itself slowly across the landscape.  They can watch their village burn, or they can venture into the caves seeking the fabled rust monster that dwells within that you might use the creature as a weapon against this unstoppable foe.

Sunday, 23 December 2018

holiday decorations: The Doom that befalls all...

Step one: A Tree...

Step two: Some water colour paints...

Step three: totally f... up the Seven Pointed Star. Paint over it. Draw a new star. Paint around it. Colour it in gold and add gold glitter. Paint around it again... settle for less than perfect.

Thursday, 20 December 2018

Stellar Cartography: Planet X

Planet X has been described as being eight Earth Masses. If that refers to a Neptunian Type planet with then we are faced with something big. So big it should be impossible not to spot.

Alias: Planet X, Planet Nine, Nibiru
ME: 8
RE: 17
pE: 0.001628 (Density: 0.008978 g/cm3)
GE: 0.02768 (Gravity: 0.2715 ms-1)
VE: 0.6860 (7.674 km/s)
Description: Deep blue Methane gas giant with significant monopolar Ozone caused by unidentified cryogenic process as opposed to electrical storms.

Description: Pale yellow Methane and possibly Flourine atmosphere. Flourine boils at 85K so its upward from that.

Assuming Phet Rok is operating at Temperature (90K), and Albedo (4) that backwards calculates as Distance (7.5 AU). That cant be right. That would make it inside Saturn's Orbit (9AU) sitting out there between us and Proxima below the equator?

Perhaps its getting its heat from the primary planet.

Update (23/12/2018): If Planet X (Kutar) and its moon (Phet Rok) are about 7.5 AU from the Sun in a downward direction of -62 degrees from earth toward Proxima so its between us and Proxima, it could be orbiting Jupiter at a deep angle. If it was orbiting Jupiter at 2AU (hyporhetically since its probably not) then it would be in the right temperature range, and a 2AU Jupiter orbit means it passes through the Asteroid Belt at 2AU-3AU.

As a 'Star' Jupiter has a luminosity of 0.6, and at 2AU from Jupiter Planet X and its 0.1 Albedo are running at 169K (Phet Rok with 0.4 Albedo would be 153K). Back calculating from the mass of our Star Jupiter (0.0009551098 Solar Masses) and a Planet X orbit of 2.0622AU, we get 35000 days orbital period. It would be orbiting Jupiter every ninety eight years while Jupiter Orbits the Sun every eleven and a bit years.
It means that Kutar and Phet Rok are following Jupiter in an orbital path well below the equator... unnoticed.

Of course once I get around to calculating the distance from Jupiter a more accurate picture will unfold...

Further Update (23/12/2018):
Okay, after some extensive calculator use Kutar and Phet Rok are orbiting Jupiter at a distance of 6.23AU at a down angle from Jupiter of -81.471 degrees. Kutar's temperature (jupiter luminosity 0.6@6.23AU vs Solar luminosity 1@7.5AU) is 93-99K (Phet Rok is 83-90K). Its orbital period around Jupiter is now a colossal 182,455 days (499.8 years).

I assume Its orbiting the Sun every 11 and a bit years as a 'shadow moon' of Jupiter.

Update(27/12/2018): If it orbits Jupiter (5.2AU) at an orbital radius of 6.23AU, then it passes through the Plane at 1AU and 11.4AU every 499.8 years. Now it doesnt collide with earth every time but there is a long term trend of catastrophic ice ages that happens every 98,000 years- the last being around 18,000 years ago over a period of several thousand years meaning multiple hits in a window of proximity. So the human race probably has 80,000 years before it comes around again...

Update(28/12/2018): examining the primary image Kutar is 3x in diameter and is 28x from Phet Rok. If Kutar is 2-4 (3) earth diameter, then Phet Rok is 0.0017886AU from Kutar. And its orbital period around its 'star' (in this case- Kutar) is 5.64 days. So I go and calculate the mass of Phet Rok. I get 7.99062137 earth masses.
For some reason Phet Rok (the moon orbiting Kutar) has a mass near or Identical to the expected Mass of Kutar.

So I went wrong somewhere... or the Moon Phet Rok is the near eight earth mass core of Kutar (the big ball of deep Blue methane and ozone that I thought it orbited). Somehow its an Atmosphere separated from its eight earth mass??

Planet Atmospheres by Pixel Colours

Phet Rok
 Yellowish Methane

 Deep Blue Methane

A useful chart

Our unexpected Planets

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Free Gold: The Forgotten Mine of Arothand

In a 20' × 20' chamber within the Deep Dwarven Mine of Arothand is every ounce of gold dug from the Heart of a Mountain.

1,280,000 ounces of gold ÷ 16 ounces × 10cn = 800,000gp

The mine workings themselves are no less than 16,843 10' × 10' ×10' volumes of mined space yielding no less than one ounce of gold per ton. So a chamber 160' high x 160' wide × 160' long with towering in situ pillars to prevent the mountain from crumbling.

Its guardians are a dwarven vampire, cavern predators, A Dwarven army of stone statues, and the occasional multi-ton (20d6 damage) block of stone.

Brexit Topia: An amazing singing voice

A beautiful singing voice... and his mum let him sing the naughty words too.

Sunday, 16 December 2018

Linguistic Archaeology: the popularity of particular names

Males                 Females                     
Arwold              Aebba                         
Bede                  Aelflaid           
Beornwine       Asthelberg                   
Caedmon          Aethelthryth 
Cerdic               Baldhild           
Ecgric                Bebba           
Egbert               Begu               
Gefmund          Cwenburg     
Hangist             Cyneburh           
Hewald             Cynwise         
Horsa                Eafe                 
Ingwold            Eanflaed       
Luidhard          Fara                 
Nothelm           Frigyth         
Octa                  Hilda                         
Osric                 Hildelith       
Raedwald         Osthryth       
Swaefred          Ricula           
Tunberht          Saethryth     
Wuffa                Verca  

Vowel & Consonant appearance (anglosaxon subgroup)

Vowel appearance (males vs female)

Sex   letter a   %     Letter e    %        letter i     %        letter o    %     letter u   %
M      10/20   50%   11/20    55%     6/20      30%      8/20    40%    3/20    15%
F       13/20   65%   14/20    70%     7/20      35%      1/20      5%    3/20    15%
Consonant appearance (males vs female)

Sex   letter b      %     Letter c    %      letter d   %     letter f     %        letter g      %
M       4/20       20%     5/20     25%     9/20   45%    3/20    15%       5/20       25% 
F        7/20       35%     5/20     25%     5/20   25%    5/20     25%      4/20       20%

Sex    letter h     %          letter j    %      letter k   %    letter l     %      letter m     %
M        6/20      30%        0/20     0%      0/20     0%    5/20    25%     3/20       15%
F         9/20      45%        0/20      0%     0/20     0%     8/20   40%      0/20       0%

Sex    letter n    %    letter p    %   letter q  %    letter r    %   letter s     %
M        7/20    35%    0/20     0%    0/20   0%   9/20    45%    4/20   20%
F         3/20    15%    0/20     0%    0/20   0%   10/20  50%    4/20   20%

Sex    letter t    %    letter v    %   letter w  %    letter x    %   letter y  %
M        5/20    25%   0/20    0%   7/20     35%   0/20   0%    0/20   0%
F         6/20    30%   1/20    5%   2/20     10%   0/20   0%   6/20   30%

Popular use
Potential female names
70% {E}
65% {A, e}
50% {R, a, e}, Rae, Aera, Are (Arku)
45% {H, r, a, e} Hera
40% {L, h, r, a, e} Helea, Hel
35% {B, i, l, h, r, a, e} Bilara, Aebba, Bebba
30% {T, y, b, i, l, h, r, a, e} Tybil, Aethelthryth
25% {C, d, f, t, y, b, i, l, h, r, a, e} Baldhild, Eafe, Fara, Hilda, Hildelith
20% {G, s, c, d, f, t, y, b, i, l, h, r, a, e} Shirley, Aelflaid, Asthelberg, Begu, Frigyth, Saethryth
15% {U, n, g, s, c, d, f, t, y, b, i, l, h, r, a, e} Sean, Banshee (Barns-hei), Cyneburh, Eanflaed, Ricula
10% {W, u, n, g, s, c, d, f, t, y, b, i, l, h, r, a, e} Ngulwun, Cwenberg, Cynwise
5% {V, o, w, u, n, g, s, c, d, f, t, y, b, i, l, h, r, a, e} Connor, Dragon, Draco, Woden, Tybolt, Eve, Arwold, Osthryth, Verca

Potential male names
55% {E}  
50% {A, e}
45% {D, r, a, e} Drae, Rade, Edar, Erda, Erad, Eadr, Aedr, Aedar
40% {O, d, r, a, e} Daro, Odar
35% {N, w, o, d, r, a, e} Woden, Darren
30% {H, i, n, w, o, d, r, a, e} Odin, Hera
25% {C, g, l, t, h, i, n, w, o, d, r, a, e} Draco, Connor, Thingol, Dragon, Agon, Eldred, Thor, Otar, Arwold, Cerdic, Ecgric, Hewald, Ingwold, Nothelm, Octa, Raedwald
20% {B, s, c, g, l, t, h, i, n, w, o, d, r, a, e} Banshee (Barns-hei), Sean, Bede, Beornwine, Egbert, Hangist, Horsa, Osric
15% {U, f, m, b, s, c, g, l, t, h, i, n, w, o, d, r, a, e} William, Adolf, Gandalf, Hercules, Caedmon, Gefmund, Luidhard, Swaefred, Tunberht, Wuffa

Anglosaxon Group
Name length   4                  5                    6                 7                   8                  9        10                11        12
Male                  2/20 10%   3/20 15%   5/20 25%  5/20 25%    4/20 20%   1/20 5%  0/20  0%   0/20     0%      0/20  0%
Female             3/20  15%  4/20  20%  2/20  10%  2/20  10%  6/20 30%  2/20  10% 0/20   0%     0/20    0%  1/20  5%

Males                 Females
Ailill                   Ailinn                 
Began                Aine             
Brendan           Aynia           
Bresal               Badb             
Cerbhall           Becuma       
Colum               Brigit           
Conchobhar    Cliodna               
Culann             Deirdre          
Cynyr               Emer           
Diarmaid        Etain             
Donnan           Ethnea         
Eoghan            Fand             
Erim                Fiona               
Ferghus          Grainne 
Gwiawn          Lethrenn     
Maelen            Liban           
Medr                Luchair             
Morfran          Medhbh       
Senan              Niamh                     
Uchdryd         Oenghus

Irish Group
Name length   4                 5                 6                 7                   8                9            10
Male            2/20 10%  4/20 20%  7/20 35% 4/20 20%  2/20 10%  9/20 45%  1/20  5%
Female       4/20  20%  5/20 25% 4/20  20%  5/20  25%   1/20 5%   0/20 0%  0/20  0%

Vowel & Consonant appearance (Irish subgroup)
Vowel appearance (males vs female)

Sex   letter a   %     Letter e    %        letter i     %        letter o    %     letter u   %
M      14/20   70%   10/20    50%     4/20      20%      5/20    25%    4/20    20%
F       14/20   70%   10/20    50%     11/20    55%      3/20    15%    2/20    10%

Consonant appearance (males vs female)

Sex   letter b      %     Letter c    %      letter d   %     letter f     %        letter g      %
M       5/20       25%     6/20     30%     5/20   25%    2/20    10%       3/20       15% 
F        5/20       25%     3/20     15%     5/20   25%    2/20     10%      3/20       15%

Sex    letter h     %          letter j    %      letter k   %    letter l     %      letter m     %
M        5/20      25%        0/20     0%      0/20     0%    5/20    25%     4/20       20%
F         6/20      30%        0/20      0%     0/20     0%     5/20   25%      4/20       20%

Sex    letter n    %       letter p    %   letter q  %    letter r    %       letter s     %
M        10/20    50%    0/20     0%    0/20   0%   10/20    50%    3/20       15%
F         13/20    65%    0/20     0%    0/20   0%   6/20       30%    1/20        5%

Sex    letter t    %     letter v    %   letter w  %    letter x    %     letter y  %
M        0/20    0%     0/20      0%   1/20     5%   0/20      0%    2/20    10%
F         4/20    20%   0/20      0%   0/20     0%   0/20      0%   1/20     10%

Popular use
Potential female names by popularity
70% {A}
65% {N, a} An, Anna
55% {I, n, a} Ain
50% {E, i, n, a} Aine
30% {H, r, e, i, n, a} Irina
25% {B, d, l, h, r, e, i, n, a} Ailinn, Badb, Deirdre, Liban
20% {M, t, b, d, l, h, r, e, i, n, a} Emer, Etain, Ethnea, Lethrenn, Medhbh, Niamh
15% {O, g, c, m, t, b, d, l, h, r, e, i, n, a} Connor, Draco, Brigit, Cliodna, Grainne
10% {U, f, y, o, g, c, m, t, b, d, l, h, r, e, i, n, a} Hel, Luna, Aynia, Becuma, Fand, Fiona, Luchair
5% {S, u, f, y, o, g, c, m, t, b, d, l, h, r, e, i, n, a} Sean, Banshee (Barns-hei) Oenghus

Potential male names by popularity of use
70% {A}  
50% {N, r, a, e} Arn, Nar, Nara, Ean, Ran, Ra, Ar, Enar
30% {C, n, r, a, e} Crane
25% {O, b, d, h, l, c, n, r, a, e} Hel, Connor, Nero, Brendan, Cerbhall, Conchobhar, Donnan
20% {I, u, m, o, b, d, h, l, c, n, r, a, e} Luna, Harlan, Ailill, Colum, Culann, Diarmaid, Erim, Maelen, Medr
15% {S, g, i, u, m, o, b, d, h, l, c, n, r, a, e} Bilara, Banshee (Barns-hei), Draco, Dragon, Sigmund, Sean, Began, Bresal, Eoghan, Senan
10% {F, y, s, g, i, u, m, o, b, d, h, l, c, n, r, a, e} Cynyr, Ferghus, Morfran, Uchdryd
5% {W, f, y, s, g, i, u, m, o, b, d, h, l, c, n, r, a, e} Gwiawn

Sean is more likely to be common amongst Anglo Saxon males than Irish, yet Connor is more likely to be an Irish or Anglo-saxon  name than Sean. In all likelyhood Sean originates with the Anglosaxons. These popularity trends can be down to the misdeeds associated with individuals, the source of a shared alphabet.

Aine is a standout name amongst Irish women. The need of a reduced character set for it to exist might mean it has an ancient origin as the name of the first Irish woman. Who is Aine?
Aebba & Bebba on the other hand are apparently Twins. Though not as popular amongst the Anglosaxons as Aine is to the Irish.